Spiritual Inspiration

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Light of Hope
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17 posters

    My spirit animal


    Number of posts : 36
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    Registration date : 2017-09-04

    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty My spirit animal

    Post  Seasprite Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:41 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to know what my spirit animal was. I had two magazines to help me, in one magazine there was a questionnaire to determine your spirit animal and in the other magazine a meditation to follow. 

    The questionnaire said my spirit animal was a blackbird I loved that idea. Then I did the meditation. I had to visualise myself in a place I felt at home, so I pictured a beach, I had to put on a protective cloak and call my spirit animal, the visualising was all going well and I fully expected a blackbird to turn up.

    Well along comes this little white puppy/lamb type of creature, it looked like nothing I'd ever seen before and it looked up at me adoringly. I was so surprised and overcome I opened my eyes and that was that. Very unexpected.

    I wonder if anyone knows if the same spirit animal stays with you or do they change? xxx

    And has anyone had a similar experience?

    Last edited by Seasprite on Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding a question)

    Number of posts : 265
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  RainbowLight Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:30 am

    Ciona wrote:My spirit animal doesn't actually exist here in this world.


    But she is with me all the time.
    That's cool! A mythical creature?
    I've got a similar thingie but I feel that's more of a being I call on for protection, the Phoenix.  She turned up years ago when I wanted to work with dragons. No dragons, but a Phoenix showed up.
    Then a little while later I went to do a dragon workshop with a friend and at some point everyone had a dragon next to them. And my friend who gave the workshop said, "Oh, you have a Phoenix!"
    I was not surprised, hihi. An aqua coloured Phoenix.

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    Number of posts : 379
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  linen Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:40 pm

    Spirit Animal Test 1

    Spirit Animal Test 2

    In the first test I was an eagle which was very correct
    In the second test I was a spider which was very correct

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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Violet Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:36 pm

    I got dog for the first one which is strange as I’m definitely not a dog person

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Violet Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:50 pm

    A sly fox :scratch:

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 265
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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  RainbowLight Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:39 pm

    First one, an eagle.
    Might do the other one at some other point.

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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  skye Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:56 am

    1st - Dog
    2nd - Happy Dog

    It appears dogs are with me!

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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  BigJohn Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:07 am


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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Heightend-Awareness Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:54 pm

    Mine is a dynamic duo which tag-team between each other that is dependant on the circumstances and position I'm in my life. Owl and Wolf.

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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Ciona Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:57 pm

    RainbowLight wrote:
    Ciona wrote:My spirit animal doesn't actually exist here in this world.


    But she is with me all the time.
    That's cool! A mythical creature?
    I've got a similar thingie but I feel that's more of a being I call on for protection, the Phoenix.  She turned up years ago when I wanted to work with dragons. No dragons, but a Phoenix showed up.
    Then a little while later I went to do a dragon workshop with a friend and at some point everyone had a dragon next to them. And my friend who gave the workshop said, "Oh, you have a Phoenix!"
    I was not surprised, hihi. An aqua coloured Phoenix.
    Yes, mythical. Etherically she likes to keep hidden otherwise I would share what she is. Her imprint image is all over my life though and always coming into it. On tshirts, whatever. I had to treat her a certain way and mirror her in order to manifest her the first time. She's kind of elusive.

    An aqua colored phoenix sounds really beautiful.  :asmile:

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    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Anala Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:53 am

    #1 = dog

    #2 = Happy Dog - You Got:

    Happy Dog
    You're always cheerful and optimistic around other people, which makes your spirit animal a happy dog! You don't judge people by their looks or intellect either, as you only care about their personality. You're also quick to forgive someone who betrays you, and you're really good at letting go of small worries in life.

    Number of posts : 265
    Location : Multi-dimensional
    Job/hobbies : Female.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    My spirit animal - Page 2 Empty Re: My spirit animal

    Post  Ciona Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:56 pm

    I received a visit from a spirit animal in this world yesterday. Yay!

    It's the panther. It's guiding me right now. I remember it was around a lot when I was young but I forgot that. I haven't seen it in forever. I'm so excited!  :asmile:

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