Please make time to read these rules, we are quite easy going here, but we would ask that the rules be read and followed.
Respect & Civility: We ask that all members remain civil towards each other, and respect the fact that everyone has their own opinions, experiences and thoughts and have the right to express them as long as they are not abusive, illegal or personally insulting towards other members, whether anyone else believes in them or not.
Swearing, abuse, personal attacks, mocking and insulting posts will now be edited or deleted without notice in an attempt to keep the forum a pleasant place to be for all.
If you really cannot get along with someone then please ignore them.
Links: Ideally we'd prefer no links at all but we do appreciate that some can be useful and we will generally overlook any links of this nature as long as they are used sparingly and considerately and will benefit our members in some way. Please do not link to threads in other forums or copy the content of another forum into here.
Commercial Links: Are strictly not allowed if they are adverts or for personal gain.
Personal Details: Please do not post any personal or identifying information on the forum this includes full names/addresses/phone numbers/email addresses etc on the open forum. Should anyone request personal information from you via pm (or send you their's or links via pm unasked) please report this to our staff. This includes discussing members in a negative way or sharing personal details about them, from this site or other sites without their knowledge or approval.
Youtube Links: Are permitted in the music section only but are subject to staff approval, we will remove without notice anything we deem unsuitable.
Advertisements: No advertisements whatsoever, (this includes commercial links, paid psychics/mediums/healers etc) without the express permission of the administrators of this board.
Spammers: Will be banned outright and this includes 'underground' spammers abusing the pm system. This includes private messaging members to entice them to another website/forum, we have a websites and links section where such links can be openly displayed without unfair 'poaching'. Anyone found to be doing this in instances other than inviting a friend, such as bulk pm'ing or spamming new members will be banned. If you place a link to your forum/website here then please place one for us at your site.
Articles and Poems: Any such work posted must be your own work unless you have permission to post another's work. Copyrighted material posted by members who choose to disregard copyright law is done so at member's own risk as Spiritual Inspiration and it's staff will take no responsibility for any consequences incurred, though we will attempt to remove any such work.
Issues From Other sites: Please do not bring grievances, issues or arguments from other sites into Spiritual Inspiration. Posts found containing such will be subject to removal without notice.
All rules are subject to change/amendment without notice.
These rules are likely to be updated and possibly altered as the forum grows please make sure you read them regularly.
Disclaimer: Spiritual Inspiration and it's staff reserve the right to take any action we deem necessary and without notice for the overall safety and well-being of our membership and the forum, we also reserve the right to update and amend our rules at any time without notice. The Admin's decisions are final.
Thank you for reading.
Violet Forum Founder.
Last edited by Violet on Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:37 pm; edited 23 times in total