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    How To Make A Scrying Mirror


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    How To Make A Scrying Mirror Empty How To Make A Scrying Mirror

    Post  Violet Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:10 pm

    Buy a very cheap picture frame and some black paint, blackboard paint is good.
    Remove the glass VERY carefully as the cheaper ones tend to have rough edges.
    Paint one side of the glass completely and as evenly as possible.
    When dry put back in frame.
    If you want to (depending on the type of frame) you could mark it with special symbols or a special saying or verse anything to personalise it.

    Gaze into it in a similar way you would gaze into a crystal ball.

    A tip from Innerlight: I'd add on the picture frame thing. That you should try to get a wooden frame. Metal frames have a tendancy to be shiny. That shine can distract you, and cause you to lose focus.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    How To Make A Scrying Mirror Empty Re: How To Make A Scrying Mirror

    Post  kardecian Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:43 pm

    Violet wrote:Buy a very cheap picture frame and some black paint, blackboard paint is good.
    Remove the glass VERY carefully as the cheaper ones tend to have rough edges.
    Paint one side of the glass completely and as evenly as possible.
    When dry put back in frame.
    If you want to (depending on the type of frame) you could mark it with special symbols or a special saying or verse anything to personalise it.

    Gaze into it in a similar way you would gaze into a crystal ball.

    A tip from Innerlight:
    I'd add on the picture frame thing. That you should try to get a wooden frame. Metal frames have a tendancy to be shiny. That shine can distract you, and cause you to lose focus.

    This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing this!

    BigJohn likes this post

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    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    How To Make A Scrying Mirror Empty Re: How To Make A Scrying Mirror

    Post  BigJohn Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:47 am

    Violet wrote:Buy a very cheap picture frame and some black paint, blackboard paint is good.
    Remove the glass VERY carefully as the cheaper ones tend to have rough edges.
    Paint one side of the glass completely and as evenly as possible.
    When dry put back in frame.
    If you want to (depending on the type of frame) you could mark it with special symbols or a special saying or verse anything to personalise it.

    Gaze into it in a similar way you would gaze into a crystal ball.

    A tip from Innerlight:
    I'd add on the picture frame thing. That you should try to get a wooden frame. Metal frames have a tendancy to be shiny. That shine can distract you, and cause you to lose focus.
    Nice discription.
    Simple and precise.

    As for me, I some times spray first such colors as Gold or Silver ...... briefly on the glass. Then after it drys, I spray it black.
    When I put it back in the frame, I make sure the painted side is facing backwards.
    Then, I dab a little bit of super glue on the barbs or whatever that is holding the glass in place so the glass will not come out.

    lomax likes this post


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    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    How To Make A Scrying Mirror Empty Re: How To Make A Scrying Mirror

    Post  Chrysalis2 Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:52 am

    The first black mirror I made, I removed the glass. When I tried to put it back, it broke. I kept the pieces in case I want it for future use.

    The second attempt, I kept the glass inside the frame and spray painted with a flat (matte) finish black paint. The back of the frame got painted too but that's okay. I cut out some cardboard from a box and used that for a backing to protect the paint and glass. On the back, I signed and dated it. The next step is to consecrate it but not necessary to do it.

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