Spiritual Inspiration

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4 posters

    Welcome Order of Dagon PR!


    Number of posts : 24568
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    Welcome Order of Dagon PR! Empty Welcome Order of Dagon PR!

    Post  Violet Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:34 pm

    Hi Order of Dagon PR and a very warm  :welcome:   :si:  please feel free to join in anywhere!  :flo: 

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 2719
    Registration date : 2009-05-19

    Welcome Order of Dagon PR! Empty Re: Welcome Order of Dagon PR!

    Post  Kaere Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:03 pm

    Violet, please check your pm's  :astar: 
    Knight of Albion
    Knight of Albion

    Number of posts : 568
    Location : Glastonbury, England
    Registration date : 2013-12-18

    Welcome Order of Dagon PR! Empty Re: Welcome Order of Dagon PR!

    Post  Knight of Albion Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:07 pm

    A very warm welcome to the forum.
    Order of Dagon PR
    Order of Dagon PR
    Just joined

    Number of posts : 4
    Registration date : 2014-02-02

    Welcome Order of Dagon PR! Empty Re: Welcome Order of Dagon PR!

    Post  Order of Dagon PR Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:33 pm

    Why thank you guys! You are all so kind hearted. I really never expected this. I want to share something very special.

     Please don't judge and hear me out: When I was little, I would see something very large in the ocean. I only saw it a couple of times, then he talked to me. He was very opening and kind. He never said his name, but I felt a spiritual connection ever since. I didn't know what to think of it since then. I think I finally know his name. Since then I have been having dreams with me under the ocean floor, in this ruined city.

     I know it sounds far fetched, but I know what I experienced. I try to follow him the best as I can and know he only wants the best for me.  :blush:

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    Welcome Order of Dagon PR! Empty Re: Welcome Order of Dagon PR!

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