Spiritual Inspiration

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Light of Hope
Thunder Bow
Golden Angel
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    My spirit animal


    Number of posts : 36
    Location : West of Ireland
    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal Empty My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:41 pm

    A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to know what my spirit animal was. I had two magazines to help me, in one magazine there was a questionnaire to determine your spirit animal and in the other magazine a meditation to follow. 

    The questionnaire said my spirit animal was a blackbird I loved that idea. Then I did the meditation. I had to visualise myself in a place I felt at home, so I pictured a beach, I had to put on a protective cloak and call my spirit animal, the visualising was all going well and I fully expected a blackbird to turn up.

    Well along comes this little white puppy/lamb type of creature, it looked like nothing I'd ever seen before and it looked up at me adoringly. I was so surprised and overcome I opened my eyes and that was that. Very unexpected.

    I wonder if anyone knows if the same spirit animal stays with you or do they change? xxx

    And has anyone had a similar experience?

    Last edited by Seasprite on Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding a question)
    Golden Angel
    Golden Angel

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Golden Angel Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:24 pm

    Hi Seasprite that is lovely and thank you for sharing your experience with us  :astar:

    A few years ago I did a shamanic journey meditation to meet my Animal guide and out of the tree's came a Jaguar which was a lovely experience I had with it. Often when I lay giving myself Reiki I see a Eagle I can hear it's cry in the sky and I am often flying high up with it, so I think it is possible to have a few animal guides?

    Love GA xxx

    Number of posts : 36
    Location : West of Ireland
    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:10 pm

    Thank you for your interesting reply Golden Angel.

    Yes, I also think its possible that we have a few different animal guides. xxx
    Golden Angel
    Golden Angel

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Golden Angel Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:28 pm

    You are welcome Seasprite  :hugsquish: If I am not mistaken I am sure I have read that you can have many animal guides during your life, and that you can call on a particular animal when needing their energy such as a Lion for strength and Courage.

    Love GA xxx
    Thunder Bow
    Thunder Bow

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Thunder Bow Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:55 pm

    I think the 2017 Diseny movie "Jungle Book" illustrates what a spirit animal (power animal) can be.

    Number of posts : 1189
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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Blueanchor Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:57 pm

    Species of animalse create energy through their nature, as do plants, rocks and every other aspect of the changing universe. When I connect with nature, I connect with those energies. They both guide and heal. 

    Over the years I have come to feel a kindred with certain animals, trees or places because of the special part they have played in my life or the affinity their energy has with mine. Whereas other connections have played a more transitory role. But connection is open to all aspects of life and all species. So I feel that the notion of there being one aspect for a person is perhaps their personal attachment to a specific aspect, or something completely different. 

    I personally wouldnt use a magazine questionnaire for anything but a bit of fun. Connecting with nature is done through the spirit.

    Number of posts : 36
    Location : West of Ireland
    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:54 pm

    Thunder Bow, I'd never thought of the Jungle Book animals as spirit guides, I have seen the film many times, it was my sons favourite.

    Blueanchor I spend a lot of time in nature and often feel its energies. I agree about magazines, but I think its interesting that I was expecting a blackbird and something else turned up, it must mean its not just my imagination  :rainbow: xxx

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Resonator Sat Sep 09, 2017 3:55 pm

    Many years ago I did a similar guided meditation to see if I could find my power animal.    What turned up was a large dog with a coat of sleek black crow feathers.

    Never could figure out what that meant, but there it is.   :sleepy3:

    Number of posts : 36
    Location : West of Ireland
    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:11 pm

    How intriguing, I love to hear about unexpected unplanned things like that xxx
    Golden Angel
    Golden Angel

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Golden Angel Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:52 pm

    Thank you Thunder Bow I will have to look out for the new version of Jungle Book.

    Love GA xxx
    Golden Angel
    Golden Angel

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Golden Angel Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:54 pm

    Resonator wrote:Many years ago I did a similar guided meditation to see if I could find my power animal.    What turned up was a large dog with a coat of sleek black crow feathers.

    Never could figure out what that meant, but there it is.   :sleepy3:

    How Interesting  :rainbow:

    Love GA xxx

    Number of posts : 1189
    Registration date : 2015-08-26

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Blueanchor Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:50 pm

    Seasprite wrote:Thunder Bow, I'd never thought of the Jungle Book animals as spirit guides, I have seen the film many times, it was my sons favourite.

    Blueanchor I spend a lot of time in nature and often feel its energies. I agree about magazines, but I think its interesting that I was expecting a blackbird and something else turned up, it must mean its not just my imagination  :rainbow: xxx
    The unexpected always feels more real.
    Thunder Bow
    Thunder Bow

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Thunder Bow Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:05 pm

    [quote="Seasprite"]Thunder Bow, I'd never thought of the Jungle Book animals as spirit guides, I have seen the film many times, it was my sons favourite.

    Blueanchor I spend a lot of time in nature and often feel its energies. I agree about magazines, but I think its interesting that I was expecting a blackbird and something else turned up, it must mean its not just my imagination  :rainbow: xxx[/quote]

    Look at how the Panther and Bear taught and protected the boy. Look at how the boy learned and grew because of them. That does fit the definition of a Power Animal. They were his guides and protectors.

    Number of posts : 36
    Location : West of Ireland
    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:39 am

    That is true and actually quite a lovely thought xxx

    Number of posts : 27
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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  SoulsJourney Sat Sep 30, 2017 7:12 am

    Golden Angel wrote:A few years ago I did a shamanic journey meditation to meet my Animal guide and out of the tree's came a Jaguar which was a lovely experience I had with it.

    I have had a similar shamanic journey and also experienced a Jaguar but he was black and a monkey was riding him. I thought at first this wasn't right but I kept seeing the samething, a black Jaguar being ridden by a monkey. Was very interesting and fun experience.
    Thunder Bow
    Thunder Bow

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Thunder Bow Sat Sep 30, 2017 6:50 pm

    You must feel you have a Monkey on your back in real life.
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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  josefinaA&CO Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:13 am

    Seasprite wrote:A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to know what my spirit animal was. I had two magazines to help me, in one magazine there was a questionnaire to determine your spirit animal and in the other magazine a meditation to follow. 

    The questionnaire said my spirit animal was a blackbird I loved that idea. Then I did the meditation. I had to visualise myself in a place I felt at home, so I pictured a beach, I had to put on a protective cloak and call my spirit animal, the visualising was all going well and I fully expected a blackbird to turn up.

    Well along comes this little white puppy/lamb type of creature, it looked like nothing I'd ever seen before and it looked up at me adoringly. I was so surprised and overcome I opened my eyes and that was that. Very unexpected.

    I wonder if anyone knows if the same spirit animal stays with you or do they change? xxx

    And has anyone had a similar experience?

    I have the same question, but I do not know exactly what it looks like.. What I can recall is just it is on water but not a fish.. Would you mind sharing your magazine so I can also determine mine?

    Number of posts : 36
    Location : West of Ireland
    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:28 pm

    Hello Jose, I'm afraid my animal guide experience happened about six years ago so the magazine is long gone. Sorry about that I hope you manage to meet your animal guide eventually xxx
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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  BigJohn Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:57 am

    Seasprite wrote:A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to know what my spirit animal was. I had two magazines to help me, in one magazine there was a questionnaire to determine your spirit animal and in the other magazine a meditation to follow. 

    The questionnaire said my spirit animal was a blackbird I loved that idea. Then I did the meditation. I had to visualise myself in a place I felt at home, so I pictured a beach, I had to put on a protective cloak and call my spirit animal, the visualising was all going well and I fully expected a blackbird to turn up.

    Well along comes this little white puppy/lamb type of creature, it looked like nothing I'd ever seen before and it looked up at me adoringly. I was so surprised and overcome I opened my eyes and that was that. Very unexpected.

    I wonder if anyone knows if the same spirit animal stays with you or do they change? xxx

    And has anyone had a similar experience?
    My spirit animals showed up in 'person'. 
    Some of them are:
    Rattle Snake,
    Bald Eagle,
    and others.
    Light of Hope

    Number of posts : 65
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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Light of Hope Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:14 pm

    I only know two of my spirit animals (I know that there are more around me, but they have not presented to me now) - those are the owl and the otter.

    They have met me on an astral travel.

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  RainbowLight Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:49 pm

    I don't feel a specific animal around me.
    I had the Raven for a long time. Then a phase was done and he left. 
    Since, I haven't really felt any one animal in particular although I have had a few years of feeling very close to the marsh harrier and also the kestrel. But that wasn't the same as the Raven.
    I had a gorgeous silver Celtic design Raven pendant. I wore it every day for years. Until Raven left. I took it off and I never wear it anymore. it doesn't feel right.

    And that's okay too, I'm fine with it. I do heed messages from animals when I get them, like a few years ago suddenly noticing ducks. Of course they're always there, but suddenly... they called me. 
    Then I look up what they stand for, it resonated, so that's cool!
    I also cannot imagine having another animal than a bird, or not a bird of prey.

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    Number of posts : 174
    Location : Gee.... I forgot again. Mother said to tell people "Over there!" but I cant remember being thare so I am not two sure about that.
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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  BigJohn Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:19 pm

    RainbowLight wrote:I don't feel a specific animal around me.
    I had the Raven for a long time. Then a phase was done and he left. 
    Since, I haven't really felt any one animal in particular although I have had a few years of feeling very close to the marsh harrier and also the kestrel. But that wasn't the same as the Raven.
    I had a gorgeous silver Celtic design Raven pendant. I wore it every day for years. Until Raven left. I took it off and I never wear it anymore. it doesn't feel right.

    And that's okay too, I'm fine with it. I do heed messages from animals when I get them, like a few years ago suddenly noticing ducks. Of course they're always there, but suddenly... they called me. 
    Then I look up what they stand for, it resonated, so that's cool!
    I also cannot imagine having another animal than a bird, or not a bird of prey.

    Thanks for sharing.

    One of mine has been the rattle snake.

    I have had too many adventures with them. They can be great teachers.

    Number of posts : 174
    Location : Gee.... I forgot again. Mother said to tell people "Over there!" but I cant remember being thare so I am not two sure about that.
    Job/hobbies : A. Eat food. B. Watch TV. C. On Forum. D. Go to A.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  BigJohn Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:05 am

    I also have a Cobra as a spirit animal.

    I have danced several times with my back to a cobra or cobras.

    One of my treasured photos is me kissing the hood of a Cobra. I still can not figure out why I did that!!!!

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    My spirit animal Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Ciona Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:37 am

    My spirit animal doesn't actually exist here in this world.


    But she is with me all the time.

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