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2 posters

    Dreaming of a Bear


    Number of posts : 265
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Dreaming of a Bear Empty Dreaming of a Bear

    Post  RainbowLight Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:09 am

    I keep dreaming a lot at the moment... 
    Last night it was another very clear one. I was with 2 other people, one of which I believe was my daughter, the other either one of my ex-partners. 
    We'd gone somewhere where there was a bear and my girl felt sorry for him, he wasn't in too good a shape, and wanted to take him home to take care of him, and keep him as a pet.
    I told her 'no' and why that wasn't possible. She did it anyway, and oddly enough I didn't find out until we were back home when there were some troubles in taking care of the bear.
    I wasn't too thrilled and refused to help out and get involved in it all. After all, I had told her so.
    All the while there was this bear.

    Not sure where it went from there, if at all. I think this is when I woke up.
    But... is this about the bear for the most part OR my daughter not listening to me? Or both? 

    My daughter was very very difficult during her teenage years and in the end had to go live with her dad as I couldn't handle it anymore. (neither could he, but alas).
    So it could be about the mother aspect towards my daughter, especially since the bear wasn't in good shape? 
    Or is that part no the main message here?
    What do you think? Any suggestions?

    Number of posts : 24568
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    Dreaming of a Bear Empty Re: Dreaming of a Bear

    Post  Violet Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:15 pm

    I’m no expert but the feeling I get from your dream is the bear represents your strength I’m wondering if perhaps you are drained or tired of feeling weak or something along those lines, and that you’d benefit from a bit of tlc at this time...if you’ll allow that

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 265
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Dreaming of a Bear Empty Re: Dreaming of a Bear

    Post  RainbowLight Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:27 pm

    Hmm... I could indeed do with some TLC, hihi. 
    You could be -and likely are- right as the dream about the burglary & car theft meant something similar. 
    Maybe time to do some soul searching as it doesn't really make me go "Oh yes!" but if it keeps coming up then I may be missing something. 
    And I must admit, I feel like I've lost my goal in life. That doesn't help to feel powerful and strong of course. 

    Thank you!

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