There have not been any postings in this section so far, and so this is my offering.
Welcome to the subject of ascension.
For the last two years this has been the turbo boosted direction of my life`s path , after a long time of what seems to me now, to have been a long preparation for this time.
How do I know that it is true, and that I am not deluded?
For someone who might be predominantly within the left type brain of thinking, ( or in the new parlance " in the mind brain ") then evidence and tangible proof is required almost every step of the way. However this is a spiritual forum, and that is understood, and we know that the right brain type thinking or " heart brain " opens up a vast arena of all possibility , and then when linked to the mind brain, it can result in even more remarkable conceptual awareness. I describe it as exploring the possibilities of the whole mind, ( being the sum of the two aspects, ) and then also the resultant expanded mind.
I personally feel that to doubt or to question ( usually arising from within the mind brain I should think, ) is a wise thing to do from time to time, but one needs perhaps in tandem, to keep an open mind to all possibility , and use a great quantity of heart brain.
I found this on this site today which puts it so much better than I can.
" But we`re attuned to the resonance of truth within our being. We can feel when something is true whether or not we can see the one who spoke it or dictated it to a channel. "
" We`re also attuned to seeing our upsets lift in the face of truth, the truth having set us free. We draw upon these ways of being to keep our faith strong. "
If it serves me, and I can truly discern that the outcomes are good, and are also of a loving essence, then that is good enough for me for starters. I feel that this effect is for me, a marker for being on the right pathway. We are all on our own individual pathways, so that is why I am sharing this with you as a personal perspective, rather than a recommended course for all.
On this pathway, there are so many treasures for people, everywhere popping up. New ways of feeling and responding to things. It lightens the load . One of them is here right in this moment of writing, because I am free of seeing this sharing with you as the role of teacher or even as guide. I too am learning as I go along. Within these new energies which are bathing this planet, there are many wonderful internal changes for many. Hence the nearest I can now get to describing this sharing here, is to use the word facilitator, but it is mostly a " take it or leave it " kind of sharing.
This embraces the concept of free will and self responsibility for everyone. Openness and caring and sharing is enough.
As Sandra Walter says in;
Quote; " Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution"
Sandra Walter goes on to say that " people encounter profound internal change due to the ascending frequencies. This heightened awareness returns wisdom, knowledge and a connection to divine aspects of the Self which had been dormant for thousands of years ".
One may, when exploring the right kind of information on ascension, find much as the doorways open up before oneself.
It is a personal journey. For many it is not just a process of personal enlightenment and awareness, but it is also a time and opportunity for a healing of planetary ills.
When an inner balancing of self takes place, then that energy is radiated outwards from us, to have a beneficial effect upon our environment. In that way, with many contributing across the world, the world is also ascending. This does not mean that anyone dies for this to happen. The ancient and previous means of ascension is not applicable in this new way of healing. It is as I understand it, just a change for the better for all. It will in time become a better place for all, and this comes about through personal ascension, and a belonging with a new Earth of higher frequency.
Imagine if you like, waking up in this world on a bright sun shiny morning, to sense a sparkle of freshness in the air, a bright feeling of joyous cohesiveness with all of humanity and with the planetary flora and fauna, and all beautiful opportunity before us all.
For anyone who elects not to follow this way, things can remain the same for them. The higher realms do not force things upon anyone. To force is not the way of free will, and to force does not encompass the flow of energies which manifest as Unconditional Love from the Source of all that is good.