Spiritual Inspiration

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Unseeking Seeker
7 posters

    What colour is your aura?


    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? - Page 2 Empty What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:02 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Mine is purple/indigo

    Number of posts : 174
    Location : Gee.... I forgot again. Mother said to tell people "Over there!" but I cant remember being thare so I am not two sure about that.
    Job/hobbies : A. Eat food. B. Watch TV. C. On Forum. D. Go to A.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? - Page 2 Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  BigJohn Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:30 pm

    I can see auras with my naked eyes.

    I was at one place where people were talking about people's auras.
    I made the 'mistake' by asking if they see with their physical eye. 
    They claimed that if you did, you were crazy.

    Then try having a conversation about Chakra...............

    Number of posts : 454
    Age : 55
    Location : Central Coast, Great Southern Land
    Job/hobbies : Self-Employed, learning anything outside the box.
    Registration date : 2020-10-18

    What colour is your aura? - Page 2 Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:47 pm

    BigJohn wrote:I can see auras with my naked eyes.

    I was at one place where people were talking about people's auras.
    I made the 'mistake' by asking if they see with their physical eye. 
    They claimed that if you did, you were crazy.

    Then try having a conversation about Chakra...............
    Both are interesting.

    Number of posts : 362
    Age : 61
    Location : Where the buffalo roam
    Job/hobbies : Bicycling, drawing, knitting
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? - Page 2 Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Anala Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:21 pm

    RainbowLight wrote:I never get why what I say is always just ignored. As if I don't exist or something.

    :) I feel the same. But I think the forums are so large, that sometimes we loose sight of a topic. Many times I do not get an email letting me know there has been a response. I do not always set this up correctly.

    Any how, I was curious and took the quiz! I am Indigo with an overlay of crystal. :)

    I find auras very interesting.

    If I had to guess, I would have said green, blue and violet. :)
    Unseeking Seeker
    Unseeking Seeker

    Number of posts : 325
    Location : Delhi, India
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? - Page 2 Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Unseeking Seeker Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:04 am

    BigJohn wrote:I can see auras with my naked eyes.

    I was at one place where people were talking about people's auras.
    I made the 'mistake' by asking if they see with their physical eye. 
    They claimed that if you did, you were crazy.

    Then try having a conversation about Chakra...............

    Hi BigJohn!

    This you’ve mentioned before - I don’t know anyone else who has this gift!

    How do you interpret the auras? Or maybe you look without judging …

    Number of posts : 265
    Location : Multi-dimensional
    Job/hobbies : Female.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What colour is your aura? - Page 2 Empty Re: What colour is your aura?

    Post  Ciona Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:09 pm

    My aura is beginning to return to its original luminesence. I can actually tolerate and enjoy a little purple in my surroundings and environment now.  :asmile:

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