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    Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love

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    Number of posts : 2
    Registration date : 2014-04-28

    Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love Empty Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love

    Post  lovingvibrations Thu May 01, 2014 1:20 pm

    Hi everyone    flowerz 

    If you are someone who is looking to connect to a new series of energies, I am offering all of the Celestine Reiki attunements here freely and with love. Here is some of the information which was received when these energies were being brought through to Love Inspiration (the not for profit organisation responsible for these energies):

    “Celestine Reiki is a pure and divine healing energy brought to the earth for the benefit of healing those on the pathway to the new consciousness. It is a deep inner transformative healing energy, that helps to yield (uncover) the inner strength that is the centre of us all. This deeply calm, yet invigorating energy is beneficial to use for all beings, at any time, but especially for when the “going gets tough” as you call it. It instils a courage and determination to help you get to where you need to be and can be used in person (hands on treatment) or can be sent by distance to one - or many. In the event of disasters, protests, meetings, wars etc., this energy can be forwarded to help impart the courage behind each person’s “truth” to flow.” 

    The healing / meditation practices take around 10 - 15 minutes and are a great complement to Usui Reiki energies. There are 5 levels here to be learnt should you wish to receive these.  Again, these are offered here freely and with love.

    If you are interested or if you would like more information about this, just let me know. I am happy to post a link with more information if you wish to read more.  

    Have a love filled and blessed day!   :asmile: 

    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love Empty Re: Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love

    Post  mac Thu May 01, 2014 4:52 pm

    If you haven't done it already,  I suggest you consider running such an offer by Violet for approval...
    Just joined

    Number of posts : 2
    Registration date : 2014-04-28

    Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love Empty Re: Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love

    Post  lovingvibrations Thu May 15, 2014 7:52 am

    Thank you everyone. mac, I hadn't asked but I did after you replied here.  For anyone who wishes to receive any free attunements from me, I have now decided to do my benevolent spiritual work entirely through the Love Inspiration website directly. Namaste and God Bless _()_

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    Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love Empty Re: Free Celestine Reiki attunements being offered with love

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