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deep blue ocean
8 posters

    What ascension means to me.


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    What ascension means to me. Empty What ascension means to me.

    Post  sunrise Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:39 pm

    What ascension means to me. -7621220719233538229?ck=1&ex=1

    There have not  been any postings in this section so far, and so this is my offering.

    Welcome to the subject of ascension.
      For the last two years this has been the turbo boosted direction of my life`s path , after a long time of what seems to me now, to have been a long preparation for this time.

    How do I know that it is true, and that I am not deluded? 
     For someone  who might be  predominantly  within the left type brain of thinking, ( or in the new parlance " in the mind brain ")  then evidence and  tangible proof is required almost every step of the way.  However  this is a spiritual forum, and  that is understood, and we know that the right brain type thinking  or " heart brain " opens up a vast arena of all possibility , and then  when linked to the  mind brain, it can result in even more remarkable conceptual awareness.  I describe it as exploring the possibilities of the whole mind, (  being the sum of the two aspects, )  and then also  the resultant expanded mind.  

    I personally feel that to doubt or to question  ( usually arising from within the mind brain I should think, )  is a wise thing to do  from time to time, but one  needs perhaps in tandem,  to keep an open mind to all possibility , and use  a great quantity of heart brain.

    I found this on this site today which puts it so much better than I can.


    "   But we`re attuned  to the resonance of truth within our being. We can feel when something is true whether or not we can see the one who spoke it or dictated it to a channel. "

    "  We`re also attuned to seeing our upsets lift in the face of truth, the truth having set us free.  We draw upon these ways of being to keep our faith strong. "

    If it serves me, and I can truly discern that the outcomes are good, and are also  of a loving  essence, then that is good enough for me for starters.  I feel  that this effect is for me,  a marker for being on the right pathway.  We are all on our own individual pathways, so that is why I am sharing this with you as a personal perspective, rather than a recommended course for all.  

    On this pathway, there are so many treasures for people,  everywhere popping up.  New ways of feeling and responding to things.  It lightens the load .   One of them is here right in this moment of writing,  because  I am free of seeing this sharing with you as the role of teacher or even as guide.   I too am learning as I go along.   Within these new energies which are bathing this planet, there are many wonderful  internal changes for many.  Hence the nearest I can now get to describing this sharing here, is to use the word facilitator, but it is mostly a " take it or leave it " kind of sharing.  

    This embraces the concept of free will and self responsibility  for everyone.  Openness and caring and sharing is enough.                      :bfs:

    As Sandra Walter says in;

    Quote;    "  Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution"   

    Sandra Walter goes on to say that " people encounter profound internal change due to the ascending frequencies. This heightened awareness returns wisdom, knowledge and a connection to divine aspects of the Self which had been dormant for thousands of years ".


    One may, when exploring the right kind of information on ascension, find much as the doorways open up before oneself.
    It is a personal journey.  For many it is not just a process of personal enlightenment and awareness, but it is also a time and opportunity  for  a healing of  planetary ills. 

    When an inner balancing of self takes place, then that energy is radiated outwards from us, to have a beneficial effect upon our environment.  In that way, with many contributing across the world, the world is also ascending.  This does not mean that anyone dies for this to happen.  The ancient and previous means of ascension is not applicable  in this new way of healing.    It is as I understand it, just a change for the better for all.   It will in time become a better place for all,  and  this comes about through personal ascension, and a belonging with a new Earth of higher frequency.

    Imagine if you like, waking up in this world on a bright sun shiny morning, to sense a sparkle of freshness in the air, a  bright feeling of joyous cohesiveness with all of humanity and with the planetary flora and fauna,  and  all beautiful opportunity before us all.  

    For anyone who elects not to follow this way, things can remain the same for them.  The higher realms do not force things upon anyone. To force  is not the way of  free will,  and to force does not  encompass the  flow of  energies which manifest as Unconditional Love from the Source of all that is good.  


                                                                :bfs:                       :ghug:                  

    Number of posts : 1249
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  Crystal Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:19 pm

    Imagine if you like, waking up in this world on a bright sun shiny morning, to sense a sparkle of freshness in the air, a  bright feeling of joyous cohesiveness with all of humanity and with the planetary flora and fauna,  and  all beautiful opportunity before us all. 

    I had a morning like this today, the sunbeams were magnificent!

    Number of posts : 74
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Wjat ascension means to me.

    Post  sunrise Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:58 pm

    Hello Crystal.  Thank you for looking in here.

      Your welcome words,  reminds me of another aspect.

      I for one, usually need reminders!      :sleepy3:

      Within these incoming energies, we are told that whatever we focus our attention/intentions upon, are now more likely to manifest.

      So there is a need to pay attention to how one thinks, and to what we pay attention to.

      I love what you say, and this is exactly what we perhaps should focus on, to love, appreciate even more than before,  and so  bring more of the beautiful things into our lives.


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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  Crystal Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:12 pm

    Yes sometimes thinking is dangerous lol,

    I remember the saying "thoughts are things" and that ini LOA  "like attracts like", but then scientifically opposites attract, Doh!

    What about the idea that when we die we achieve ascension? We can vercome all our fears and worries, pain and suffering and shed that mantle of heavy emotions and the lightness of the spirit then can ascend and the soul is free to wander and find a new body?

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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  ameliorate Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:25 pm

    "Imagine if you like, waking up in this world on a bright sun shiny morning, to sense a sparkle of freshness in the air, a  bright feeling of joyous cohesiveness with all of humanity and with the planetary flora and fauna,  and  all beautiful opportunity before us all.  "

    Yes I remember that feeling when I fell in love!
    What ascension means to me. Color

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    What ascension means to me. Empty What ascension means to me.

    Post  sunrise Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:06 pm

    So beautiful Ameliorate.

        Love.  So many expressions of love, and all within the one great flow from the Source within God.

       The question might be, how to hold on to it in a turbulent world.   We have to maintain it at all costs.


    Number of posts : 1249
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  Crystal Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:18 pm

    sunrise wrote:So beautiful Ameliorate.

        Love.  So many expressions of love, and all within the one great flow from the Source within God.

       The question might be, how to hold on to it in a turbulent world.   We have to maintain it at all costs.

    Love in situation other then family can be very hard. it always does my head in with the idea of loving everyone. Now if we substituted 'compassion' more people might be able to work on this aspect? Love they neighbour can sometimes be very difficult, but to have compassion about their situation can make things easier to understand, to live and work with?

    Number of posts : 3603
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  ameliorate Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:07 pm

    Crystal wrote:
    sunrise wrote:So beautiful Ameliorate.

        Love.  So many expressions of love, and all within the one great flow from the Source within God.

       The question might be, how to hold on to it in a turbulent world.   We have to maintain it at all costs.

    Love in situation other then family can be very hard. it always does my head in with the idea of loving everyone. Now if we substituted 'compassion' more people might be able to work on this aspect? Love they neighbour can sometimes be very difficult, but to have compassion about their situation can make things easier to understand, to live and work with?
    Yes compassion seems more achievable/realistic.  Perhaps when (or if) this is mastered then this paves the way for love.

    Saying how we should  be is not as interesting as declaring where we are with that issue.  I find hearing about our own
    personal journey much more intriguing, i.e. the practical impact of our beliefs on our daily lives.

    Although I like to understand why people are the way they are, I also have strong opinions which can make compassion a challenge.
    I strive to stay focused on love but found it hard to stay centred there.  However, it is a work in progress and I have mellowed a lot
    compared to what I used to be!

    Number of posts : 74
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    What ascension means to me. Empty What ascension means to me.

    Post  sunrise Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:10 pm

    Thank you Crystal for the reminder about compassion.

        I remember that compassion is another aspect of love.  It is love!

        If one were to go within and feel the sensation of compassion, it is unmistakable .  It IS love.

        Sometimes it is as if we try to aspire to too much, when in fact we already have it within us.

        Do we need to remember to just take it at our own speed, step by step?


        I have that family challenge too. It is tough, tough!

        Looking to see why it exists is useful.  But that  "why" then includes us, and we each are involved in those interactions.

        Crystal, you maybe can  guide us in this?

        Someone once said to me " There is nothing in Heaven or Earth to be afraid of, except perhaps ourselves ".

        That took a lot of figuring by me, and a lot of reading and searching.

         Suffice to say for the moment without wading in too deeply here......that love starts at home. 

        Have compassion for the self. nurture the inner child. Look within.  Love the self.   It is not selfish.  They say that when and if the oxygen masks drop in a plane at altitude, put on your own mask first, so as you can assist the child or other, without gasping yourself.   Work on the inner landscape of BEing, before looking out at others.   Tough isn`t it.   But always forgive yourself.


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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  Crystal Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:18 pm

    ameliorate wrote:Yes compassion seems more achievable/realistic.  Perhaps when (or if) this is mastered then this paves the way for love.

    Saying how we should  be is not as interesting as declaring where we are with that issue.  I find hearing about our own
    personal journey much more intriguing, i.e. the practical impact of our beliefs on our daily lives.

    Although I like to understand why people are the way they are, I also have strong opinions which can make compassion a challenge.
    I strive to stay focused on love but found it hard to stay centred there.  However, it is a work in progress and I have mellowed a lot
    compared to what I used to be!
    Ha lol, I second that!

    I too have strong opinions. Nothing wrong in that, usually  they are from a strong base of knowledge and experience and in trying to help others not make the same mistake or cause the same problems.  But if for instance we do not pass on these opinions what is the point of learning in the first place?
    deep blue ocean
    deep blue ocean

    Number of posts : 27
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  deep blue ocean Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:03 pm

    Crystal wrote:
    ameliorate wrote:Yes compassion seems more achievable/realistic.  Perhaps when (or if) this is mastered then this paves the way for love.

    Saying how we should  be is not as interesting as declaring where we are with that issue.  I find hearing about our own
    personal journey much more intriguing, i.e. the practical impact of our beliefs on our daily lives.

    Although I like to understand why people are the way they are, I also have strong opinions which can make compassion a challenge.
    I strive to stay focused on love but found it hard to stay centred there.  However, it is a work in progress and I have mellowed a lot
    compared to what I used to be!
    Ha lol, I second that!

    I too have strong opinions. Nothing wrong in that, usually  they are from a strong base of knowledge and experience and in trying to help others not make the same mistake or cause the same problems.  But if for instance we do not pass on these opinions what is the point of learning in the first place?
    This is a very subtle point actuallly which has more than one aspect to it. Yes, indeed, you are right, we do learn the things we learn for a reason even if more often than not, that reason is just our own spiritual development.

    The other aspect however, is that as spiritual beings, we must take extreme care not to interfere with a person's free will. They do have intended certain processes to take place in their lives, and depriving them of that can in some cases even be disempowering.

    I prefer to approach this on an invitation-only basis. When a person indicates in any shape or form, that they are ready and accepting of guidance, it is right to give it. For those who are not ready, uninvited guidance is often actually counterproductive, which is a lesson that I have had to learn the hard way.

    Number of posts : 1249
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  Crystal Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:35 am

    Hi Deep Blue Ocean, like you beautiful name, some very deep words there and also some that ring true :)

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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  ameliorate Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:05 am

    deep blue ocean wrote:
    The other aspect however, is that as spiritual beings, we must take extreme care not to interfere with a person's free will. They do have intended certain processes to take place in their lives, and depriving them of that can in some cases even be disempowering.

    I prefer to approach this on an invitation-only basis. When a person indicates in any shape or form, that they are ready and accepting of guidance, it is right to give it. For those who are not ready, uninvited guidance is often actually counterproductive, which is a lesson that I have had to learn the hard way.
    I don't really understand what you say about interfering with someone's freewill.  Short of physically enslaving someone, this cannot
    be done, i.e. we always have choice.  People can say what they like but our reactions are of our own making - this is the essence of
    freewill.  Of course, being spiritualised would entail good intent anyway, i.e. constructive criticism.  Suggestions are not guidance.
    Guidance is more direct/compelling.

    Re. disempowering....I like this quote

    "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission" (Eleanor Roosevelt)

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    Post  Crystal Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:12 am

    Chains and whips?  :evil1:

    Freewill can take many forms, from those that are strong and able to easily process information and advice and then make their own decisions, to those that just need a hint and they tip over the edge and follow the advice or idea blindly?

    Being aware of the condition and situation of a person is very important,  of course online that is virtually impossible?
    deep blue ocean
    deep blue ocean

    Number of posts : 27
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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  deep blue ocean Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:52 pm

    ameliorate wrote:
    deep blue ocean wrote:
    The other aspect however, is that as spiritual beings, we must take extreme care not to interfere with a person's free will. They do have intended certain processes to take place in their lives, and depriving them of that can in some cases even be disempowering.

    I prefer to approach this on an invitation-only basis. When a person indicates in any shape or form, that they are ready and accepting of guidance, it is right to give it. For those who are not ready, uninvited guidance is often actually counterproductive, which is a lesson that I have had to learn the hard way.
    I don't really understand what you say about interfering with someone's freewill.  Short of physically enslaving someone, this cannot
    be done, i.e. we always have choice.  People can say what they like but our reactions are of our own making - this is the essence of
    freewill.  Of course, being spiritualised would entail good intent anyway, i.e. constructive criticism.  Suggestions are not guidance.
    Guidance is more direct/compelling.

    Re. disempowering....I like this quote

    "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission" (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    I think Crystal in her response has already explained this quite well. When two people interact, there is a subtle play of energies at work. In practice, one will almost invariably influence the other. Usually this is subtle, but we need only to look at some religions, at dictators and at most army hierarchies to see how bad this can get. By usurping part of the decision making process of an individual, one is in fact taking direct responsibility for the consequences.

    Most relationships are inequal. This is simply due to the imperfect avatars in which we find ourselves incarnated. Humans almost invariably feel a sense of incompleteness and there is a tendency to surrender autonomy to whomever can best pretend to provided completion. This is what leads to codependent relationships, a karmically dangerous situation. I have had to extract myself from one of those and in the process went through a great deal of personal growth.

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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  ameliorate Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:29 pm

    deep blue ocean wrote:
    ameliorate wrote:
    deep blue ocean wrote:
    The other aspect however, is that as spiritual beings, we must take extreme care not to interfere with a person's free will. They do have intended certain processes to take place in their lives, and depriving them of that can in some cases even be disempowering.

    I prefer to approach this on an invitation-only basis. When a person indicates in any shape or form, that they are ready and accepting of guidance, it is right to give it. For those who are not ready, uninvited guidance is often actually counterproductive, which is a lesson that I have had to learn the hard way.
    I don't really understand what you say about interfering with someone's freewill.  Short of physically enslaving someone, this cannot
    be done, i.e. we always have choice.  People can say what they like but our reactions are of our own making - this is the essence of
    freewill.  Of course, being spiritualised would entail good intent anyway, i.e. constructive criticism.  Suggestions are not guidance.
    Guidance is more direct/compelling.

    Re. disempowering....I like this quote

    "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission" (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    I think Crystal in her response has already explained this quite well. When two people interact, there is a subtle play of energies at work. In practice, one will almost invariably influence the other. Usually this is subtle, but we need only to look at some religions, at dictators and at most army hierarchies to see how bad this can get. By usurping part of the decision making process of an individual, one is in fact taking direct responsibility for the consequences.

    Most relationships are inequal. This is simply due to the imperfect avatars in which we find ourselves incarnated. Humans almost invariably feel a sense of incompleteness and there is a tendency to surrender autonomy to whomever can best pretend to provided completion. This is what leads to codependent relationships, a karmically dangerous situation. I have had to extract myself from one of those and in the process went through a great deal of personal growth. 
    Since the word 'usurp' means to take by force, I trust you are not referring to transactions on a forum.  I do not recognise that this is - or even CAN - happen on a forum!

    I agree that some people are prone to co-dependency but, I would suggest, that is much more common in real life than likely
    to be the case here.

    I think it would help if you made it clear whether you are talking about relationships in real life or debating posts on a forum.

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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  Crystal Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:26 pm

    I think all relationships, but I can see that the crossover between discussing posts, or readings for instance online and changing that to a physical relationship like Deep Blue can be confusing.

    There are many relationships, being a counsellor and a reader I may have seen a few different varieties too.

    Force? Well there can be mental force just as much as physical?

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    Post  ameliorate Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:38 pm

    Crystal wrote:I think all relationships, but I can see that the crossover between discussing posts, or readings for instance online and changing that to a physical relationship like Deep Blue can be confusing.

    There are many relationships, being a counsellor and a reader I may have seen a few different varieties too.

    Force? Well there can be mental force just as much as physical?
    Yes I agree that there is obviously mental force.  However, I was addressing how realistic force can be said to be used on
    a forum.  No one's arm can be twisted here! 
    deep blue ocean
    deep blue ocean

    Number of posts : 27
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    Post  deep blue ocean Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:09 pm

    We're not talking forums here, but all of life in general. Ameliorate, I would like to ask what it was that made you think I was talking about forum environments in particular?

    What was said, however, applies more to the one who would seek to exert any kind of influence rather than the one who is on the receiving end. To do or not to do, is a conscious choice, which bears consequences. This brings us back to divine love, which can never be divorced from divine wisdom. Either without the other is either deaf or blind.
    Love would seek to render assistance wherever a need is perceived, wisdom would either transmute this assistance into a more effective form, or might even counsel to stand back.

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    Post  ameliorate Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:30 pm

    deep blue ocean wrote:We're not talking forums here, but all of life in general. Ameliorate, I would like to ask what it was that made you think I was talking about forum environments in particular?

    What was said, however, applies more to the one who would seek to exert any kind of influence rather than the one who is on the receiving end. To do or not to do, is a conscious choice, which bears consequences. This brings us back to divine love, which can never be divorced from divine wisdom. Either without the other is either deaf or blind.
    Love would seek to render assistance wherever a need is perceived, wisdom would either transmute this assistance into a more effective form, or might even counsel to stand back.
    I thought your reply was about forums since you were replying to Crystal who, in turn, was replying to my post about forums (all of which was enclosed within your posted reply).  Convoluted huh!?

    We all post because we hope to exert some kind of influence.  To deny this is to be dishonest.  Incidentally, this is not the same thing as
    usurping which is intimidating/forceful and, as I have already said, not something I have come across here.  Trolls operate like that.

    Someone may offer constructive criticism out of concern/compassion....to quote you "wherever a need is perceived".  Ultimately
    we can all exercise freewill in what we choose to acknowledge, think about or discard.  This is obvious.

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    Post  ameliorate Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:23 pm

    deep blue ocean wrote:We're not talking forums here, but all of life in general. Ameliorate, I would like to ask what it was that made you think I was talking about forum environments in particular?
    What was said, however, applies more to the one who would seek to exert any kind of influence rather than the one who is on the receiving end. To do or not to do, is a conscious choice, which bears consequences. This brings us back to divine love, which can never be divorced from divine wisdom. Either without the other is either deaf or blind.
    Love would seek to render assistance wherever a need is perceived, wisdom would either transmute this assistance into a more effective form, or might even counsel to stand back.
    I thought your reply was about forums since you were replying to enclosed posts from myself and Crystal. My post was about forums   Convoluted huh!?

    We all post because we hope to exert some kind of influence.  To deny this is to be dishonest.  Incidentally, this is not the same thing as
    usurping which is intimidating/forceful and, as I have already said, not something I have come across here.  Trolls operate like that.

    Someone may offer constructive criticism out of concern/compassion....to quote you "wherever a need is perceived".  Ultimately, and obviously, we can all exercise freewill in what we choose to acknowledge, think about or discard. 

    With apologies to sunrise for my part in this topic getting off track.

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    Post  Crystal Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:24 pm

    Oh, that's really confusing lol, posted and read then posted and read again , gone back yes two lol. 
    I think that forum influences may be just a tiny microcosm of the world? Take away religion and belief of course.
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    Post  JohnHermes Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:14 pm

    I believe dreams are doorways to ascension.  Ascending into the higher realms.

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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  lumas Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:29 am

    Thank you for that, it will give comfort to many many which is surely the essence of this forum. Like you I pass on my views not as a prophet/teacher but as someone wishing to offer guidance from my own spiritual journey. I too have been accused of being somebody who thinks they no it all, let me put the record straight right now on that one, I feel I have had years and years of awakening spiritual and have experienced so much on my spiritual path but I know nothing in the grand scheme of things and have so much to learn that is why I am who I am and you are who you are but we are all the same “in essence” we are all made of the same stuff making our way to the same place to be part of the same thing “ that which is”

    Number of posts : 734
    Age : 65
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    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

    Post  CW Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:38 am

    What ascension means to me is to elevate beyond the restriction of the mind, body,  time, and soul. All of the these constitutes being human, the wonderful thing is we can experience the joy of ascension long before the body is laid to rest. 

    Love to all...

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    What ascension means to me. Empty Re: What ascension means to me.

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