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    How much should we make fit?


    Number of posts : 1249
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    Job/hobbies : Counsellor - Crystals,Tarot, Reiki and animal healing
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    How much should we make fit? Empty How much should we make fit?

    Post  Crystal Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:05 pm

    Last weekend I was at a meeting and the medium gave out a reading directing it to a lady near me and most of it fit me and then just when I was going to put my hand up and say something as the reading carried on, bang on for me, the lady though was umming and ahhing and saying she couldn't remember and maybe etc. I wondered if I should do anything but she seemed so pleased she was getting a reading!

    Then there was one piece that I couldn't for the life of me take, I felt it was wrong and then I wondered if actually any of it was for me, was I making it all fit? Did the medium research things and because we looked similar he focused on the wrong name/person?

    I know that mac will probably say that details and confirmation etc but when it actually happens that goes out the window a bit?

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  skye Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:48 am

    Crystal wrote:Last weekend I was at a meeting and the medium gave out a reading directing it to a lady near me and most of it fit me and then just when I was going to put my hand up and say something as the reading carried on, bang on for me, the lady though was umming and ahhing and saying she couldn't remember and maybe etc. I wondered if I should do anything but she seemed so pleased she was getting a reading!

    Then there was one piece that I couldn't for the life of me take, I felt it was wrong and then I wondered if actually any of it was for me, was I making it all fit? Did the medium research things and because we looked similar he focused on the wrong name/person?

    I know that mac will probably say that details and confirmation etc but when it actually happens that goes out the window a bit?
    If a recipient claims they cannot accept information expressed by a medium, in my opinion a medium should go back to Spirit and ask for further clarification to verify what has already been given. This helps both the communicating Spirit and the medium know they have the correct recipient.  However, I have accepted information and put it on an imaginary shelf until there is a time when it may come to my attention via the passage of time or by asking family members and friends if they can understand it.

    It can also depend on what you couldn't accept. Mediumship is never guaranteed to be 100% correct - much like psychic readings - as the mind of the medium and psychic can misinterpret information.  If my memory serves me right most mediums can achieve around 75%. 

    I don't see how doing research can help a medium before a demonstration, usually they have no clue who the Spirit communicator will be let alone the recipient. But perhaps the meeting you attended was different in someway.
    Personally I wouldn't make any part of a message fit. It doesn't help the medium improve his/her mediumship. Neither does the recipient nor the communicating Spirit benefit in any way too. Sometimes a medium will pass on information that is not known to you - which I consider to be fantastic evidence of human survival - yet can later be accepted when you have time to ask family members for validation. There is also a possibility you have completely forgotten, or you are focusing on the wrong area to identify the information.  It could also be that you definitely don't know the information and no one should be afraid to say no, I am unable to accept or understand that. 

    Number of posts : 1249
    Location : UK
    Job/hobbies : Counsellor - Crystals,Tarot, Reiki and animal healing
    Registration date : 2009-06-20

    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  Crystal Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:04 pm

    Thanks for the reply Skye, but the medium chose this other woman and gave the message to this other woman who then ummed and ahhed obviously not taking it all. But, the message fit me to a tee. I was going to say something but the woman seemed so pleased to be getting a reading, so I stayed quiet.

    So did the medium research the recent death I suffered  and accidentally think this lady was me - we have the same first name? Not a nice thought.

    Why didn't this lady say no the information wasn't right for her? - Well, because as you say people often do just take the information and park it on a shelf which we are often told to do by mediums, when they should probably just say no?

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  skye Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:10 pm

    Crystal wrote:Thanks for the reply Skye, but the medium chose this other woman and gave the message to this other woman who then ummed and ahhed obviously not taking it all. But, the message fit me to a tee. I was going to say something but the woman seemed so pleased to be getting a reading, so I stayed quiet.

    So did the medium research the recent death I suffered  and accidentally think this lady was me - we have the same first name? Not a nice thought.

    Why didn't this lady say no the information wasn't right for her? - Well, because as you say people often do just take the information and park it on a shelf which we are often told to do by mediums, when they should probably just say no?
    I would hope the next time this happens you will be able to speak out and say to the medium you can also accept the information regardless of whether he/she went to someone else. It would then be up to the medium to sort it out and find the correct recipient.

    A medium can be drawn psychically to a person and give them a message when it isn't for them. It can often be for some one else in the congregation.  If they insist it's for a particular person then there isn't much anyone can do about it other than listen and go with your gut feelings as if the message is being directed to you. 

    The kind of information I place on a shelf is when things of the future are mentioned by a medium. I believe the purpose of mediumship is to prove that we survive physical death and not for predicting the future. When it comes to names that I don't recognise I look at the overall message and make a decision as to whether it could be someone related from long ago whom I am not aware of at that time of the reading.

    Perhaps the lady you speak of could accept some of the info and not the rest and she wasn't confident enough to say no, as she may be didn't want to upset the medium. 

    Sadly a medium will assume they have had a good night when to those who received a message they will disagree. Also there are people that I call 'psychic dustbins' they will accept a message just for the hell of it.

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    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  Violet Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:31 pm

    I had a reading once nothing made sense....until five years later and to the minutist detail it wad icredibly accurate

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
    Native spirit
    Native spirit

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    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  Native spirit Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:11 pm

    anybody that goes to see a platform medium is hoping to get a reading.and most of what is said can be taken by many people in the audience, a lot of people put their hands up to claim to know the spirit who is communicating through the medium.they hear something that resonates with them but in fact the reading is for someone completely different.depending on how the medium works will depend on the right message going to the right person.i have seen mediums doing platform some are known,and to be honest i have left there thinking the medium doesnt really know anything.i have seen a certain medium twice the second time was to prove to myself the first time was bad enough,he had plants in the audience same people same message on both occasions,
     i wont name him on here because i would rather people find out for themselves,
     i walked out of one i went to see i have never heard such rubbish in all my life.the friend who went with me thought the same way,it was in a huge building it was virtually empty i wasnt surprised either,i suppose i am very critical because i know how i work i am directed by spirit to the person the message is for,so even if they cant remember something i wont deviate from what was said and i would never make anything fit either, but saying that some people are so desperate to hear from a loved one they take anything that is said to them,,


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    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  mac Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:21 am

    Violet wrote:I had a reading once nothing made sense....until five years later and to the minutist detail it wad icredibly accurate
    In such situations one might ask what the point is of giving details that would only make sense so many years later, other than, perhaps, as a lesson for a special reason for someone who already knows about survival.  Someone whose reason for seeking a reading would not be to find reassurance that life is continuous and goes on beyond the grave....

    After I had acknowledged that simple revelation I found that the fundamental purpose of mediumship as found in Modern Spiritualism - to demonstrate evidence of survival  - no longer had that particular importance for me personally.  But I totally understand how important it is for those desperate to accept that their loved ones live on. 

    I can understand why someone wants so much to be able to take the message.  In such a situation it's hard to think quickly and clearly especially in such a charged atmosphere at the same time one is trying hard to recall if a particular name and/or details is truly familiar. 

    Perhaps sometimes it's more important that relief from crushing anxiety is found even though it comes from mis-identification of a communicator?

    Number of posts : 1249
    Location : UK
    Job/hobbies : Counsellor - Crystals,Tarot, Reiki and animal healing
    Registration date : 2009-06-20

    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  Crystal Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:23 pm

    Violet wrote:I had a reading once nothing made sense....until five years later and to the minutist detail it wad icredibly accurate

    Perhaps your sub-conscious mind created those exact circumstances.
    Rose Rivers

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    How much should we make fit? Empty making it fit

    Post  Rose Rivers Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:20 pm

    this is a tricky one. This happens, a message is misdirected due to the packed audience. My friend and I have discussed this and we decided we would 'take' the message if we thought it was for us and let the other person have the comfort of being selected. Seemed to be a good compromise.

    I've seen some really bad mediums in churches, and some really stunning mediums in halls.

    Must take this opportunity to tell members about something that happened a few years ago. I have never forgotten it.

    We had a group at the time, an independent group, and had a medium from the mainland (I live on an island) so he didn't know us personally. He said I had lots of questions (true) and that I would find many of my answers on page 132 of a specific book by medium Stephen O'Brien. As it happened my group had tickets for the Stephen O'Brien evening. He was fantastic, giving addresses, house numbers, names, everything, BTW. In the interval I rushed over to buy the book, hurried back to my seat and opened the book. You know how some books have their new chapters starting on a new page? This book was like that. Page 132 was blank. We all went into an extreme fit of giggles which we couldn't explain to anyone. That showed me two things,  first, I find my own answers and second, spirit have the most amazing sense of humour.

    Another BTW, this is something I know well, from Archangel Gabriel down to my 24/7 companion, it is laughter all the way. Gabriel in particular says he loves being crazy around me. We laugh so much. Perhaps another thread ...

    Number of posts : 4147
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    How much should we make fit? Empty Re: How much should we make fit?

    Post  mac Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:16 pm

    I well remember Stephen O' Brien when, many years ago, I found myself defending his professionalism against someone generally putting-down platform and stage mediumship and mentioning him by name.

    I also made the comparison that even on one of his less-good days he may well still have made more, and more solid, connections than a less-accomplished medium!  

    It was my first meeting with a group sitting for development although we were just discussing mediumship generally over a cup of tea.  I rang its leader the following day to say I wouldn't attend in future as I didn't want to affect the harmony of the group but she said it wasn't an issue.

    I returned and continued until the group grew disillusioned with her leadership.

    Last edited by mac on Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : formatting!)

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