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    What are your favorite color combinations?


    Number of posts : 265
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    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Ciona Tue May 25, 2021 6:37 am

    I'm curious what everyone's favorite color combinations are, which colors you like to see paired or grouped together, which is different than simply listing favorite colors. Although some of them still might already be favorites, but I'm referring to colors you think either go well together or which you like to see grouped together because they inspire you, thrill you, or make you feel a certain way. 

    As an example, I really like dark powder blue and dark red together, as often seen in Alice In Wonderland motifs, because those colors are shocking together and they invigorate me and make me happy.

    I also love teal and shiny silver together or teal and other shiny metallics. I receive a very high energy opulence vibe from them, an aesthetic I enjoy very much.

    If possible, please share why you like your color combinations or how they affect you.

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    Number of posts : 362
    Age : 61
    Location : Where the buffalo roam
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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Anala Tue May 25, 2021 1:11 pm

    One of my favorite combos is a three color combo of: navy blue, forest green and deep maroon. I have like this color combo since I was a kid. Saw a pullover windbreaker of this combo and really wished I needed a coat :)

    The over combo is midnight blue and white. I bought a tiny piece of fabric from a friend who had returned from China, it was batik.Batik always feels like home, I wish I knew how to make it.

    Lastly, navy blue and pale pink. This one makes me feel feminine. :)

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    Number of posts : 265
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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Ciona Tue May 25, 2021 6:30 pm

    Thank you for sharing Anala. Yes Batik is very interesting and stunning. It naturally lends itself to different color combinations I think. I feel the same way about Indian (India) silks, they feel like home to me.

    Navy blue and pale pink is one of my adored combos also! I agree it's a very feminine vibe. Divine. :)

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    Number of posts : 362
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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Anala Thu May 27, 2021 5:29 am

    It is funny, as we were talking I noticed, I am wearing colors that are uncharacteristic for me, like Browns, forest greens and oranges. Maybe I am embracing all colors. :). That or I am becoming a woodland creature. :D

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    Number of posts : 265
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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Ciona Mon May 31, 2021 3:41 am

    That's funny. :)

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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Violet Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:25 pm

    Deep purple and black and deep purple and white

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 362
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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Anala Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:02 am

    Violet those combinations sound pretty.

    Number of posts : 533
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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  StrandedSnowMonkey Sat Jul 17, 2021 6:43 pm

    I bought a long sleeved top which was blue. It had a tag on the sleeve which was orange. At first I thought no but then I also saw the orange stitching on the inside. So it has grown on me. If I can find a t-shirt in orange then I'd look for blue trousers. It would make me very happy. Usually I only get black trousers.

    Number of posts : 54
    Registration date : 2021-08-11

    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Peppermint Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:31 am

    Pink and Bright Blue 

    Black and Dark Purple 

    They don't really effect me or make me feel a certain way. I just like those combinations.

    Number of posts : 362
    Age : 61
    Location : Where the buffalo roam
    Job/hobbies : Bicycling, drawing, knitting
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Anala Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:12 pm

    Peppermint wrote:Pink and Bright Blue 

    Black and Dark Purple 

    They don't really effect me or make me feel a certain way. I just like those combinations.

    Peppermint, hello and welcome!

    Lovely color choice!

    Number of posts : 54
    Registration date : 2021-08-11

    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

    Post  Peppermint Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:58 am

    Anala wrote:
    Peppermint wrote:Pink and Bright Blue 

    Black and Dark Purple 

    They don't really effect me or make me feel a certain way. I just like those combinations.

    Peppermint, hello and welcome!

    Lovely color choice!

    Thanks, and thanks for the welcome. 

    Red and Orange is another one I like.

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    What are your favorite color combinations? Empty Re: What are your favorite color combinations?

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