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Native spirit
16 posters

    Why do we need 'protection'?


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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  Violet Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:09 pm

    Some mediums even very well known ones claim we don't need any protection at all as we're working in the light and with light, I don't agree but what are your thoughts, do we need protection, mediums or not do we need it for any kind of psychic/spiritual work?

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  feather Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:55 am

    Everything that I ever read says that yes protection is necessary...but I always feel disconnected from life when I do. I think that if intention is to work with and for the highest power, then there is nothing to be protected from since you are working with the energy of the Universe itself.

    It's only when the individual personal divisions conjure up trouble that protection might be necessary.

    Similar to reality living...in some places and situations, protection is necessary because danger is present. In some places, protection is not necessary because there is no danger.

    The medium that I took a class with a couple of weeks ago, told us she uses protection all the time...every day and also uses it to protect her family and friends. She uses a 'gold light' visualization...not 'white ligh't...because her guide told her that we are already white light....and gold is the highest vibration.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:59 pm

    I agree with the mediums. The training and development I received taught me that it's unnecessary to do protection or grounding techniques.

    This isn't to say people residing in the spirit realm are all love and light because i'm sure we all know this cannot be the case. Being aware of this should in all intent and purposes, ensure our approach is of the highest everytime we work with unseen energies.

    My thoughts are, if we feel we must put protection in place before working then we have a problem We either do not know ourselves, or trust ourselves enough, and perhaps we should consider learning more before continuing any further. Asking why you feel the need to protect should reveal the answer.

    Who is it that we are expecting to maintain our protection? Plus isn't that placing responsibility on others? Especially if we expect those people in the spirit world to do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves? And, when bad things do happen who will we blame?

    I can't imagine how placing a bright light around individuals, or whatever people do, can protect them from their own actions. It's impossible, isn't it? How can people know the protection actually works. Saying one is protected and envisioning this protection doesn't mean bad things won't happen, because once again we all know they do. Having a belief in how something works is surely not the same has knowing how things work.

    I feel much the same as feather does. We remove ourselves away from the light when protection becomes ones priority. Having complete trust in yourself and in the Universal process is imo the only form of protection anyone needs.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  Karin Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:30 pm

    feather wrote:Everything that I ever read says that yes protection is necessary...but I
    always feel disconnected from life when I do. I think that if intention
    is to work with and for the highest power, then there is nothing to be
    protected from since you are working with the energy of the Universe

    Thank you, feather! These are my thoughts too.

    I think it was Violet who said "Like attracts like"... and furthermore I agree with the medium I consider the best.


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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  zerdini Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:11 pm

    skye wrote:I agree with the mediums. The training and development I received taught me that it's unnecessary to do protection or grounding techniques.

    This isn't to say people residing in the spirit realm are all love and light because i'm sure we all know this cannot be the case. Being aware of this should in all intent and purposes, ensure our approach is of the highest everytime we work with unseen energies.

    My thoughts are, if we feel we must put protection in place before working then we have a problem We either do not know ourselves, or trust ourselves enough, and perhaps we should consider learning more before continuing any further. Asking why you feel the need to protect should reveal the answer.

    Who is it that we are expecting to maintain our protection? Plus isn't that placing responsibility on others? Especially if we expect those people in the spirit world to do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves? And, when bad things do happen who will we blame?

    I can't imagine how placing a bright light around individuals, or whatever people do, can protect them from their own actions. It's impossible, isn't it? How can people know the protection actually works. Saying one is protected and envisioning this protection doesn't mean bad things won't happen, because once again we all know they do. Having a belief in how something works is surely not the same has knowing how things work.

    I feel much the same as feather does. We remove ourselves away from the light when protection becomes ones priority. Having complete trust in yourself and in the Universal process is imo the only form of protection anyone needs.

    I agree, Skye.

    One of the finest mediums, Gordon Higginson, always said in his lectures, "what do you need protection from?"

    God is your guide.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:42 pm

    zerdini wrote:
    skye wrote:

    I agree, Skye.

    One of the finest mediums, Gordon Higginson, always said in his lectures, "what do you need protection from?"

    God is your guide.

    Absolutely, Z. I wasn't fortunate enough to go to the AFC at Stansted to listen to one of Gordon's lectures. Although his method of teaching did travel to the Spiritual church I attended for awareness and development classes. I did meet him at church when he did a service, and I once visited him at his home. A lovely, gentle man and a gentleman of course.
    Native spirit
    Native spirit

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  Native spirit Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:28 am

    Why do we need 'protection'? 348985 IT depends if you believe in god or not i dont i believe in the Great spirit, to say you dont need protection is a personal choice, you cant say you dont need it because you dont know about the person asking the question they could be into anything , i was always told you say a prayer for protection and you always close down and ground yourself after, its always works for me so i would agree with violet on this.


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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  SpiritVoices Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:34 am

    I really do not know enough about the subject to discuss it but would suggest it is similiar to leaving the front door open to all and sundry who may decide to visit.....Why do we need 'protection'? 780422031

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  zerdini Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:45 am

    Joanie wrote:I really do not know enough about the subject to discuss it but would suggest it is similiar to leaving the front door open to all and sundry who may decide to visit.....Why do we need 'protection'? 780422031

    It's nothing like that at all! Skye summed it up very well indeed.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:05 pm

    Native spirit wrote:Why do we need 'protection'? 348985 IT depends if you believe in god or not i dont i believe in the Great spirit, to say you dont need protection is a personal choice, you cant say you dont need it because you dont know about the person asking the question they could be into anything , i was always told you say a prayer for protection and you always close down and ground yourself after, its always works for me so i would agree with violet on this.


    I don't view God as a personified God, I leave that to others who happen to believe in their own version of what God is. As a Spiritualist, God is seen as Universal energy, the natural laws which govern the Universe in complete order. Working with them gives you all the protection you need. Lets face it, we know it works for 'God' and I know it works for me, so, why wouldn't it work for other people? We are all one and the same after all!

    I didn't say protection wasn't down to individual choice. I for one know I have no intention of influencing anyone, neither is this about scoring points off another. Yet, I don't understand just what it is that makes people feel there is a need. What/who are they seeking protection from? Themselves, from what I can understand.

    I can say I don't need protection too. I obviously don't not know what people are into, or even what they are like as a person, none of that matters. What does matter is that I do know me. I know I am responsible for taking care of myself, both in spiritual matters, or out there in the big wide world. No one person can harm another unless that person allows them to whether in the spirit world or here. No medium or psychic would choose to put themselves in danger, would they?

    My thoughts on grounding are the same as protection. My viewpoint is as soon as we have finished communicating with spirit, we close down and come down to earth so to speak. We are automatically grounded. Our thoughts instantly revert back to thoughts of the physical world, so how can we not be grounded?

    People have to travel on their own journey and will learn things at their own pace. They will do what makes them feel safe and secure, and that's how it should be, for them. This doesn't or shouldn't imply they are any less, or indeed any more capable than another in communicating with spirit and providing evidence of our human survival.

    I honestly believe fear of the unknown is what is responsible for protection and grounding techniques. It's akin to forcing people to believe the stories in various religious text. We all know unenlightened spirits do exist, this doesn't mean they are evil. What is evil anyway? Like attracts like every single time. There's a phrase which says; 'what we resist persists'.

    Prayer is always good if the intention is of the same.

    Number of posts : 1256
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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:13 pm

    Joanie wrote:I really do not know enough about the subject to discuss it but would suggest it is similiar to leaving the front door open to all and sundry who may decide to visit.....Why do we need 'protection'? 780422031

    Yes in a way it can be seen this way Joanie. But aren't you the one person who is in sole charge of who you allow to enter through your front door? Or would you prefer to leave responsibility with other people?

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  SpiritVoices Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:21 pm

    I appreciate what you are saying,Skye but what about those new comers to spiritualism,who are or may be unaware that we need to be careful who to 'let in' the front door?

    You are an accomplished medium,some arn't.

    Like NativeSpirit remarked,grounding or a small prayer does not hurt for a little protection.

    Thanks Skye.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  Violet Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:33 pm

    skye wrote:
    Joanie wrote:I really do not know enough about the subject to discuss it but would suggest it is similiar to leaving the front door open to all and sundry who may decide to visit.....Why do we need 'protection'? 780422031

    Yes in a way it can be seen this way Joanie. But aren't you the one person who is in sole charge of who you allow to enter through your front door? Or would you prefer to leave responsibility with other people?

    Some lower energies are capable of barging through your door regardless, i've know it happen even with very experienced mediums, I also think the responsibilty is down to yourself whether to 'protect' or not, no one else, it can and imo should be recommended during development but no one can force you to use it.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:47 pm

    Joanie wrote:I appreciate what you are saying,Skye but what about those new comers to spiritualism,who are or may be unaware that we need to be careful who to 'let in' the front door?

    You are an accomplished medium,some arn't.

    Like NativeSpirit remarked,grounding or a small prayer does not hurt for a little protection.

    Thanks Skye.

    Prayer is always helpful and imo is a way of showing spirit that we are ready to begin communication as well as end any session with thanks. As for grounding, please don't tell me you or other people imagine themselves as a tree?

    I understand your comment too Joanie. My answer is; we teach them, plain and simple. People must be made aware there are energies that are not of like mind to ourselves. Much like in our every day normal life. However, isn't it preferable for those new to developing mediumship to learn how to depend on themselves for protection? How would they know what a 'guide' represents? Or, do we just let them trust that's it one of their guides and hope and pray no harm will come to them? Furthermore, it could be a mischievous spirit who likes nothing more than to put us on their level and pretend to be a guide or nay other person in spirit. Ignorance doesn't stop 'bad' things from happening. We could all ask for protection for everyone on earth, does this mean no harm will come to them, of course not. Things happen because the law of cause and effect is in operation.

    Spirit won't do for us what we are not prepared to do for ourselves, neither do they have the authority to do so. We have to learn to trust spirit, but we mustn't forget we have to learn to trust ourselves above all others.

    This is why I'd rather suggest people shouldn't attempt to do any form of spirit or psychic work without some form of basic knowledge of how energies work. Besides if they want to develop mediumship then they have to build a relationship with their guides. This takes time, years even for some folk. Guides are the ones who develop and unfold our mediumship. Some people wrongly assume they just meditate, open up and hey presto, spirit communicate, it doesn't work like that. If it did, there would be no need for training and development from our guides.


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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  SpiritVoices Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:00 pm

    I was always taught to say a prayer before sleep as a child.

    I still continue with that now as an adult.

    Call it habit but it is hard to change one's ways of childhood.

    I'm not particularly religious but I do stick with one habit.

    I have utter faith in God or whatever name he goes under.

    I do not have the knowledge you or your friend,Zerdini have but I trust that who ever does come to me,comes in love and trust.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:06 pm

    Violet wrote:
    skye wrote:
    Joanie wrote:I really do not know enough about the subject to discuss it but would suggest it is similiar to leaving the front door open to all and sundry who may decide to visit.....Why do we need 'protection'? 780422031

    Yes in a way it can be seen this way Joanie. But aren't you the one person who is in sole charge of who you allow to enter through your front door? Or would you prefer to leave responsibility with other people?

    Some lower energies are capable of barging through your door regardless, i've know it happen even with very experienced mediums, I also think the responsibilty is down to yourself whether to 'protect' or not, no one else, it can and imo should be recommended during development but no one can force you to use it.

    I disagree, Violet. I personally know mediums who have experienced entities that they normally wouldn't come across. Yet they have because their minds attracted those energies to them in one form or another. The law of attraction, as any natural law is unalterable and is automatic in it's operation. if this wasn't the case there would be chaos everywhere in the world.

    I also agree no one person can force another to do anything whatsoever. But, if things do go wrong or awry, as often is seen around a number of forums, they are left wondering how or why their words of so called protection didn't actually protect them at all.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:40 pm

    Joanie wrote:I was always taught to say a prayer before sleep as a child.

    I still continue with that now as an adult.

    Call it habit but it is hard to change one's ways of childhood.

    I'm not particularly religious but I do stick with one habit.

    I have utter faith in God or whatever name he goes under.

    I do not have the knowledge you or your friend,Zerdini have but I trust that who ever does come to me,comes in love and trust.

    Joanie, no one, not even Zerdini, your old friend is asking you or anyone else reading this thread to stop praying or change a habit of a lifetime. I have the feeling you are taking my posts personally. Or, as if, i've got cause to get at you for whatever reason. Should this be the case, you are sadly mistaken.

    My intention of posting anything on any thread is to offer my knowledge to everyone on the forum, for the purpose of planting a seed of thought, nothing more, nothing less. There are many myths about mediumship, most do more harm than good. Some people may have never considered a different point of view before and wonder why things aren't working as some mediums claim they should. If my words can help one person that's good enough for me.

    However, I'm not naive enough to think anyone will do or even understand what I've offered. If anything I can hope only that it makes them use their sense of reason before choosing to dismiss it. And, do you know something else, that's also good enough for me.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  SpiritVoices Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:58 pm

    No,nothing personal,Skye,you have known him a lot longer than I have,why the remark.

    Anyway,topic is not about Zerdini.

    It is about needing protection against bad energies.

    I do appreciate your advice,always have over the years we have known each other.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:06 pm

    Joanie wrote:No,nothing personal,Skye,why the remark.

    I just felt your reply was a little distant. And was wondering why you mentioned saying prayers as a child that's all. I admit I could be wrong though, it won't be the first time.

    Just to add further to your comment,'I trust that who ever does come to me,comes in love and trust.'

    This can make a difference in who you attract from the spirit world. Insomuch as your focus of attention is aiming for those who come in love, without having the need to ask and perform protection techniques. Those on lower levels cannot rise to a higher level. Our thoughts must always be for our highest good when working with energy. Any signs of negativity or fear however slight, will reduce our own energy vibration level enabling lower entities to come in. When we're in this type of mindset we often don't realise it until something untoward grabs our attention so we can act differently to reverse any unpleasant effects.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  Violet Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:16 pm

    Hi Skye, I totally appreciate and understand what you've saidWhy do we need 'protection'? 821538 and the below is certainly true

    Our thoughts must always be for our highest good when working with energy.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  feather Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:23 am

    skye wrote:

    This can make a difference in who you attract from the spirit world. Insomuch as your focus of attention is aiming for those who come in love, without having the need to ask and perform protection techniques. Those on lower levels cannot rise to a higher level. Our thoughts must always be for our highest good when working with energy. Any signs of negativity or fear however slight, will reduce our own energy vibration level enabling lower entities to come in. When we're in this type of mindset we often don't realise it until something untoward grabs our attention so we can act differently to reverse any unpleasant effects.

    Maybe for those who cannot be sure they are working from a high vibration, the very act of asking for protection from 'above' actually establishes that high vibration in those who believe. Sort of like moving into a new neighbourhood and being told it is totally safe but having a burglar alarm fitted and armed just in case and after living there for quite a while with out mishap, the uncertainty becomes a knowing it is totally safe... then ... no need for a burglar alarm.

    What I am saying is that praying for protection is a manual lifting to the highest vibration and part of making absolutely sure for someone who lacks experience....

    Number of posts : 1256
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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:52 pm

    feather wrote:
    skye wrote:

    This can make a difference in who you attract from the spirit world. Insomuch as your focus of attention is aiming for those who come in love, without having the need to ask and perform protection techniques. Those on lower levels cannot rise to a higher level. Our thoughts must always be for our highest good when working with energy. Any signs of negativity or fear however slight, will reduce our own energy vibration level enabling lower entities to come in. When we're in this type of mindset we often don't realise it until something untoward grabs our attention so we can act differently to reverse any unpleasant effects.

    Maybe for those who cannot be sure they are working from a high vibration, the very act of asking for protection from 'above' actually establishes that high vibration in those who believe. Sort of like moving into a new neighbourhood and being told it is totally safe but having a burglar alarm fitted and armed just in case and after living there for quite a while with out mishap, the uncertainty becomes a knowing it is totally safe... then ... no need for a burglar alarm.

    What I am saying is that praying for protection is a manual lifting to the highest vibration and part of making absolutely sure for someone who lacks experience....

    I can understand what you're saying Feather. No one would knowingly enter a situation and place themselves in danger without taking preventative measures to ensure their safety. From what I've read and heard, it's obvious asking for spiritual protection does help people feel safe. Whether one perceives it differently or not is of no relevance because people do what they feel is best for them.

    Although, asking for protection cannot prevent people from having a negative experience if they act irresponsibly, or if their intention is not for the good. I think it's important people are made aware of this. Their freewill will be the deciding factor in how they respond to this information.

    Belief alone is misleading and does no one no favours. Like will always attracts like, and, there are no exceptions to the rule. Not even for those mediums who are considered by some to be established or well known. Complacency needs to be avoided at all costs, moreso when working with unseen energies.

    My understanding is such that the motives of people in general are honest and sincere. If we learn to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, we can come to realise our sincerity naturally protects us from unenlightened spirits. Hence, prayers of protection are not only unnecessary, they just complicate matters, which in reality is simple.


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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  SpiritVoices Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:37 pm

    May I ask a question,Skye in relation to what the subject of this topic about?

    As you know I am not an experienced medium and sometimes I do feel a little nervous about what comes through to me.

    I only hear voices and sometimes i wonder who they are and where do they come from.

    Most I know and recognise,must admit those voices do not bother me,have been told one is a guide and is always there when i need him.

    Now,as usual,I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a distinct male voice say to me 'What are you doing here?'

    The voice was strange and rather abrupt which worried me a little.

    Plus the question that was asked of me.

    My immediate thought was 'Who was he and why did I feel so uncomfortable about it?'

    Now this is what I worry about,something in this vein coming through to me.

    So how do I deal with that? Do I need some sort of grounding or some way to prevent that happening again?


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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  skye Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:08 pm

    Joanie wrote:May I ask a question,Skye in relation to what the subject of this topic about?

    As you know I am not an experienced medium and sometimes I do feel a little nervous about what comes through to me.

    I only hear voices and sometimes i wonder who they are and where do they come from.

    Most I know and recognise,must admit those voices do not bother me,have been told one is a guide and is always there when i need him.

    Now,as usual,I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a distinct male voice say to me 'What are you doing here?'

    The voice was strange and rather abrupt which worried me a little.

    Plus the question that was asked of me.

    My immediate thought was 'Who was he and why did I feel so uncomfortable about it?'

    Now this is what I worry about,something in this vein coming through to me.

    So how do I deal with that? Do I need some sort of grounding or some way to prevent that happening again?


    I suggest you don't panic first of all. Abruptness doesn't necessarily imply the voice's owner is from a low realm or mischievous in nature. It's reveals a major part of a person's personality. Let me set a scenario to hopefully give you an idea of a possible reason as to why you may have had the experience. This may provide some insight so you can consider other probable physical causes that may be responsible. This is preferable to letting your imagination over react - like most of us do - when things happen which we do not fully comprehend.

    The man's tone and words may have instantly reminded you of an unpleasant incident which happened in your childhood or, at some other time in your life. As those memories came flooding back so did the emotional feeling that you attached to the situation. This is enough for you to begin feeling uncomfortable. Perhaps the man concerned wanted to draw close so he could apologise for the unnecessary suffering his actions caused you. Unfortunately because you are unsure of what to do or what to expect during a spirit communication, your nerves got the upper hand and the event came to a close. You are now wide awake and left wondering, who was he, and why did he make me feel uncomfortable.

    Can you understand the point I'm trying to make Joan?

    The way to deal with experiences like this or prevent them happening again is to learn more about what you're doing and practice. Try not over reacting when sensing energies that are different to what you recognise. A large number of mediums speak directly to a spirit communicator not there guides, although their guides are always in the background overseeing the whole process.

    As for grounding techniques Joan, imo it's useless and not worth the effort. We are grounded the instant our thoughts centre on the physcial world. Others will strongly disagree, that's their choice. I've never felt compelled to perform unproductive methods, be they grounding or protection. Chakra opening or closing and cleansing. Oh, the list can go on and on I suppose, if this is what we think is necessary to become a medium.

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    Why do we need 'protection'? Empty Re: Why do we need 'protection'?

    Post  feather Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:37 am

    skye wrote:
    As for grounding techniques Joan, imo it's useless and not worth the effort. We are grounded the instant our thoughts centre on the physcial world. Others will strongly disagree, that's their choice. I've never felt compelled to perform unproductive methods, be they grounding or protection. Chakra opening or closing and cleansing. Oh, the list can go on and on I suppose, if this is what we think is necessary to become a medium.

    Hi skye, I'm a bit like Joanie...I 'hear' too and it can get a little confusing because the voice or words are the only thing to go on.

    If I hear something a bit weird...I just let it go without getting caught up in the why's and wherefore's...I just allow myself to be tuned out. Sometimes if the problem is persistent I even ask Michael (what I call my guide) to tune me out or to 'let me see the light' and he does..I've found out that is the best way for me.

    The grounding and chakra work....I tend to react this way to any rituals. If I do it and it feels not for me...that is...it feels silly or unnecessary or tedious or alien...I dispense with it. If it feels right and I don't feel distracted or the ritual doesn't feel alien to me...I then accept whatever it is and it becomes part of the process...as something I need at the time.

    Actually I went to a psychic workshop and it came to the part where we had to do an archangel meditation on cd and meet the 4 archangels and the meditation words were very formal and long winded. Into my mind during the dialogue on the cd with Archangel Michael...in popped a thought expressed this way...'You don't need to say all that...just say G'Day and ask me what you need to know.'

    In my mind I replied...'No worries. G'day Michael, how's things?'

    I addressed all the archangels the same way and I felt a lot more relaxed and natural about it all.

    Whatever feels the better way for me is the way I go.

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