I'm curious what everyone's favorite color combinations are, which colors you like to see paired or grouped together, which is different than simply listing favorite colors. Although some of them still might already be favorites, but I'm referring to colors you think either go well together or which you like to see grouped together because they inspire you, thrill you, or make you feel a certain way.
As an example, I really like dark powder blue and dark red together, as often seen in Alice In Wonderland motifs, because those colors are shocking together and they invigorate me and make me happy.
I also love teal and shiny silver together or teal and other shiny metallics. I receive a very high energy opulence vibe from them, an aesthetic I enjoy very much.
If possible, please share why you like your color combinations or how they affect you.
As an example, I really like dark powder blue and dark red together, as often seen in Alice In Wonderland motifs, because those colors are shocking together and they invigorate me and make me happy.
I also love teal and shiny silver together or teal and other shiny metallics. I receive a very high energy opulence vibe from them, an aesthetic I enjoy very much.
If possible, please share why you like your color combinations or how they affect you.