I have this "Cute Little Spider Catcher" sitting on my nose at the moment...while I am writing this post
...Now it/he/she is becoming a bit of a nuisance because I welcomed him by blowing on his/its body when it was flying by...
...They love you "Blowing" on them as I had noticed over the last couple of years.
They arrive mid summer...
I have noticed that they only "Harvest" a "Particular" type of "Spider" and they have stored their "Catch" in different types of "Fabric"...with some kind of "Clay" which they must use as containers to hold their "Catch".
I have only seen the "Shells" of "The Spiders" that have been caught by these "Amazing LittleCatchers"
It has taken me quite a while and quite an episode with one of these "Catchers" to get this post right
Here "it" comes again but not on my face thank goodness
Peace and Much Love...
ps...it is too tickly, itchy, on the face... and here it goes again...
They are my "Cutest Little Bugs"...oops he's on my neck now
...Now it/he/she is becoming a bit of a nuisance because I welcomed him by blowing on his/its body when it was flying by...
...They love you "Blowing" on them as I had noticed over the last couple of years.
They arrive mid summer...
I have noticed that they only "Harvest" a "Particular" type of "Spider" and they have stored their "Catch" in different types of "Fabric"...with some kind of "Clay" which they must use as containers to hold their "Catch".
I have only seen the "Shells" of "The Spiders" that have been caught by these "Amazing LittleCatchers"
It has taken me quite a while and quite an episode with one of these "Catchers" to get this post right
Here "it" comes again but not on my face thank goodness
Peace and Much Love...
ps...it is too tickly, itchy, on the face... and here it goes again...
They are my "Cutest Little Bugs"...oops he's on my neck now