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    Raising Kunadlini To Pierce The Three Granthis


    Number of posts : 75
    Location : Greece
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Raising Kunadlini To Pierce The Three Granthis Empty Raising Kunadlini To Pierce The Three Granthis

    Post  lomax Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:50 am

    I did that yesterday.Apparently i was 'guided' to stumble upon the three granthis and learn about them.Immediately i knew what i had to do.
    Since the info was allready inside my mind i raised the kundalini with the intention to pierce these astral knots.In my mind,the three granthis were psychic knots (blocks),preventing the pranic flow.(Or at least that's what i had read).

    At first,i felt an unpleasant feeling of heat,and i could feel regions of my energy body pulsating.For a while it was a mess.I could feel the heat of the kundalini opening the way to the cold breeze (pranic flow) i mentioned on my sahasrara opening thread.
    Then i felt the cold breeze running all over my body and chakras(pranic flow).
    It was a dance of heat and cold.

    The kundalini had donne her job.

    I felt liberated and balanced.Also the energies were lingering in the air for a while.(I suspect the kundalini 'heated' my astral body).

    For the whole day i wasn't able to feel negativity,or go excited.It was just balance.
    And i think i start to realize the importance of balance.I mean i knew it in theory,but when you experience it,is different.

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:31 am