Or any you’ve lived in been haunted?
Rah nam
6 posters
Is your house
Violet- Admin
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Is your house
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
Rah nam- Newbie
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Registration date : 2018-07-27
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Re: Is your house
No, spirits (out of body) can not be where I am.
RainbowLight- Member
Number of posts : 265
Registration date : 2020-10-15
- Post n°3
Re: Is your house
I have, yes. Very unpleasant.Violet wrote:Or any you’ve lived in been haunted?
Ciona- Member
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Registration date : 2020-10-15
- Post n°4
Re: Is your house
Yes a boyfriend's house I lived in was. The ghost was little and yellow and mean. He hated it when I cut through the room he considered his on my way to the bathroom and he used to slam doors and chase me. We had guests sometimes, and one day my boyfriend came home to find our gentleman guest standing outside in the driveway in his longjohns in the freezing cold with a baseball bat. Lol. He was too scared to go back in and had been trying to defend himself. Not sure what good a baseball bat is up against ether, lol.
BigJohn- Member
- Number of posts : 174
Location : Gee.... I forgot again. Mother said to tell people "Over there!" but I cant remember being thare so I am not two sure about that.
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Registration date : 2020-10-15
- Post n°5
Re: Is your house
Violet wrote:Or any you’ve lived in been haunted?
Like most, we should have
but then, we did have a spirit house....... not any more.
Now, just use one shelf on the wall for such purposes.
linen- Member
- Number of posts : 379
Registration date : 2020-10-15
- Post n°6
Re: Is your house
When I was a girl, living with my father and step-mother we lived in an old two story house.
Us girls had our bedrooms upstairs. Me and my step-sister shared a room, divided by a middle recreation room with my sister's bedroom on the far side. Every night I could hear someone crying, whispering, maybe prayers, not sure, in my sister's room. For a long time I thought it was my sister. But it couldn't go on for years, every night! One night I ventured across the upstairs towards my sister's bedroom. It was fraught with squeaky boards and I was afraid I'd wake up my step-mother. The closer I got to my sister's bedroom the crying and whispering stopped.
Us girls had our bedrooms upstairs. Me and my step-sister shared a room, divided by a middle recreation room with my sister's bedroom on the far side. Every night I could hear someone crying, whispering, maybe prayers, not sure, in my sister's room. For a long time I thought it was my sister. But it couldn't go on for years, every night! One night I ventured across the upstairs towards my sister's bedroom. It was fraught with squeaky boards and I was afraid I'd wake up my step-mother. The closer I got to my sister's bedroom the crying and whispering stopped.