eyeopen Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:10 pm
Thanks, I will keep that in mind and your rite about people having different ways of communicating with spirit etc.
I didnt know about Lucid dreams that you could change them? I thought it just was like being in a place and then being able to explore it, I normally wake up when I realise its a dream, I think dying is probably the same if your not spiritual.
As for seeing people in dreams, well if I knew the answer to that i wouldnt of made this thread, lol.
I cant imagine havign a lucid dream, although once I had a dream where I think I realised it was a dream, but not sure if I did or if I realised it was before I was spiritual, as far as I know, lol. My mum dropped me off into town then I realised I was dreaming, I teased a police officer, then ran off, then was in the mall which upstairs turned into a wedding there I went up and threw my cousin off the balcony to the ground then my cousin just for the fun of it as I knew it was a dream, lol.
I think I remember dreams where I might of been visited by spirit not sure if its that or actually dreaming of them. as I missed them etc.
As for the other dreams that relieve us I think it works like this. I have had violent dreams, and I dotn think it means I wish to be violent with these people, I sue to have alot fo my sister, but this is more because we didnt get on and she put me threw hell, so i think it had more to do with if some one puts you down, you put them down in a dream so you feel better when you wake up etc. That way we feel better without getting bad karma, lol.
But I also think that If we have things on our mind and stressful situations then we would dream about it.
I have a difficulty hense to know what is what etc. I think I remember some dreams where I have advice but not sure.