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3 posters

    willow-bark and asprin


    Number of posts : 268
    Age : 80
    Location : kfar blum
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2011-09-23

    willow-bark and asprin Empty willow-bark and asprin

    Post  skfarblum Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:46 am

    For those interested in the history of asprin and willow-bark.You may enjoy this read


    Number of posts : 379
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    willow-bark and asprin Empty Re: willow-bark and asprin

    Post  linen Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:03 pm

    I have pure willow bark which I put in capsules.  And yes, it is very bitter.  I used it when I had severe allergies that prevented me from taking a regular aspirin tablet years back.  Did it help?  A little.

    Number of posts : 268
    Age : 80
    Location : kfar blum
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2011-09-23

    willow-bark and asprin Empty Re: willow-bark and asprin

    Post  skfarblum Thu Oct 29, 2020 6:12 pm

    I actualy learnt about willow bark from reading fantasy novels.
    Strange how one learns things.

    Number of posts : 265
    Location : Multi-dimensional
    Job/hobbies : Female.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    willow-bark and asprin Empty Re: willow-bark and asprin

    Post  Ciona Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:46 pm

    Thank you for posting this, I enjoyed reading it.

    I am about to switch to aspirin to try to get pain relief since other nsaids only make my inflammatory flare ups worse and tylenol doesn't seem work on me.

    skfarblum likes this post


    Number of posts : 379
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    willow-bark and asprin Empty Re: willow-bark and asprin

    Post  linen Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:20 pm

    Ciona wrote:Thank you for posting this, I enjoyed reading it.

    I am about to switch to aspirin to try to get pain relief since other nsaids only make my inflammatory flare ups worse and tylenol doesn't seem work on me.
    I don't know if by inflammation what type you have but I've been taking Boron for arthritic inflammation with amazing results.  But it will take about 3 months before you will see significant results.  It won't help with torn ligaments/cartilage but it will for the resultant arthritic inflammation.

    I've gone from sharp stabbing pain in my shoulders to pain but now I can lift my arms at angles that were impossibly painful before.

    skfarblum and Ciona like this post


    Number of posts : 265
    Location : Multi-dimensional
    Job/hobbies : Female.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    willow-bark and asprin Empty Re: willow-bark and asprin

    Post  Ciona Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:37 am

    linen wrote:
    Ciona wrote:Thank you for posting this, I enjoyed reading it.

    I am about to switch to aspirin to try to get pain relief since other nsaids only make my inflammatory flare ups worse and tylenol doesn't seem work on me.
    I don't know if by inflammation what type you have but I've been taking Boron for arthritic inflammation with amazing results.  But it will take about 3 months before you will see significant results.  It won't help with torn ligaments/cartilage but it will for the resultant arthritic inflammation.

    I've gone from sharp stabbing pain in my shoulders to pain but now I can lift my arms at angles that were impossibly painful before.

    Thanks for this, I will look into Boron. I have multiple inflammatory conditions (endocrine,  sinus, urinary and digestive). The excrutiating pain is from the inflammatory bowel disease so that is digestive but I'm on an anti-inflammatory diet (among other things I've been doing to put myself in remission) which is really helping. Usually I can stop the flare ups with those foods and the pain goes away, but I would like something for back up.

    I am glad to hear you can lift your arms now, I know you have had multiple painful issues to deal with as well and I also saw your recent posts about being able to eat corn again as well as the post about the spine stimulator. I have improved a great deal and my goal is complete remission. Here's to us both finally feeling better.  :hugz:

    skfarblum likes this post


    Number of posts : 379
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    willow-bark and asprin Empty Re: willow-bark and asprin

    Post  linen Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:49 pm

    Thanks for this Ciona.  Only another chronic pain sufferer can understand.  I wish you well.  We take Mineralife Liquid Ionic Boron.  Do your own research and find if it's right for you.

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