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    Navratri : Nine day festival of the Divine Goddess


    Number of posts : 44
    Registration date : 2017-01-10

    Navratri : Nine day festival of the Divine Goddess Empty Navratri : Nine day festival of the Divine Goddess

    Post  ajay0 Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:23 pm

    The 9 day Navratri festival is being celebrated by Hindus around the world from last week onwards, and  is from 15-10-23 (Sunday) to 24-10-23 (Tuesday).

    The Navratri festival is conducted in reverence of the Mother Goddess Durga. As per Shakta philosophy of Hinduism, all women are manifestations of the Divine Mother and reverence towards them results in auspiciousness and strength. 


    Navratri is an opportunity to celebrate, rejoice, and rekindle our spirituality. During Navratri, we celebrate the nine forms of “Goddess Durga or Shakti”, who symbolises purity and divinity, while the depiction of demons like Ravana at her feet represents the five negative Sanskar, including lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego.. Thus, Navratri serves as an occasion to invoke the deities in our quest to transcend these negative traits and habits.

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