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    How to spell


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    How to spell Empty How to spell

    Post  somnium Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:42 am

    learned a form of magic I'd like to share. First of all many forms of magic use connections and meaning. For example when I think of a dove I think of peace so that is the connection I'd use for a peace spell. Now imagining a dove flying while doing a spell, or using a picture or token, draws that connection and implements that intent. The form of magic I use also uses connections only it uses connections in words.

    Now we all know words are power, but I think you'd be amazed at how powerful they really are, and just how useful they can be. I can't go into all the details here but I'll show you one way to use them. Let's look at a problem in the first example. Words very often carry solutions inside of them. Its a magical mystery I'm trying to figure out. Exciting. The word cancer for you example. It was incurable. Yet the power was already in the word. The sick child would have said cantsir. Yet the healer would of looked at the word and said cansir as an answer. See can is the answer and it is also in the words canswer! The word is what I call a wayword. It empowers a way, the cure, it not only opens it up but bestows the power of can in the reading.

    Let's say you have an enemy with loads of power, he's nasty, he's dark, and he needs to fall. So to start we look at the word power. We see the problem pow er (pow!! To the moon Alice). Pow is er, (an error). It also says ow-er. now let's look for a solution. Words are highly blessed and so they have positive curses in them against evils, I suspect, of every kind. Now let's look and see if we can find some. Sounding the word differently often changes the word, revealing other words inside. For example po also says poo if you change the o sound. Now power (for the poower), is poo. We used the word poo the change power, into ****. Now his power is ****. Not only that but he is a waster of power, abusing and misusing it, thus its also calling him a waster. There' s more too, ow-er is also hour. So his time is running out. Splitting the word gives you power and were, say them together and you get power were, a past tense effectively cutting away the power. If you don't want to curse him then you could use this one; pow and were, to remove his dark nature, or perhaps all the pow power.

    Now there are a lot of ways to use this powerful magic. For example water, say wa, which when changing the a sound says way. Now water gives you ways. To think ways are already in water and the word is not really enchanting the water, the word is instead revealing secrets of the water, which words also do. Water also has awe, and so water is miraculous.Words can also contain personalized meanings in them. Wa for me means power and so water is also power.

    So you see there is a world of mystery in words and much more ten I've touched on at this time. I hope it serves you as it has served me.

    If you are a black magician you should give up now. See black is spelled with lack, and white is hit.

    White is also height, and black is ack which is disease and a curse on itself.

    I wanted to elaborate on some of the new ways I've learned to spell as well as some old ones.

    As you already know from my previous post spelling is like reading, you read the word and it activates. It puts it on. Alternatively you can say a word backwards and take it off. For example taking off a can't you would say tenac. Which amazingly says to knack - to can. Not all words are created in this amazing fashion but I've found it prevelant so far. Language sure does speak!!

    Next i want to show you how complete words can be used that are within other words and how words can be spelled differently and still be used. Lets show you with an example. Lets take the word Amazing and break it down. First we got am, to say yes I am! Then we have maze possibly to suggest that the object or person in question is more amazing then we can now figure out and we could get lost in its unfathomableness. We also get the word Ze which is zed. Now ze suggests yer asleep and need to wake up (its a big maze afterall!) so lets take ed (which is education) from zed and it in our noggens! Now maze is also mais, the French word for corn so saying mais plants seeds of amazingness! Exciting. Now we can take a look at mais and we see ma, now ma is mother who is the nurturer, the caregiver, of the seeds we just sowed.

    Rhymes are also often correlating with words in ways that relate, expand, empower, connect, bless and lead. There is likely. For example light, right, sight, might, height. Letting in the light, brings right. It leads to sight and gives you might, power. That path naturally leads you into the heavens which is height. That was my rhyming sequence that brought me that connection and more. Yours could bring you a different connection, a different value or outcome.

    Now connections are very important in magic. Words define and connect to everything in reality. There is a word for nearly everything and if our language is lacking a word then there is likely another language that has it.

    Next I'll show you how words connect to objects, places and things in creation. Let's say Ted have a problem with his drinking, its affecting his family negatively and he needs to stop. He looks in his fridge and sees beer. He thinks be er? Be mistake? Then he remembers er also means emergency room. Now he's connected to the E.R. and is already receiving aid but that's not enough for Ted, he's had a rough day and reaaally wants cold one. Cold one he thinks... " yeah I'm as cold as ice Sad". Now Ted beats himself up all the time for his drinking but he needs more help then that. Ted grabs for his icy cold Coors light and thinks Coors is like a pidgeon call, nurturing, and light is always good. The can begins to nurture him. His craving is dying yet he still wants to drink. He feels terrible and weak and wishes he could stop. He grabs a mug and pours it in and thinks pour is like poor, and po u r, poor you are. Ted begins to cry. He thinks about all the pain he's caused and breaks. He sits on the floor and begins to think. His mind searches for a solution. He looks at the word solution. He sees soul and lute and thinks soul song. He then looks at I on, and thinks "my soul is singing a song" then he rolls it around to see eye on, and thinks someone sees my song. He thinks of God and thinks... maybe... just maybe. He looks at solution and thinks solute. So lute, sing! So he does and he praises God. Next he looks at word solute and it says absolute. He weeps because he knows his words have led him to God. He says sorry God I suck can you forgive me? He begins to feel better, amazed at his path that led him here. He no longer feels guilt and thinks he's found absolution! A miracle he says... from the Absolute! He thinks he has now the strength to finally quit. So he does.
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    Amberfields likes this post


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    How to spell Empty Re: How to spell

    Post  Amberfields Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:10 am

    That is some interesting thoughts. I will have to think about words in this way for awhile and see what happens. I like linguistics, so this is up my alley.

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    How to spell Empty Re: How to spell

    Post  Chrysalis2 Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:38 am

    What an interesting post. I do agree that words and our thoughts have far more power than we realize. I believe words are more powerful in the astral and that words travel in the astral so are not limited to our physical realm. I've used words for the very few spells I casted and I believe the entire spell was carried somewhere somehow in the ether for the spell to have any effect on my energy and physical body. I hold the same belief about words being carried in the ether when I'm channeling. Those words come without any effort on my part which means I don't choose the words which is how I know I'm receiving a message infused with energy.

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