Spiritual Inspiration

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    Message from Heaven


    Number of posts : 19
    Age : 47
    Location : Nairobi, Kenya
    Job/hobbies : Traveling, Spirituality
    Registration date : 2014-12-11

    Message from Heaven Empty Message from Heaven

    Post  grpauls Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:50 pm

    When one meditates, he/she is basically tapping into their God selves for resolution. So it is right to state that God is not an outside entity, although he can be, depending on your believes, but the truth is that he isn't an outside force.....it is a fact that everyone has God in themselves, so when one prays to God, in-reality they are accessing their inner selves to get linked up physically.

    Isn't it true then,  to state that all solutions to any and all problems first have to be managed spiritually for the change to physically take place? and only then in such realization can anyone's life change, so I encourage all you that are in deep problems, that need serious advice, that need to figure a way out......it is very easy, just get down to cooling your mind off by relaxing it, staying calm in as much as the world is in turmoil, closing your eyes and take a couple of breathes, and silently allowing your ultimate self to take over,  even if difficult to do, but just do it, and in the even of becoming, your real self, your immortal self, your spirit - the real breathe of God - shall come in and take care your worldly affairs.

    IN REALITY: You can save everyone that you love, you can change your whole life or their lives, which is just a breathe away from yourself.  Disease can escape from you, or your loved ones within a breathe. It is all possible, and it has nothing to do with your faith, believe, or relationship with anyone. Cheers!

    Last edited by grpauls on Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : pronouniaction)

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