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    Dead birds as a sign?


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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  reikistar Sun May 24, 2015 11:49 am

    Apparently seeing a dead bird means a new beginning. I've seen several dead birds recently and each time it  makes me sad, but then it struck me maybe there is a symbol or omen. Has anyone else found this?


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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  skye Sun May 24, 2015 4:08 pm

    I admit to not attaching any meaning symbolic or otherwise, when I see a dead bird. Perhaps the new beginning is because the bird having died has begun a 'new beginning' in the afterlife? Sorry I can't help you any further Reikistar.

    Number of posts : 70
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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  reikistar Sun May 24, 2015 4:47 pm

    No problem Skye, thanks for posting anyway. I see much of life as symbolic so I suppose that line of thinking appeals to me. Plus signs tend to crop up for me and coincide with what's going on in my life. But yes, there will hopefully be a new beginning for the birds. 


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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  Yushri Sun May 24, 2015 6:19 pm

    Several dead birds to me means let old things go. Things which aren't 'usefull' anymore to you but perharps in a way still is 'connected'(can't find the right english word). Like having an old car for years, makes a part of your life but you actually rather would have a new car or without one and some of us are having problems to let things go , might be  spiritual in your way because it are birds. Old 'habbits' in your bagage and actually you don't need them anymore. When you release these things you create space in your mind for new things. that's how i see it.

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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  Crystal Thu May 28, 2015 5:30 pm

    Sadly it is that time of year, young birds emerging from the nest fall easily prey to a number of things.

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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  lomax Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:30 am

    Old thread,but i'm seeing dead birds as well.I don't know if it's a good sign,and some people claim it's related with death.
    Light of Hope

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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  Light of Hope Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:13 pm

    Ossa wrote:Old thread,but i'm seeing dead birds as well.I don't know if it's a good sign,and some people claim it's related with death.
    .... and death is related with a new beginning or rebirth.

    Right, I see dead birds from time to time but not in such a mass that I can call it an omen.

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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  Anala Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:25 pm

    We have seen two around our house in the recent week and change is definitely in the air.

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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  BigJohn Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:11 am

    Anala wrote:We have seen two around our house in the recent week and change is definitely in the air.

    Life is dynamic...... but we have a tendency to want it to be static.

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    Dead birds as a sign? Empty Re: Dead birds as a sign?

    Post  Resonator Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:06 pm

    BigJohn wrote:Life is dynamic...... but we have a tendency to want it to be static.
    So true.  For example, the literal meaning of the word 'conservative'.

    I saw a dead bird this morning.  I hope it is a new beginning.

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