Question: What is the Nature and Source of one’s Individual Aura ?
We all have an Aura or Energy Field around us but what makes the colours individual to just ye ? It is said that maybe an Aura is twofold one being physical that life force. The other being Spiritual in nature. The colours being two fold in part a read on one’s over all physical condition the other being a reflection on one’s spiritual development.
Or is an Aura just be emitted energy that has no real meaning just a natural occurrence that man and his BRAIN has give more meaning to ?
We all have an Aura or Energy Field around us but what makes the colours individual to just ye ? It is said that maybe an Aura is twofold one being physical that life force. The other being Spiritual in nature. The colours being two fold in part a read on one’s over all physical condition the other being a reflection on one’s spiritual development.
Or is an Aura just be emitted energy that has no real meaning just a natural occurrence that man and his BRAIN has give more meaning to ?