Spiritual Inspiration

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    who is what?


    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    who is what? Empty who is what?

    Post  mac Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:19 am

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just
    know they are there but at other times I can see, hear and speak to
    them. Some spirits say they have never lived in the physical world. I
    don't always know who they are but they may me offer guidance. I'm a


    I can sense or 'read' details directly about the people close to me
    or who come to see me for help. When I tell folks details they mostly
    say I am accurate and I may use the information to help those who ask
    advice. Sometimes I can detect the presence of ‘unseen’ individuals in
    other dimensions - spirits - and they tell me things for myself or about

    Sometimes people ask me to tell their futures but I tell them I do not know what the future may bring. I'm a 'psychic'.


    I'm able to focus and can then communicate with spirits. Some of them
    are my personal helpers and bring me support and guidance. I may also
    see and/or hear them or receive an image of what they're trying to
    communicate to me. Some come to pass on a message to family or friends
    who have come to me seeking reassurance about their loved ones. I try
    to get information to prove who the communicator is. I'm a 'medium' or
    'evidential medium'.


    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I see
    and speak to them. I don't know them and some say they have never lived
    in the physical world. What they say to me if for my own information
    or guidance. At times, though, they may give guidance for others or the
    information is for me to pass on generally. I'm a 'channel'.


    Number of posts : 134
    Age : 76
    Location : Mandurah W.A.
    Job/hobbies : Spiritual interests, movies, pot plants, op shopping, retired so do as little as possible is the plan, enjoying my time of life doing what ever i please.
    Registration date : 2011-04-04

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  guidinglight Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:59 am

    mac wrote:I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just
    know they are there but at other times I can see, hear and speak to
    them. Some spirits say they have never lived in the physical world. I
    don't always know who they are but they may me offer guidance. I'm a

    discussHi Mac,
    I have never experienced as pyschic/medium being in contact with those who claim they have never lived in th physical world, i would ask them what planes of the universe they work from or the level of the planes they are in, if i didnt know who i was connecting to i wouldnt take any advise in as being genuine if they are genuine higher beings workers and guides that work from the higher astral and mental planes they would tell you of their other existance on a higher level and of their existance if they have not lived on the earth plane.

    I can sense or 'read' details directly about the people close to me
    or who come to see me for help. When I tell folks details they mostly
    say I am accurate and I may use the information to help those who ask
    advice. Sometimes I can detect the presence of ‘unseen’ individuals in
    other dimensions - spirits - and they tell me things for myself or about

    When those come to you for help you still need to know you who you are connected to in the way of your spiritual guides,as it is your guides who bring through any kind of help or guidance that is meant for that soul, i am a bit confused when you say you( may) use the information to help those who come to you for advice when a client of mine comes for a reading i pass on what spirit gives me for that person as they (spirit)are the ones who know what that soul needs for guidance,and reasurrance as i am only the teapot that pours out that information.
    Again what dimensions are these spirit beings from that you see? it is important that you know before you can trust any information they bring through for you and others.ask them to tell you about themselves. most spiritual workers as far as i know including myself and do know work with and through the energies they know and trust they are in connection with in spirit such as our spiritual guides, our spiritual helpers, our angels, our spiritual teachers.Personally speaking i wouldnt pass on anything to another or take it in for myself unless i was sure i knew what presence i was communicating with or connected to.I know and trust that i am connecting to the highest of Gods truth, love, healing protection and wisdom when i bring my help forward before i do a reading or any kind of spiritual work;

    Sometimes people ask me to tell their futures but I tell them I do not know what the future may bring. I'm a 'psychic'.

    I am given by spirit some futuristic insights, that come in with my readings, what ever i am given is meant to be given to that soul for what ever reason, but i always say to anyone who wants to know more of their future it is not mine to give it is yours to live, spirit only give me what another needs at the time for their highest of good it doesnt matter if you are pyschic, medium, intuitive whatever we dont have the power to give someone their future only what spirit gives us as insights to help that person in the way spirit knows giving them an insight will help them through and give them hope for the future their future is theirs to live not ours to give.

    I'm able to focus and can then communicate with spirits. Some of them
    are my personal helpers and bring me support and guidance. I may also
    see and/or hear them or receive an image of what they're trying to
    communicate to me. Some come to pass on a message to family or friends
    who have come to me seeking reassurance about their loved ones. I try
    to get information to prove who the communicator is. I'm a 'medium' or
    'evidential medium'

    (As a medium i have worked in this way for many years as taught to me by my spiritual teachers, I ask the name of the person my client is hoping to receive a message from, are they willing to come forward with a message for whoever i am reading for,( they have to come forward to me i cant go to them,) i know when they have come forward because straight away i will recieve a message or conversation they have with me and the message they want to give to their loved ones offering proof it is them by telling me something only they and their loved ones knew they willinglly should give you some information and usually are very excited to be able be in the presence of their loved ones to give them a message and offer proof it is them by some gesture, information, or whatever their loved one knew of their personality.
    Before i do a reading and before a client arrives i meditate for at least an hour asking all my spritual help to come forward from the higher astral and mental planes of the universe to bridge the gap between our world and the spirit world to bring me the highest of Gods love, truth healing, protection and guidance for the person who is coming for a reading healing or mediumship .
    I would trust only mac in your spirit guides you have gifts but let your guides teach you how to properly conncect and trust who you work through and with it is important that you know who you are connecting to when you offer help to another and even recieve it for yourself.
    It took me years of experiencing what life and spirit had to teach me about my purpose here and how to work with my gifts i fell in a heap many times i didnt understand alot of anything or how to use my gifts it took years of learning and finding the right way to use what gifts i was given to work with and how to use them but it was im portant for me to feel confident in myself and trust that i knew what i was doing before i could help others i couldnt do that unless first i knew how to connect with spirit and feel safe knowing i was connecting to my guides from the higher astral planes and mental planes of the universe which are the highest planes of Gods truth, love, wisdom and healing you will be alright mac, just trust in your guides they give you what you need for your learning and progression then all your gifts will make more sense to you as they did to me .
    Love and light Guiding light. who is what? 348985


    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I see
    and speak to them. I don't know them and some say they have never lived
    in the physical world. What they say to me if for my own information
    or guidance. At times, though, they may give guidance for others or the
    information is for me to pass on generally. I'm a 'channel'.


    Number of posts : 13312
    Location : UK
    Job/hobbies : Retired
    Registration date : 2010-12-17

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  SpiritVoices Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:21 pm

    I feel I am a Pyschic.
    I feel people's pain,their hurt and feelings whether good or bad.
    I sense spirit around me,but cannot see them.
    I hear them so sense I am partly clairaudient.
    Joanie x

    Number of posts : 134
    Age : 76
    Location : Mandurah W.A.
    Job/hobbies : Spiritual interests, movies, pot plants, op shopping, retired so do as little as possible is the plan, enjoying my time of life doing what ever i please.
    Registration date : 2011-04-04

    who is what? Empty Joanie

    Post  guidinglight Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:47 pm

    [quote="Joanie"]I feel I am a Pyschic.
    I feel people's pain,their hurt and feelings whether good or bad.
    I sense spirit around me,but cannot see them.
    I hear them so sense I am partly clairaudient.
    Joanie x[/quote
    Hi Joanie who is what? 15910
    Yes you are clairaudient and i feel you have healing energies have you ever used that gift?
    If you havent been aware of that gift you need to know your energy does heal those that are around you that need a healing you have been doing that for a long time and have you probably noticed having the right words for those in need? that is another of your gifts all to do with healing.
    I sense peoples pain also i feel their medical problem as well as their emotional pain.
    Love and light Guidinglight. who is what? 348985

    Number of posts : 13312
    Location : UK
    Job/hobbies : Retired
    Registration date : 2010-12-17

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  SpiritVoices Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:15 pm

    Thank you,Guiding Light.
    I have been told I have healing qualities but have never attempted healing yet.
    I have been given a method of healing to use so must try it one day.
    who is what? 28115
    Joanie xxx

    Number of posts : 186
    Age : 52
    Registration date : 2010-07-01

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  PEACE Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:44 pm

    who is what? 15910 hi i feel peoples pain to, ifeel the energy in a room and have seen a spirit im clairsentient(i think)

    Number of posts : 24568
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  Violet Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:28 pm

    mac wrote:I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just
    know they are there but at other times I can see, hear and speak to
    them. Some spirits say they have never lived in the physical world. I
    don't always know who they are but they may me offer guidance. I'm a

    A medium wh is clairsentient, clairaudient and clairvoyant imo

    I can sense or 'read' details directly about the people close to me
    or who come to see me for help. When I tell folks details they mostly
    say I am accurate and I may use the information to help those who ask
    advice. Sometimes I can detect the presence of ‘unseen’ individuals in
    other dimensions - spirits - and they tell me things for myself or about

    Sometimes people ask me to tell their futures but I tell them I do not know what the future may bring. I'm a 'psychic'.

    Imo opinion a medium or what is often termed a psychic medium

    I'm able to focus and can then communicate with spirits. Some of them
    are my personal helpers and bring me support and guidance. I may also
    see and/or hear them or receive an image of what they're trying to
    communicate to me. Some come to pass on a message to family or friends
    who have come to me seeking reassurance about their loved ones. I try
    to get information to prove who the communicator is. I'm a 'medium' or
    'evidential medium'.

    I'd agree

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I see
    and speak to them. I don't know them and some say they have never lived
    in the physical world. What they say to me if for my own information
    or guidance. At times, though, they may give guidance for others or the
    information is for me to pass on generally. I'm a 'channel'.


    I'd say a medium again, channel is a word I rarely use but mediums and healers are both 'channels' imo

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  skye Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:38 pm

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just 
    know they are there but at other times I can see, hear and speak to 
    them. Some spirits say they have never lived in the physical world
    don't always know who they are but they may me offer guidance. I'm a 


    A sensitive from what I have read is another word for a medium, though it could also infer a psychic too. Although I suppose it could also suggest a person who is able to detect the presence of a spirit, hear their words and speak to them. As to whether or not a sensitive can actually reach an altered state of awareness, whereby a 2 way link to communicate with spirits is attainable so they are able to pass on spirit messages for others is debatable imo, as I've never visited a 'sensitive' for a personal reading or sitting.

    I can sense or 'read' details directly about the people close to me which the cards
    or who come to see me for help. When I tell folks details they mostly 
    say I am accurate and I may use the information to help those who ask 
    advice. Sometimes I can detect the presence of ‘unseen’ individuals in 
    other dimensions - spirits - and they tell me things for myself or about

    Sometimes people ask me to tell their futures but I tell them I do not know what the future may bring. I'm a 'psychic'.


    A psychic is a person who uses their psychic faculty including clairvoyance and clairaudience to receive information from another person or object. Psychics may use a 'tool' usually tarot cards, but there are other ways used to obtain information from. The information gleaned from a psychic is about the recipient only, it does not involve a spirit communicator. 

    A psychic can be a medium too, but not all are. Psychics sense spirit people, yet they do not have the ability to communicate on a spiritual level as a spiritual medium could, therefore they are not to be recommended if people want to communicate with a relative or loved one who has passed into the afterlife.

    I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  

    I'm able to focus and can then communicate with spirits. Some of them 

    are my personal helpers and bring me support and guidance. I may also 
    see and/or hear them or receive an image of what they're trying to 
    communicate to me. Some come to pass on a message to family or friends
    who have come to me seeking reassurance about their loved ones. I try 
    to get information to prove who the communicator is. I'm a 'medium' or 
    'evidential medium'. 


    When a physical human being communicates with a discarnate spirit to temporarily bring back to life the character and personality of their loved ones by way of providing the evidence which proves to a recipient that they are once again in the presence of their loved ones is the most credible form of mental mediumship. Evidential mediumship is often found to be healing. Knowing our loved ones survive physical death can help stop or lessen the bereavement process, helping us to not overly suffer and continue living our own life. 

    These types of mediums communicate directly with spirit people usually by ways of using their Clairvoyant, Clairaudient or Clairsentient faculties.  Also, there is the ability of just knowing who the spirit communicator is and what information they wish to express, I believe this is referred to as Clairknowing.   

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I see 
    and speak to them. I don't know them and some say they have never lived
    in the physical world. What they say to me if for my own information 
    or guidance. At times, though, they may give guidance for others or the
    information is for me to pass on generally. I'm a 'channel'.


    I consider someone who says they are a channel, are likely to be claiming they are a medium, whether this is of a spirit or psychic nature, I couldn't say.  A channel is similar to how I perceive a sensitive in that both a 'channel' and a 'sensitive' are aware of the energies around them, unfortunately this does not necessarily equate they are a spirit medium or have mediumistic qualities, of which I know I could be wrong.    

    Number of posts : 3603
    Age : 75
    Location : London, UK
    Job/hobbies : Full-time person! Cooking, creating things
    Registration date : 2012-02-15

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  ameliorate Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:57 pm

    I recently discovered the word for what I have....I am claircognizant - i.e. I receive lots of info coming
    at me about people.  For instance, when I first meet someone I get bombarded by incoming data from
    everything about them, e.g. their tone of voice, their stance, their eyes, facial expression - I get strong
    indications about their character and, sometimes the level of suffering they have had.  It doesn't work
    online (although for some claircognizants, it does) but I occasionally pick up an "energy", e.g. from a
    chat room.  (I thought everyone had this ability and was surprised to find out that this was not the case).
    I also have developed intuition but, I daresay, many of us have that.

    I don't think I would like to be contacted from spirits and I am glad that I do not have that ability.  My
    higher self, aka my intuition, is all the guidance I need.  (I conducted research on 3 different spiritual
    forums re. higher self and intuition.  My instinct was telling me that these are one and the same....the
    responses I got both consolidated and confirmed this).

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  mac Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:35 pm

    good god!  It's three years since this posting was active!

    Number of posts : 3603
    Age : 75
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    Job/hobbies : Full-time person! Cooking, creating things
    Registration date : 2012-02-15

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  ameliorate Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:50 pm

    Even threads get reincarnated!   :happy: 

    Number of posts : 13312
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    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  SpiritVoices Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:59 pm

    It's saving time,Amy.....most of the topic is already there.....we just add to it... :wink:

    Number of posts : 2027
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    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  Auras Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:59 pm


    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just 
    know they are there but at other times I can see, hear and speak to 
    them. Some spirits say they have never lived in the physical world
    don't always know who they are but they may me offer guidance. I'm a 

    I can, do this. Ah, Never knew you had such gifts. Have not heard the word 'sensitive' in such a long time.
    What you desribed is basically me.

    A psychic can be a medium too, but not all are. Psychics sense spirit people, yet they do not have the ability to communicate on a spiritual level as a spiritual medium could, therefore they are not to be recommended if people want to communicate with a relative or loved one who has passed into the afterlife.

    I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  

    I don't agree with there. I use to think that everyone can learn to work with spirit, But now after time, I disagreed. If spirit want to work with you, They will, No doubt about that. When you say psychics sense spirit people, You are basically saying everyone can sense spirit, I again disagree, Everyone is part psychic, I mean EVERYONE, But that doe snot mean they can sense spirit also

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  mac Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:35 pm

    "I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  mac Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:41 pm

    Auras wrote:wow.

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just 
    know they are there but a.........can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. T.........present time.  

    I don't agree with there. I use to think that everyone can learn to work with spirit, But now after time, I disagreed. If spirit want to work with you, They will, No doubt about that. When you say psychics sense spirit people, You are basically saying everyone can sense spirit, I again disagree, Everyone is part psychic, I mean EVERYONE, But that doe snot mean they can sense spirit also
    It's good you're beginning to appreciate the true situation, Josh....

    Number of posts : 2027
    Age : 26
    Location : United Kingdom, Liverpool.
    Registration date : 2012-05-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  Auras Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:43 pm

    mac wrote:
    Auras wrote:wow.

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just 
    know they are there but a.........can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. T.........present time.  

    I don't agree with there. I use to think that everyone can learn to work with spirit, But now after time, I disagreed. If spirit want to work with you, They will, No doubt about that. When you say psychics sense spirit people, You are basically saying everyone can sense spirit, I again disagree, Everyone is part psychic, I mean EVERYONE, But that doe snot mean they can sense spirit also
    It's good you're beginning to appreciate the true situation, Josh....
    Just giving mu opinion on things :hugz:

    Number of posts : 2027
    Age : 26
    Location : United Kingdom, Liverpool.
    Registration date : 2012-05-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  Auras Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:45 pm

    mac wrote:"I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.
    I've actually came out with stuff and they happened in the future. I do believe everyone "can" "predict" what is going to happen in the future, but that does not mean it will happen, After all it's a prediction, Your not 100% sure

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  mac Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:07 pm

    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:"I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.
    I've actually came out with stuff and they happened in the future. I do believe everyone "can" "predict" what is going to happen in the future, but that does not mean it will happen, After all it's a prediction, Your not 100% sure
    Then you gave details that turned out - on that occasion - to be correct.

     Did you foretell the future because you knew what it was going to be? No, of course not but you tapped into a likely scenario...  You're right that anyone can take a stab at predicting what's gonna happen but the vast majority will likely be wrong, the odd one will get it right - on one occasion but perhaps more often.  Prediction implies getting it right reliably or it looks like guesswork.

    Think about this.  If it was meant that humankind would know what was going to happen to them, they would.  They wouldn't have been left to uncertainty, to ignorance, if there was a better alternative.  And that word 'better' I've chosen deliberately....

    Number of posts : 2027
    Age : 26
    Location : United Kingdom, Liverpool.
    Registration date : 2012-05-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  Auras Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:26 pm

    mac wrote:
    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:"I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.
    I've actually came out with stuff and they happened in the future. I do believe everyone "can" "predict" what is going to happen in the future, but that does not mean it will happen, After all it's a prediction, Your not 100% sure
    Then you gave details that turned out - on that occasion - to be correct.

     Did you foretell the future because you knew what it was going to be? No, of course not but you tapped into a likely scenario...  You're right that anyone can take a stab at predicting what's gonna happen but the vast majority will likely be wrong, the odd one will get it right - on one occasion but perhaps more often.  Prediction implies getting it right reliably or it looks like guesswork.

    Think about this.  If it was meant that humankind would know what was going to happen to them, they would.  They wouldn't have been left to uncertainty, to ignorance, if there was a better alternative.  And that word 'better' I've chosen deliberately....
    hmm, you say that you will be likely wrong, but one could easily use manifestation to make that happen in the future, What are your thoughts on this?

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  mac Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:27 pm

    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:
    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:"I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.
    I've actually came out with stuff and they happened in the future. I do believe everyone "can" "predict" what is going to happen in the future, but that does not mean it will happen, After all it's a prediction, Your not 100% sure
    Then you gave details that turned out - on that occasion - to be correct.

     Did you foretell the future because you knew what it was going to be? No, of course not but you tapped into a likely scenario...  You're right that anyone can take a stab at predicting what's gonna happen but the vast majority will likely be wrong, the odd one will get it right - on one occasion but perhaps more often.  Prediction implies getting it right reliably or it looks like guesswork.

    Think about this.  If it was meant that humankind would know what was going to happen to them, they would.  They wouldn't have been left to uncertainty, to ignorance, if there was a better alternative.  And that word 'better' I've chosen deliberately....
    hmm, you say that you will be likely wrong, but one could easily use manifestation to make that happen in the future, What are your thoughts on this?
    I don't follow what you're asking - manifestation? - manifestation of what? - to make what happen?

    Number of posts : 2027
    Age : 26
    Location : United Kingdom, Liverpool.
    Registration date : 2012-05-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  Auras Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:50 pm

    mac wrote:
    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:
    Auras wrote:
    mac wrote:"I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.
    I've actually came out with stuff and they happened in the future. I do believe everyone "can" "predict" what is going to happen in the future, but that does not mean it will happen, After all it's a prediction, Your not 100% sure
    Then you gave details that turned out - on that occasion - to be correct.

     Did you foretell the future because you knew what it was going to be? No, of course not but you tapped into a likely scenario...  You're right that anyone can take a stab at predicting what's gonna happen but the vast majority will likely be wrong, the odd one will get it right - on one occasion but perhaps more often.  Prediction implies getting it right reliably or it looks like guesswork.

    Think about this.  If it was meant that humankind would know what was going to happen to them, they would.  They wouldn't have been left to uncertainty, to ignorance, if there was a better alternative.  And that word 'better' I've chosen deliberately....
    hmm, you say that you will be likely wrong, but one could easily use manifestation to make that happen in the future, What are your thoughts on this?
    I don't follow what you're asking - manifestation? - manifestation of what? - to make what happen?
    To make your prediction happen

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  skye Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:58 pm

    mac wrote:good god!  It's three years since this posting was active!
    Aye mac, I must have missed it way back then. :giggles:

    Number of posts : 1256
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    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  skye Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:01 pm

    ameliorate wrote:Even threads get reincarnated!   :happy: 

     Good point.   :happy:

    Number of posts : 1256
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    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  skye Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:47 pm

    Auras wrote:wow.

    I'm am able to sense spirits. Sometimes I just 
    know they are there but at other times I can see, hear and speak to 
    them. Some spirits say they have never lived in the physical world
    don't always know who they are but they may me offer guidance. I'm a 

    I can, do this. Ah, Never knew you had such gifts. Have not heard the word 'sensitive' in such a long time.
    What you desribed is basically me.

    A psychic can be a medium too, but not all are. Psychics sense spirit people, yet they do not have the ability to communicate on a spiritual level as a spiritual medium could, therefore they are not to be recommended if people want to communicate with a relative or loved one who has passed into the afterlife.

    I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  

    I don't agree with there. I use to think that everyone can learn to work with spirit, But now after time, I disagreed. If spirit want to work with you, They will, No doubt about that. When you say psychics sense spirit people, You are basically saying everyone can sense spirit, I again disagree, Everyone is part psychic, I mean EVERYONE, But that doe snot mean they can sense spirit also

    WOW Aura's your green text is awfully bright and unreadable.  :cool: I've changed it to blue.

    I disagree. Everyone can learn to work with spirit, for they are a spirit being. This doesn't suggest they will achieve their desires in working for spirit as a mental medium. Working for spirit is much more than mediumship. 

    Also, Spirit will not work with you, just because they want to. We have to give them our permission, should this is be the path we wish to walk on, otherwise Spirit are abusing our free will, and this is not allowed. People can and do switch it off. Not everyone is interested in communicating with Spirit. Also some people live in a culture or a society that seriously disapproves of such occult practices. Some people may choose not to take the risk, spirit will understand and step back.

    Neither do I accept everyone is part psychic, they are psychic. Every living person has within them the psychic faculty, some people are unaware of its existence or some may simply choose to ignore it. What name would you give to someone who is using their intuition? 

    Had you read my statement above the one you quoted then you would have known which type of psychic person I was referring too. Nonetheless, I do believe everyone can in a some way sense the presence of a loved one in the world of spirit, but not all are able to make a 2 way link for communication purposes unless they are a medium.

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    who is what? Empty Re: who is what?

    Post  skye Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:52 pm

    mac wrote:"I don't believe anyone let alone a psychic can predict a persons future. They may, if using tarot, adhere to the past and present trends which are seen in the cards. These usually suggest the most possible outcome should the recipient continue to apply themselves in the future as they do when in the present time.  "

    No-one can, with certainty, predict the future because there isn't a single future but rather a number of potential futures depending on many aspects. 

    Tarot appears to have psychic and intuition aspects but the cards don't say anything by themselves - without the practioner's involvement they are totally dumb.
    Yes, I agree with both statements.

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