Spiritual Inspiration

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    I read about a woman's mother ghost visiting her father in his elderly years

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    Registration date : 2015-05-24

    I read about a woman's mother ghost visiting her father in his elderly years Empty I read about a woman's mother ghost visiting her father in his elderly years

    Post  searchingforanswers90 Sun May 24, 2015 9:52 am

    I read the story here: spiritual.boardhost.com/viewtopic.php?id=17

    Has anyone else experienced this or known their family members to get visitations by others in their final days?

    I've always wanted to experience a visitation by a deceased love one but never had the chance - have you experienced a visitation?

    Number of posts : 314
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-12-11

    I read about a woman's mother ghost visiting her father in his elderly years Empty Re: I read about a woman's mother ghost visiting her father in his elderly years

    Post  Aqua Sun May 24, 2015 4:27 pm

    Yes, when my mother was dying, she had visits from my grandmother.
    My mother told me her mother wanted her to go with her.

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