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    Letting go for good


    Number of posts : 41
    Registration date : 2015-11-04

    Letting go for good Empty Letting go for good

    Post  justme Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:39 pm

    I've met my tf when I was 13, I'm 26 now. I'm not ready to let go at all I'm hurting because we had a 8 year separation and ten days ago we reconnected briefly. She is female and so am I. She's also christian so she believes she will be wrong with God if she is with me. So we went our ways... It hurts.. The other half of my heart is gone for good..

    Number of posts : 1189
    Registration date : 2015-08-26

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  Blueanchor Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:03 pm

    I'm sorry for how you are feeling justme, it's tough to lose someone you love and certainly does feel like the heart is breaking. But your heart was, is and always be whole. Perhaps it is time to claim the love you give to others as your own and be your own other half.

    Wishing you healing :hugz:

    Number of posts : 212
    Age : 29
    Location : Australia
    Job/hobbies : Nursing Student, Spirituality, Art, Hippie
    Registration date : 2015-12-04

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  AmarenLux Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:39 am

    I know you may or may not understand this; When you are ready you will heal n let go, though it is sad that some christians still take such views.

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 78
    Location : Heart of England
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    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  mac Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:43 am

    justme wrote:I've met my tf when I was 13, I'm 26 now. I'm not ready to let go at all I'm hurting because we had a 8 year separation and ten days ago we reconnected briefly. She is female and so am I. She's also christian so she believes she will be wrong with God if she is with me. So we went our ways... It hurts.. The other half of my heart is gone for good..
    She's your twin so there will be another time.  Yes of course it hurts but you're bound to get together again. This lifetime is only one of several or many.   :asmile:

    Number of posts : 41
    Registration date : 2015-11-04

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  justme Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:04 pm

    The thing is I don't want to be together with her. She has a bad soul. I honestly think these type of connections actually can end.

    Number of posts : 212
    Age : 29
    Location : Australia
    Job/hobbies : Nursing Student, Spirituality, Art, Hippie
    Registration date : 2015-12-04

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  AmarenLux Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:22 pm

    yes i believe they can too :)

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 78
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  mac Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:02 am

    justme wrote:The thing is I don't want to be together with her. She has a bad soul. I honestly think these type of connections actually can end.
    If you don't want to be with her then that's how it will be - neither of you can be forced into something one or both of you don't want.

    And if there's no longer any attraction between you that's the end of things...  But it suggests it wasn't your soul mate or twin flame as those individuals are drawn to one another, or long to be with one another, in one kind of personal relationship or another. 

    Not necesarily a 'lovers' situation.  Other relationships can be entered into by 'twin-flames' or 'soul-mates'.

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    Letting go for good Empty Re: Letting go for good

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:50 am

    justme wrote:I've met my tf when I was 13, I'm 26 now. I'm not ready to let go at all I'm hurting because we had a 8 year separation and ten days ago we reconnected briefly. She is female and so am I. She's also christian so she believes she will be wrong with God if she is with me. So we went our ways... It hurts.. The other half of my heart is gone for good..
    I don't want this thread to be about me, but I feel it is relevant in terms of the ending of relationships.

    I grew up with the guy who was my best man at our wedding. As we started to go our own path, the elasticity of our friendship was straining from the physical and spiritual distance between us. I tried giving warnings that things had to change but it fell on deaf ears. The relationship over the years became toxic, he would call me only when he wanted or needed advice, but when I called for a friendly catch up, it was inconveinient and short. Our relationship lasted for 42 years before I called it quits. I still love him like a brother and still have him in my thoughts and memeories and I wish him well all the time.

    I worked out that we always will hang around the same souls in every incarnation of life on Earth in different forms. Others will be with us for long periods in our lives and some short and some just momenetarily. We all use each other for different purposes within our lives and we learn from each other from lessons learnt to experiences had. We will always be with familiar souls, we just need to understand it is what it is as much as it hurts or not. It is just an experience. We do meet up with them time and time again whether for long, short or momentary periods in our lives. Don't beat youself up over the situation. Understand it, acknowledge it and accept it. Once this hurdle is jumped in our lives the stronger, wiser and evolved we become.

    Peace & love

    Last edited by Heightend-Awareness on Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo correction)

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