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Lion L
11 posters

    Near Death Experiences


    Number of posts : 2027
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Near Death Experiences

    Post  Auras Thu May 22, 2014 1:36 pm

    There are both dis-advantages to Near Death Experiences.

    But one thing that puzzles me, when one physical body dies the the spirit comes out of the body and the silver cord breaks, But I don't see how it can connect back together once they go back in?
    Lion L
    Lion L

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Lion L Thu May 22, 2014 1:42 pm

    Maybe there is no silver cord to begin with?

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  SpiritVoices Thu May 22, 2014 4:34 pm

    'Defination of the Silver Cord.

    In light of the information

    above, the soul does not

    incarnate and attach to the

    fetus for approximately

    three months – for it takes

    approximately this time for

    the development of the

    central nervous system. If

    a miscarriage or abortion

    occurs prior to this time,

    I suggest there would be no

    spiritual consequence

    because a soul has not been

    released to the spirit

    world. But, if an infant

    soul does go to the spirit

    world, it will be adopted

    by relations or spirit

    parents and raised as their

    own to maturity.


    Helen Padgett, wife of


    “I had scarcely awakened to

    the fact that my spirit had

    left my body before my

    husband’s mother had me in

    her arms and was trying to

    tell me that I had nothing

    to fear or cause me to feel

    that I was not with those

    who loved me. I went with

    her, and she took me to a

    place that was very

    beautiful and filled with

    spirits who had recently

    passed over.”


    Upon death, the soul is

    released from the physical

    body encased in its etheric

    or spirit body. This spirit

    body is not a new one, but

    has been with the soul

    since its incarnation into

    the mortal flesh. The

    spirit body takes the place

    of the physical body and

    protects the soul during

    its existence in the spirit

    world. This body is made

    the active energy of the

    soul and reflects the

    condition of the soul.

    Arthur Findlay,

    spiritualist author:

    “It will be noticed that,

    throughout these meetings

    (sessions with the medium

    John Slone), the etherians

    mention every part of their

    body, their hands, fingers,

    face, lips, mouth, tongue,

    throat, legs, arms, feet,

    heart, head, hair, eyes and

    tears, thus confirming that

    the spirit body is a

    duplicate of the physical

    body.” Spiritualists know

    this to be true because

    mediums can describe spirit

    loved ones with accuracy

    and in considerable detail.

    Francis Bacon:

    ”The soul’s home is in the

    spirit body, whether that

    body is encased in mortal

    form or not. The soul is

    never without its spirit

    body, which, in appearance

    and composition, is

    determined by the state of

    the soul. The soul has a

    material covering and an

    appearance that is real and

    tangible, which changes in

    appearance as the condition

    of the soul changes.”

    In the spirit world, there

    is no deformity of the

    spirit body. The blind can

    see, the deaf can hear, the

    amputee has his limbs. The

    only afflictions that are

    brought to the spirit world

    are the emotional and

    psychological ones, and, if

    the spirit so desires,

    these can be treated by

    spirit physicians and

    Taken from spirituailism

    and beyond'

    Number of posts : 13312
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  SpiritVoices Thu May 22, 2014 4:36 pm

    Hope the above helps....

    Number of posts : 1256
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  skye Thu May 22, 2014 7:10 pm

    Auras wrote:There are both dis-advantages to Near Death Experiences.

    But one thing that puzzles me, when one physical body dies the the spirit comes out of the body and the silver cord breaks, But I don't see how it can connect back together once they go back in?
    It can't. Once it is severed death occurs instantly. 

    Those people who experience NDE's do not actually die as the cord is never broken. It could be said it's the same process as when we visit the spirit world during our sleep time, it's just that many are unable to remember this. Yet none have been known to have any difficulty connecting to their body and continue to live their normal everyday life after these events.

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Crystal Thu May 22, 2014 7:15 pm

    Auras wrote:There are both dis-advantages to Near Death Experiences.

    But one thing that puzzles me, when one physical body dies the the spirit comes out of the body and the silver cord breaks, But I don't see how it can connect back together once they go back in?

    With an NDE the physical body does not die. It stops breathing the heart may stop beating but it is not dead, the spirit has just left for a short while until it comes back, if it doesn't, then the physical body dies. And the cord is not silver, it is an energy stream that follows the spirit out of the body.

    Number of posts : 13312
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  SpiritVoices Thu May 22, 2014 9:29 pm

    Auras wrote:There are both dis-advantages to Near Death Experiences.

    But one thing that puzzles me, when one physical body dies the the spirit comes out of the body and the silver cord breaks, But I don't see how it can connect back together once they go back in?

    The silver cords breaks and separates from the physical body..like the umbilican cord does to a new born baby.. The soul leaves from the top of the head...I think,not sure of this.

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  ameliorate Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:26 pm


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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Crystal Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:30 pm

    OMG now there are three types of death??

    1. In a clinical death, it is only the heart that stops beating,

    2. In a biological death, the organs (such as liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.) stop functioning.

    3. In an organic death, the brain starts dying off.

    Makes sense I suppose but then is 1 really dying, but near death instead? For me it is like the spirit has started to leave the physical body , it is travelling but still intimately linked and so can be brought back or decide to go back to the physical.

    After the panic and chest pain it was peaceful, beautiful, calm. Then back to agony again and panic.
    I liked this part "“In a clinical death, it is only the heart that stops beating, and this is the type that has yielded the near death experience accounts, only because the other two types of death are deeper and more likely irreversible, and, even if people could come back from them, they would not be functional enough to tell their story."

    Some people are brought back to life but are still really dead and in that awfully descriptive vegetative state. I feel that it is only man that causes this state.

    Number of posts : 3603
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  ameliorate Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:37 am


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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:36 pm

    Does anyone know where Josh is now?

    Number of posts : 1249
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Crystal Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:50 pm

    mac wrote:Does anyone know where Josh is now?

    Awwh GMTA I hoped he had replied to this thread but it was you Mac.  Well maybe he will pick up on our thinking about him x

    Number of posts : 3603
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  ameliorate Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:02 pm

    He is young....maybe he got a life!

    Number of posts : 4147
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:52 pm

    Crystal wrote:
    mac wrote:Does anyone know where Josh is now?

    Awwh GMTA I hoped he had replied to this thread but it was you Mac.  Well maybe he will pick up on our thinking about him x
    sorry to disappoint you... 

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:54 pm

    ameliorate wrote:He is young....maybe he got a life!
    I hope that's all it is...  I was rather fond of him even though what I wrote often rubbed him the wrong way.  I hope he's now doing well.  Matters of the spirit fit better into an older-adult lifestyle in my view.

    Number of posts : 1249
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    Job/hobbies : Counsellor - Crystals,Tarot, Reiki and animal healing
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Crystal Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:32 pm

    mac wrote:
    ameliorate wrote:He is young....maybe he got a life!
    I hope that's all it is...  I was rather fond of him even though what I wrote often rubbed him the wrong way.  I hope he's now doing well.  Matters of the spirit fit better into an older-adult lifestyle in my view.

    Was a pleasant disappointment lol, ... older and very young?
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    Number of posts : 4147
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:43 am

    It takes 72 hours for the silver cord to sever,you are still dead,as soon as you die physically,as in no heartbeat or brain activity,but mainly the the heart stops pumping then you really are dead,but time is only relative to this world,this earth,you can die for a few minutes before you are revived and have no brain damage if you are lucky from lack of oxygen!
    But during an OBE or NDE time is irrelevant in the next world,I know this from multiple experiences,but out of our bodies seems to last forever,though we may only be dead for 10 seconds earth time.

    But its 72 hours for the silver cord to sever completely.
    Guides widely accepted as spiritually advanced have explained that death of the physical body occurs at the point when the so-called silver cord is severed.  I prefer their guidance on such matters rather than uninformed conjecture.
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:52 pm

    Do you always play the fool?   

    It probably doesn't much matter what you write - thankfully - because there are few likely to be influenced by your home-grown ideas.  

    Nonetheless some of them need to be rebuffed and an authoritative source's explanation provided for balance. 
    Is that approach what you see as trolling?  If so then I am indeed a troll, fol dee roll.... :spitcoff:

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Auras Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:01 am

    mac wrote:
    ameliorate wrote:He is young....maybe he got a life!
    I hope that's all it is...  I was rather fond of him even though what I wrote often rubbed him the wrong way.  I hope he's now doing well.  Matters of the spirit fit better into an older-adult lifestyle in my view.
    Maybe that's because adults have a better understanding, perhaps?

    Number of posts : 4147
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:13 am

    How are you doing, Josh?  Good to hear from you after all this time....  :hugz:

    Number of posts : 2027
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Auras Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:05 pm

    mac wrote:How are you doing, Josh?  Good to hear from you after all this time....  :hugz:
    I'm doing great, Mac. How about you?

    Number of posts : 4147
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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  mac Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:24 pm

    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:How are you doing, Josh?  Good to hear from you after all this time....  :hugz:
    I'm doing great, Mac. How about you?

    Not bad for an old fart, thanks! lol

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    Near Death Experiences Empty Re: Near Death Experiences

    Post  Violet Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:59 pm

    Auras wrote:There are both dis-advantages to Near Death Experiences.

    But one thing that puzzles me, when one physical body dies the the spirit comes out of the body and the silver cord breaks, But I don't see how it can connect back together once they go back in?
    The cord doesn't  break until you are totally dead

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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