Soaring Bird Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:28 am
Hi All,
I believe we all have many various guides who come and go as required. Not requested but required. For example one of my guides is\was Thundercloud, he came into my life when I needed a lot of strength in different ways. He tends to be the strong one of my guides. There is one who is not of human form at all but he? seems to be very meek, wise and full of understanding. Maybe he is the compassionate one. There was one other, I believe, at my time of opening as described on the site (My Diary) he was a fisherman, but he was the one that in a friendly but gruff manner invited me to fly. After opening he was gone, and so were the reoccurring dreams.
As for why Native American Indians, if our subconscious chooses our spiritual guides then Wind Of Grace may be correct. She is certainly right about the Native Truths and the Native Ways. But, Do we choose our Guides?
Yeah, why not binmen for guides, I have googled and read Books looking for not so much my guide Thundercloud but myself, Soaring Bird. And although I have from meditations etc gathered various information regards sites, locations etc that I had never even heard of or knew they existed but manged to confirm through Google and Books I have never found myself. Does this mean I did not exist. Not at all but it does mean that I was of no historic importance, similar to a binman of today.
Bearing in mind what Wind of Change said also, maybe there is some kind of link, as in my view The Native American Indian way of life was more natural and peaceful before the wars.So is this why so many people relate to thier guides from then. I mean nobody yet that I know of has told me they have Hitler, Stalin or any other unsavioury character as a Guide. Wow! This is one to think about.
Its going to take a while.
Big Hugs xx