Spiritual Inspiration

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Native spirit
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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image


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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  Lynn Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:37 pm


    I thought I might try something different in a reading. Instead of focusing on your name or user name or any energy around you as the focus. I would like to try readings based on me focusing only on your "avatar picture" without taking any energy from whom you are. As the images we choose are individual to some aspect of us it would be interesting to see what that brings forth and how it might well apply to one or to where one is along life's path.


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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  SpiritVoices Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:59 pm

    That sounds different,Lynn....Would love that....please.... :love:

    Joan x
    Native spirit
    Native spirit

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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  Native spirit Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:04 pm

    Would be interesting lynn you can try mine if you have time,


    Number of posts : 1467
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    Post  Lynn Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:24 pm

    Native spirit wrote:Would be interesting lynn you can try mine if you have time,



    Its the blue that comes out the most.....the feeling of something being blocked in one's path. Its a colour of distance so I get the feeling that one is putting or trying to put some distance between ye and a situation one is in. Looking for a new direction and putting forth that request to the Universal Devine.

    The bird is that cry for freedom to be able to soar free at times but not knowing how to get to that place in time. Brown comes out there in that feeling of always trying to blend into the background but wanting more internally.

    Reaching for the sky as the native is feels like ye are reaching for the universe to guide one to be able to experience that flight. There have been many storms in one's life but one holds the power to soar above all of that. Trust in the Universe to give the answers to what one seeks to understand. Trust more in one's intuitions as its strong.


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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  Violet Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:36 pm

    Interesting yes please Lynn if you get time

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 1467
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    Post  Lynn Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:23 am

    Violet wrote:Interesting yes please Lynn if you get time


    While the eye is drawn to the pink the focus is on the green and white center. The feeling of being spiraled in. Green is the life force energy of nature and fertility but white is the center. White is not really a color but is a manifestation of all the colors. So it is the opening to a block. Like an energy portal for all the other colors to flow out form, or in the images case all the focus around one to flow from.

    Pink is Universal LOVe and its something that flows easily from one but at times flows too much from one and one forgets that the self too needs that LOVe around. Blue around the edges pulls me to the need for more quality sleep. The emotions at times are pushed to the limits and the mind seeks to flutter free like the butterfly.

    What is the antenna on the image are two points of light. They seem to float free from the image in the space of the image. Connected but too not connected in the feelings around them. Like one is pulled in two directions but only one seems possible to find. Remember that both points on this image do meet at the one point. So what feels like two can become one grounded foundation.


    Number of posts : 3378
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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  1antique Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:37 am

    Something different....sounds interesting

    Number of posts : 1467
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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  Lynn Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:07 am

    SpiritVoices wrote:That sounds different,Lynn....Would love that....please.... Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  621623

    Joan x


    Good thing for "Microsoft Word" as one's reply went missing in posting it here. Usually I paste it over and I delete the document oddly I kept one's on file. Like someone stepped in for a bit.


    The color that pops out is the purple. It’s a color of passions and royalty. It has the feeling here of magical mystery
    though. Like one is seeking
    understandings of how things work on the spiritual path to ignite magic in one’s

    Red is the color of one’s life force energy or the very life
    blood that moves though one. It’s also a
    passion color and the color of the heart.
    Gives the feeling of searching for understandings on the level of self-acceptance.

    Green is the color of fertility and nature. Here the feeling is that one does connect
    easily with nature but one lacks the time to connect there. Its lacking in one’s life to have that
    growth. Green too is the color of money
    but here there is not a feeling of that ‘greed’ factor around it more the
    feeling of the Universe will provide.
    Keep the door open to receive in unexpected ways.

    The butterflies are freedom.
    Transformation, as they start as a caterpillar to become something that
    is no longer tied to the tree’s it started in.

    There is a yellow and orange butterfly. The orange is a good color for food and food
    acceptance. It’s a good color to have
    around one if one is having some issues around food as it lets one know when
    one is done and can move forwards from the table. Yellow is the color of the Sun. Here again its that feeling that the Sun and
    outside is lacking in one’s day to day life.
    It’s the background color so again has that feeling of being in the
    background but wanting to be in the forgorund.
    Yellow is a good healing color.

    The animal image feels of that of a LOVe that has been lost
    or misunderstood. Its not clear which it
    is. Emotions run around it though
    brought in by the green leaves being on the top and bottom middle and the sides
    middle. Some emotions are hidden in the corners though like something is
    missing or not being clearly seen.


    Number of posts : 1467
    Age : 62
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    Job/hobbies : Retired - Interests Metaphysics
    Registration date : 2010-01-26

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    Post  Lynn Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:22 am

    1antique wrote:Something different....sounds interesting


    OK a challenge here black on black on glow.

    Energy, firm and formal, feels like the door is being opened to prepare one to understand the unknown better. There is a feeling of restlessness like one wants to see into the darkness and find more clarity along life's path.

    The cat's colour had no bearing in the feelings I am picking up. More its the energy of the cat that comes out. There is a feeling of needing to learn when to fight and when to let things go and back off into retreat.

    The feeling again of looking for the unknown that hidden information. Cats see spirits very well as they see in the dark or the shadows on a level we feel we can not. Yet if we open to seeing clearly we can.

    The glow in the eyes is like a spark of life, There is a feeling of two points of direction in one's life path. Take one outside of the light and look for the answers one seeks more in the dreams or daydreams state of being.


    Number of posts : 64
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    Location : Ontario, Canada.
    Job/hobbies : horse lover, philosopher and starving student.
    Registration date : 2013-05-26

    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  pageofwands Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:41 am

    I would love to hear about mine if you get the chance as well Lynn!

    Number of posts : 1467
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    Post  Lynn Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:36 am

    pageofwands wrote:I would love to hear about mine if you get the chance as well Lynn!


    What comes to mind right off is sorrow or a sadness. Not the feeling one would get from the power of the wolf. When one thinks on what a Wolf represents its cunning and visibility when hunted. This applies to the feeling in that one feels maybe invisible but not cunning.

    Feeling of being on guard this feels like a guide animal on that level that brings one spiritual teachings but one has not opened that door maybe to understand what is there. The wolf opens one to magic, intuition (if one trust self), though the process of death and rebirth (not physical death) . Death as in a transformation or clearing away of something.

    Mystery in the eyes like one is searching for something that is there but not understood out of fear of being seen.


    Number of posts : 13312
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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  SpiritVoices Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:55 am

    Lynn wrote:
    SpiritVoices wrote:That sounds different,Lynn....Would love that....please.... Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  621623

    Joan x


    Good thing for "Microsoft Word" as one's reply went missing in posting it here. Usually I paste it over and I delete the document oddly I kept one's on file. Like someone stepped in for a bit.


    The color that pops out is the purple. It’s a color of passions and royalty. It has the feeling here of magical mystery
    though. Like one is seeking
    understandings of how things work on the spiritual path to ignite magic in one’s


    Red is the color of one’s life force energy or the very life
    blood that moves though one. It’s also a
    passion color and the color of the heart.
    Gives the feeling of searching for understandings on the level of self-acceptance.

    Still searching.

    Green is the color of fertility and nature. Here the feeling is that one does connect
    easily with nature but one lacks the time to connect there. Its lacking in one’s life to have that
    growth. Green too is the color of money
    but here there is not a feeling of that ‘greed’ factor around it more the
    feeling of the Universe will provide.
    Keep the door open to receive in unexpected ways.

    I miss the country side and space to explore.

    The butterflies are freedom.
    Transformation, as they start as a caterpillar to become something that
    is no longer tied to the tree’s it started in.

    Miss my freedom to do as I want.

    There is a yellow and orange butterfly. The orange is a good color for food and food
    acceptance. It’s a good color to have
    around one if one is having some issues around food as it lets one know when
    one is done and can move forwards from the table. Yellow is the color of the Sun. Here again its that feeling that the Sun and
    outside is lacking in one’s day to day life.
    It’s the background color so again has that feeling of being in the
    background but wanting to be in the forgorund.
    Yellow is a good healing color.

    I miss the sun over the water and the waves rolling in.

    The animal image feels of that of a LOVe that has been lost
    or misunderstood. Its not clear which it
    is. Emotions run around it though
    brought in by the green leaves being on the top and bottom middle and the sides
    middle. Some emotions are hidden in the corners though like something is
    missing or not being clearly seen.

    Yes,have made some awful mistakes in my life regarding relationships.


    Lynn,that is a fantastic reading. You hit the nail on the head....
    Thank you.....
    Joan :hugz:
    Native spirit
    Native spirit

    Number of posts : 887
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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  Native spirit Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:12 am

    Hi lynn

    T hats me to a tee excellent thanx

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Post  Violet Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:58 pm

    Lynn wrote:
    Violet wrote:Interesting yes please Lynn if you get time


    While the eye is drawn to the pink the focus is on the green and white center. The feeling of being spiraled in. Green is the life force energy of nature and fertility but white is the center. White is not really a color but is a manifestation of all the colors. So it is the opening to a block. Like an energy portal for all the other colors to flow out form, or in the images case all the focus around one to flow from.

    Pink is Universal LOVe and its something that flows easily from one but at times flows too much from one and one forgets that the self too needs that LOVe around. Blue around the edges pulls me to the need for more quality sleep. The emotions at times are pushed to the limits and the mind seeks to flutter free like the butterfly.

    What is the antenna on the image are two points of light. They seem to float free from the image in the space of the image. Connected but too not connected in the feelings around them. Like one is pulled in two directions but only one seems possible to find. Remember that both points on this image do meet at the one point. So what feels like two can become one grounded foundation.


    Wow thanks Lynn that's amazing you got a lot from that and it was accurate, thank you so much :hugz:

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 1467
    Age : 62
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    Registration date : 2010-01-26

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    Post  Lynn Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:41 pm


    What I have come to find is that when we choose an image to use its a reflection of whom we are or of what we are dealing with in life at the time.  Many of us  choose and image and it stays for a long time other's change them often maybe not ever seeing that we have changed and moved from what is in that image as a connection.  We often spend a great deal of time searching for what we want to display, but we never stop to wonder why ? 

    Native spirit
    Native spirit

    Number of posts : 887
    Registration date : 2011-02-04

    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  Native spirit Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:32 pm

    I would agree with you there lynn


    Number of posts : 3378
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    Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image  Empty Re: Reading Offered Based on Your Avitar Image

    Post  1antique Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:36 pm

    Thank you for the unusual reading. There was much more information there than just the lines that were written. I have spent several days attempting to digest it all, but still feel as though there is some key point that I am missing.
    Thank you again.

    Number of posts : 1467
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    Post  Lynn Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:45 pm

    1antique wrote:Lynn
    Thank you for the unusual reading. There was much more information there than just the lines that were written. I have spent several days attempting to digest it all, but still feel as though there is some key point that I am missing.
    Thank you again.


    What I feel is there of one to see is trusting more one's intuition.  Try making it smaller like having a looking glass infront of one, and making what one is looking for smaller and more focused.  Much like a cat's eyes do in the dark.


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    Post  Violet Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:21 pm

    Lynn wrote: We often spend a great deal of time searching for what we want to display, but we never stop to wonder why ?  

    Hi Lynn its a good point that, i've spent ages searching for avatars.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 64
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    Job/hobbies : horse lover, philosopher and starving student.
    Registration date : 2013-05-26

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    Post  pageofwands Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:05 am

    Ive been digesting mine as well and feel a very similar way to Iantique. 

    It's like a word that's on the tip of your tongue but you can't quite put your finger on it. Once the epiphany comes though, you'll be the first to know! Thanks so much for a unique psychic perspective. 


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    Post  eyeopen Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:31 pm

    Be nice to have one if you got time. Thanks Lynn.

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    Post  Lynn Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:58 pm

    eyeopen wrote:Be nice to have one if you got time. Thanks Lynn.

    What comes out first is the feeling of music, the feeling of it being on and one getting lost in it.  Music seems to move you its an important part of one's spiritual path.   The next is gold it symbolizes wealth  and success but in the case of the image its more to increase one's personal power. 

    The face is almost masked being that its painted blue, it gives the feeling of distance of not being sure where one fits in with the World around them.  When combined with the music it seems to open up an energy flow to open up deeper communications. 

    Its the feeling of peace but too the feeling of having a role or duty to follow along with as well. There is a pull there between just being free and playing the music and having the deeper level of work to do for others.  Thus that masked face feeling of needing to find the balance.


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    Post  eyeopen Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:53 pm

    Thanks hun, thats was nice different.

    Your rite about the music part, not sure about the rest my lifes really confusing at the moment.

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    Post  RavenMoon Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:40 pm

    Hello.... would love a reading if you have time.. not sure what you would pick up from mine lol lol :cool:

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    Post  gilly Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:17 pm

    Yes please Lynn, would love a reading when you have the time.
    Many Thanks

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