Spiritual Inspiration

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Unseeking Seeker
7 posters

    What colour is your aura?


    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:02 am

    Mine is purple/indigo
    Unseeking Seeker
    Unseeking Seeker

    Number of posts : 325
    Location : Delhi, India
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Unseeking Seeker Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:00 am

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:Mine is purple/indigo

    How to find out?
    Is it static or dynamic?
    How is it interpreted?

    Long ago I read a book on the human aura by Master KH. I wish I could lay my hands on it again!

    Number of posts : 265
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  RainbowLight Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:17 am

    Find a good aura test online.

    You have a primary and secondary layer that is permanent. Other layers of the aura are more dynamic and can change, depending on mood but also food - alcohol - drug intake.

    Number of posts : 265
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  RainbowLight Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:18 am

    I've got a Lavender (secondary) and Crystal aura (primary).

    Number of posts : 174
    Location : Gee.... I forgot again. Mother said to tell people "Over there!" but I cant remember being thare so I am not two sure about that.
    Job/hobbies : A. Eat food. B. Watch TV. C. On Forum. D. Go to A.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  BigJohn Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:52 pm

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:Mine is purple/indigo

    My Aura's size, shape, color, etc. constantly change.

    If you should have your Aura tested by an Aura Machine and it is the type that will dynamically display and record your Aura, you will notice the Aura is, for the most part, constantly changing.

    For example, if you are driving a car and not having any accidents, your Aura is completely different then when you are in a deep meditation.

    Number of posts : 454
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    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:55 pm

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:Mine is purple/indigo
    My secondaries fluctuate between gold and silver.

    Number of posts : 454
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    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:00 pm

    Unseeking Seeker wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:Mine is purple/indigo

    How to find out?
    Is it static or dynamic?
    How is it interpreted?

    Long ago I read a book on the human aura by Master KH. I wish I could lay my hands on it again!
    There is a technique you can do, but it takes practice. You can gaze/stare between two fingers, usually index and middle fingers at a neutral coloured wall. After a while, you'll start to see your aura(s) :awed:
    Unseeking Seeker
    Unseeking Seeker

    Number of posts : 325
    Location : Delhi, India
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Unseeking Seeker Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:00 am

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    Unseeking Seeker wrote:

    How to find out?
    Is it static or dynamic?
    How is it interpreted?

    Long ago I read a book on the human aura by Master KH. I wish I could lay my hands on it again!
    There is a technique you can do, but it takes practice. You can gaze/stare between two fingers, usually index and middle fingers at a neutral coloured wall. After a while, you'll start to see your aura(s) :awed:

    Hmmm 🤔 you are exceptionally gifted to be able to see auras! 

    Once someone claimed to have a device to read aura ... a clamp on finger or wrist perhaps ... I forget. But it was based on a mathematical algorithm fed in, hence a dubious read of the electromagnetic field. Basically, the rainbow colours are fed into the program, red at root and violet at crown with the standard VIBGYOR spectrum corresponding to the chakras.

    Kirilian photography is said to have been done but I don’t know much about it.

    Aura reading by colour alone would be complex. For example green at heart can be love or envy. Which end of the polarity is it? So we then grade the type of green, dark or light and all hues in between. 

    A mystery for me as yet.

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:09 am

    Unseeking Seeker wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    There is a technique you can do, but it takes practice. You can gaze/stare between two fingers, usually index and middle fingers at a neutral coloured wall. After a while, you'll start to see your aura(s) :awed:

    Hmmm 🤔 you are exceptionally gifted to be able to see auras! 

    Once someone claimed to have a device to read aura ... a clamp on finger or wrist perhaps ... I forget. But it was based on a mathematical algorithm fed in, hence a dubious read of the electromagnetic field. Basically, the rainbow colours are fed into the program, red at root and violet at crown with the standard VIBGYOR spectrum corresponding to the chakras.

    Kirilian photography is said to have been done but I don’t know much about it.

    Aura reading by colour alone would be complex. For example green at heart can be love or envy. Which end of the polarity is it? So we then grade the type of green, dark or light and all hues in between. 

    A mystery for me as yet.
    Practice... and your interpretation is what resonates with you. BTW did you notice that you can get the word 'VIGOR' out of the chakra acronym VIBGYOR. Just an observation. :wow:

    Number of posts : 265
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    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Ciona Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:25 am

    Unfortunately it's still purple :(

    Number of posts : 454
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    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:34 am

    Ciona wrote:Unfortunately it's still purple :(
    That's a good thing. Don't you like that one?

    Number of posts : 265
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    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Ciona Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:56 am

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    Ciona wrote:Unfortunately it's still purple :(
    That's a good thing. Don't you like that one?

    You like it? Why do you think it's good?

    Like BigJohn says, auras are always fluctuating. Mine generally defaults to purple, but personally I'm not actually supposed to have that and all these other colors in there. So that's why I don't like it.

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:11 am

    Ciona wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    That's a good thing. Don't you like that one?

    You like it? Why do you think it's good?

    Like BigJohn says, auras are always fluctuating. Mine generally defaults to purple, but personally I'm not actually supposed to have that and all these other colors in there. So that's why I don't like it.
    My main aura is purple/indigo. With fluctuating Gold and Silver secondary ones. Embrace it. It is who you are. It's not like the colour of a car you can buy or item of clothing. It is a field that is unique to you that represents your true self. But it can change depends on the circumstances involved.

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:13 am

    Ciona wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    That's a good thing. Don't you like that one?

    You like it? Why do you think it's good?

    Like BigJohn says, auras are always fluctuating. Mine generally defaults to purple, but personally I'm not actually supposed to have that and all these other colors in there. So that's why I don't like it.
    The link below may help you understand your aura colour better.


    Number of posts : 265
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    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Ciona Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:18 am

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    Ciona wrote:

    You like it? Why do you think it's good?

    Like BigJohn says, auras are always fluctuating. Mine generally defaults to purple, but personally I'm not actually supposed to have that and all these other colors in there. So that's why I don't like it.
    The link below may help you understand your aura colour better.


    I was curious why you like it, since you said in  your OP yours is purple. I'm not interested in what you think mine is or should be.

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:38 am

    Ciona wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    The link below may help you understand your aura colour better.


    I was curious why you like it, since you said in  your OP yours is purple. I'm not interested in what you think mine is or should be.
     I was merely pointing out this. My apologies if I seemed to of inferred that it was directed back at you. :peace:

    Number of posts : 265
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    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Ciona Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:50 pm

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    Ciona wrote:

    I was curious why you like it, since you said in  your OP yours is purple. I'm not interested in what you think mine is or should be.
     I was merely pointing out this. My apologies if I seemed to of inferred that it was directed back at you. :peace:
    You quoted me when you posted it, so why wouldn't I think that? If you didn't actually intend to do so, that's cool.

    I missed your other post describing your aura and 'advice' to me, but my above quoted  response can be applied to it as well. You still haven't told me why you personally like your aura/think purple is "good". Perhaps I missed it in your response, or you are not interested in having that conversation. That's perfectly fine of course.

    Last edited by Ciona on Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 265
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  RainbowLight Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:32 pm

    I never get why what I say is always just ignored. As if I don't exist or something.

    You have 2 aura layers that do NOT change colour. These are your life colours and concern the 2 layers closest to your body. The other layers do change colour depending on what's going on in the moment and your mood. 
    These changing colour are also what is being photographed with Kirlian -the aura photo on fairs- NOT your PERMANENT layers.
    You have a primary one, closest to your body, and a secondary one. 
    Their colours say a lot about you. 

    Pamela Oslie wrote a book about it and has got a website on it with an aura colour quiz. That is about your permanent colours, not the changing ones.


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    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  skfarblum Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:41 pm

    RainbowLight wrote:I never get why what I say is always just ignored. As if I don't exist or something.
    I am not sure but there maybe a problem with dates on the postings.
    I posted today on the library and it should have appeared for today.
    It was not but I found it in yesterdays
    I also sent a query to you about your computer a few days back
    and never saw it appear.
    Did you ever see it?
    Has anybody else noticed this?

    RainbowLight likes this post


    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:59 pm

    Ciona wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
     I was merely pointing out this. My apologies if I seemed to of inferred that it was directed back at you. :peace:
    You quoted me when you posted it, so why wouldn't I think that? If you didn't actually intend to do so, that's cool.

    I missed your other post describing your aura and 'advice' to me, but my above quoted  response can be applied to it as well. You still haven't told me why you personally like your aura/think purple is "good". Perhaps I missed it in your response, or you are not interested in having that conversation. That's perfectly fine of course.
    I am truly sorry and have no intention of being rude. I  do like to have a conversation with you about the question you ask.

    I do acknowledge, accept and own it. I feel honoured that I have this colour(purple/indigo) aura. As it represents who and what I am and what I have in terms of my essence. It also stand for the secondary layer of colours. As a Cindy Lauper song goes, So don't be afraid, to let them show your true colors, true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow.

    Once again I do apologise Ciona. :hugsquish:

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    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:01 pm

    skfarblum wrote:
    RainbowLight wrote:I never get why what I say is always just ignored. As if I don't exist or something.
    I am not sure but there maybe a problem with dates on the postings.
    I posted today on the library and it should have appeared for today.
    It was not but I found it in yesterdays
    I also sent a query to you about your computer a few days back
    and never saw it appear.
    Did you ever see it?
    Has anybody else noticed this?
    Sorry, I missed that Stephen.
    Ghost in the machine maybe (glitch).

    Number of posts : 265
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    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Ciona Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:29 pm

    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    Ciona wrote:
    You quoted me when you posted it, so why wouldn't I think that? If you didn't actually intend to do so, that's cool.

    I missed your other post describing your aura and 'advice' to me, but my above quoted  response can be applied to it as well. You still haven't told me why you personally like your aura/think purple is "good". Perhaps I missed it in your response, or you are not interested in having that conversation. That's perfectly fine of course.
    I am truly sorry and have no intention of being rude. I  do like to have a conversation with you about the question you ask.

    I do acknowledge, accept and own it. I feel honoured that I have this colour(purple/indigo) aura. As it represents who and what I am and what I have in terms of my essence. It also stand for the secondary layer of colours. As a Cindy Lauper song goes, So don't be afraid, to let them show your true colors, true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow.

    Once again I do apologise Ciona. :hugsquish:
    No apologies necessary, I don't get hung up on stuff. I'm just glad we're actually communicating lol.  :daisy:  

    Thank you for responding. It is interesting. 

    I'm looking forward to also reading your diary on here hopefully soon when I get some time. I am very behind on pms and posts. Actually everything in my entire life is backed up right now. I have a diary both here and one on SF you are always welcome to visit me on, if you are ever interested. :) Just don't let anyone on SF know about the one here. ;) Haha!

    Thanks for the chat!  :hugz:

    Number of posts : 174
    Location : Gee.... I forgot again. Mother said to tell people "Over there!" but I cant remember being thare so I am not two sure about that.
    Job/hobbies : A. Eat food. B. Watch TV. C. On Forum. D. Go to A.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  BigJohn Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:27 pm

    RainbowLight wrote:I never get why what I say is always just ignored. As if I don't exist or something.

    You have 2 aura layers that do NOT change colour. These are your life colours and concern the 2 layers closest to your body. The other layers do change colour depending on what's going on in the moment and your mood. 
    These changing colour are also what is being photographed with Kirlian -the aura photo on fairs- NOT your PERMANENT layers.
    You have a primary one, closest to your body, and a secondary one. 
    Their colours say a lot about you. 

    Pamela Oslie wrote a book about it and has got a website on it with an aura colour quiz. That is about your permanent colours, not the changing ones.


    A common mistake people have is they believe you can get a Kirlian Photograph of yourself.

    It turns out, people can not get a Kirlian photograph of themselves. If they do, it probably will kill them. Kirlian photography deals with extreme high voltages.

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:31 pm

    Ciona wrote:
    Heightend-Awareness wrote:
    I am truly sorry and have no intention of being rude. I  do like to have a conversation with you about the question you ask.

    I do acknowledge, accept and own it. I feel honoured that I have this colour(purple/indigo) aura. As it represents who and what I am and what I have in terms of my essence. It also stand for the secondary layer of colours. As a Cindy Lauper song goes, So don't be afraid, to let them show your true colors, true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow.

    Once again I do apologise Ciona. :hugsquish:
    No apologies necessary, I don't get hung up on stuff. I'm just glad we're actually communicating lol.  :daisy:  

    Thank you for responding. It is interesting. 

    I'm looking forward to also reading your diary on here hopefully soon when I get some time. I am very behind on pms and posts. Actually everything in my entire life is backed up right now. I have a diary both here and one on SF you are always welcome to visit me on, if you are ever interested. :) Just don't let anyone on SF know about the one here. ;) Haha!

    Thanks for the chat!  :hugz:
    Do you need a laxative? Prunes work wonders. :happy: Thank you for the invite. :asmile:

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    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:34 pm

    BigJohn wrote:
    RainbowLight wrote:I never get why what I say is always just ignored. As if I don't exist or something.

    You have 2 aura layers that do NOT change colour. These are your life colours and concern the 2 layers closest to your body. The other layers do change colour depending on what's going on in the moment and your mood. 
    These changing colour are also what is being photographed with Kirlian -the aura photo on fairs- NOT your PERMANENT layers.
    You have a primary one, closest to your body, and a secondary one. 
    Their colours say a lot about you. 

    Pamela Oslie wrote a book about it and has got a website on it with an aura colour quiz. That is about your permanent colours, not the changing ones.


    A common mistake people have is they believe you can get a Kirlian Photograph of yourself.

    It turns out, people can not get a Kirlian photograph of themselves. If they do, it probably will kill them. Kirlian photography deals with extreme high voltages.
    The safest way is to learn and practice techniques that don't involve contraptions like the one described.

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