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    Longest period of Meditation!


    Number of posts : 12
    Registration date : 2017-08-17

    Longest period of Meditation! Empty Longest period of Meditation!

    Post  cedartree Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:47 pm

    Many of us know about places of intensive meditation and practice.

    On the Zen side places like Antai-ji in Japan & Gyobutsuji Zen Monastery in America come to mind.

    For Theravada, Panditãrãma or Pa Auk Forest Monastery.

    I am curious what are the longest stretches of intense meditation you have heard and also completed yourself!

    It can be a folk story or true.

    I am having a hard time finding the information now but one of the longest periods of meditation I have heard of is the 100 day Sesshin! I guess it all depends on the time-table of each day but if it is a standard Sesshin that would be beyond intense.

    For myself I had a period a few years back while watching a property. I would do some simple chores and then walk over to a close park and sit. I probably was sitting around 7-10 hours a day and I think the period was about a month and a half or two.

    I had a point were I had an incredible absorption/mystical experience. Almost like a powerful psychedelic experience although it was totally clear and there was no background feelings.

    In it I experienced what felt like the massiveness of Samsara and were I was and had developed so far. Also seemed I had taken Bodhisattva vows in the past as I was experienced as a Bodhisattva. The interesting thing is at this time I was practicing very intensely on the Theravada perspective and so hadn't thought about Bodhisattvas in a long time to my knowledge lol

    It was a very powerful experience.
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    Number of posts : 1117
    Age : 68
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    Job/hobbies : oil painting, reading,music, living life
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Longest period of Meditation! Empty Re: Longest period of Meditation!

    Post  psychoslice Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:11 am

    gigpdo wrote:For me 1 hour,and that's my fall asleep time,that is wide awake in the daytime,and I don't know why but I stop meditating when I find it annoying,it gets annoying if it is for relaxation only.

    But I read somewhere a long time ago in some book I cannot remember,that a "guru" in India meditated so long under a tree that the roots grew around his lower limbs!
    Is it true or fable?,and why,what would be the reason,it seems that there are a lot of "fakirs" in India,sounds like "fakers" who do amazing things to the physical body without any harm,more a trick I suppose,they have to have an income too.
    But there was a child in India recently who supposedly had never eaten,drunk water or slept for 15 years,and he was 15 years old,so from birth?
    Don't know his name or what happened to him but it was a big deal or big scam in India.

    But one hour is enough for me,can't see any point in going longer,for what?

    :soap: :cat:
    Yes I agree, for what ?.......mediation is not for achieving anything, its the opposite, its losing everything we know, for what could we achieve, we are already that which we are trying to achieve. :med:
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    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
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    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Longest period of Meditation! Empty Re: Longest period of Meditation!

    Post  mac Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:07 pm

    Someone throw a bucket of water over them, would you?  :giggles:

    Number of posts : 1117
    Age : 68
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    Job/hobbies : oil painting, reading,music, living life
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Longest period of Meditation! Empty Re: Longest period of Meditation!

    Post  psychoslice Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:29 am

    mac wrote:Someone throw a bucket of water over them, would you?  :giggles:
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    Number of posts : 4147
    Age : 77
    Location : Heart of England
    Job/hobbies : retired
    Registration date : 2010-04-23

    Longest period of Meditation! Empty Re: Longest period of Meditation!

    Post  mac Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:44 am

    It's my life however boring you think it, gigpot, but you still can't resist telling me and responding to what I write? :cool: :happy:

    Frying pan calling the kettle black!   :happy: LOL

      Shidad  :SH:  Try practising what your forever preach!

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