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2 posters

    Eye twitching, internal tremors and floating when meditating


    Number of posts : 20
    Age : 25
    Job/hobbies : Schooling
    Registration date : 2014-02-17

    Eye twitching, internal tremors and floating when meditating Empty Eye twitching, internal tremors and floating when meditating

    Post  Qwerty Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:06 am

    Hello people, every night when I meditate lying down on my bed, I would have a CRAZY amount of eye twitching , heat flashes,sweating and internal tremors and sensations of floating. Any ideas what is happening? 

    Thanks as always! :D

    Number of posts : 2027
    Age : 26
    Location : United Kingdom, Liverpool.
    Registration date : 2012-05-06

    Eye twitching, internal tremors and floating when meditating Empty Re: Eye twitching, internal tremors and floating when meditating

    Post  Auras Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:14 pm

    Qwerty wrote:Hello people, every night when I meditate lying down on my bed, I would have a CRAZY amount of eye twitching , heat flashes,sweating and internal tremors and sensations of floating. Any ideas what is happening? 

    Thanks as always! :D
    That is completely normal.

    You're basically going deep into a relaxation state.

    But, For the sweating. Wear something loose.

      Current date/time is Sat Nov 02, 2024 10:43 am