Spiritual Inspiration

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them?


    Number of posts : 24568
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:12 am

    I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on how spirit guides actually get 'appointed' do they choose us, do we choose them, is it pure luck, or do higher beings decide or even god? What are your thoughts?

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  L'angel Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:39 am

    IDK, I guess I have always assumed that the Powers that Be assigned them to us long ago????

    Number of posts : 62
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Blackcrow Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:08 pm

    Do they choose us or do we choose them? 348985 That is a difficult question to answer because i feel we have a lot of input nto who our totem animals will be, as well as feeling that sometimes they are choosen for us, i know what mine are they are the crow and the wolf,

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  SpiritVoices Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:29 pm

    I did read a short while ago that our spirit guides are assigned to us from birth.
    So I assume they must given to us by a higher authority.
    Joanie x

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:47 pm

    I wonder if they see us into this life (through birth), as they see us out of it?

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  L'angel Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:54 pm

    IDK, but it would sound sensible if they did...Don't you think?

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Spirit Guides

    Post  Truthseeker57 Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:36 am

    "I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on how spirit guides
    actually get 'appointed' do they choose us, do we choose them, is it
    pure luck, or do higher beings decide or even god? What are your

    Thought provoking post Violet. I do not believe in luck. I do believe that spirit guides are 'appointed' before birth. However, while we travel our appointed journeys as defined by our Heavenly Spirit Guide, we both attract those we need, as those we attract need us.

    It is quite a wonderful way to journey to spiritual enlightenment wouldn't you say? Thanks for the great post.

    grateful always,
    Do they choose us or do we choose them? 21581

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  skye Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:59 pm

    Violet wrote:I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on how spirit guides actually get 'appointed' do they choose us, do we choose them, is it pure luck, or do higher beings decide or even god? What are your thoughts?
    I suppose the answer depends on each person's definition of what a 'spirit guide' is. Some say guardian angels are 'spirit guides' some say passed family members are 'spirit guides' some say a spirit entity helping to teach and develop one's mediumship is a 'spirit guide'. Quite confusing, people can only go of what they believe a 'spirit guide' is to them.
    On a personal note, my experience is such that we attract a 'spirit guide' who best fits with our personality. A 'guardian angel' joins us at conception, remaining by our side so to speak, throughout our live time, until it is time for us to go back home.

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  SpiritVoices Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:07 pm

    A family member?
    I was told recently and given a sketch of a man whose name was Brian.
    Also told that he belonged to part of my family way back.
    He has a distinct look of my father's family.

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Lightseeker Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:31 pm

    I am no expert on this subject, my feelings suggest that our guides are most commonly members of our soul group. spirit who were once closely associated with you during previous incarnations.. It might also be postulated that spirit guides are the part of you that remains in spirit when you are born. Which would tie in nicely with those that refer to guides as their higher self or inner self.
    The apparent fact that spirit guides are there with you almost from cradle to grave suggests that they are an intrinsic part of you..

    Number of posts : 1256
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  skye Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:31 pm

    Lightseeker wrote:I am no expert on this subject, my feelings suggest that our guides are most commonly members of our soul group. spirit who were once closely associated with you during previous incarnations.. It might also be postulated that spirit guides are the part of you that remains in spirit when you are born. Which would tie in nicely with those that refer to guides as their higher self or inner self.
    The apparent fact that spirit guides are there with you almost from cradle to grave suggests that they are an intrinsic part of you..
    I have heard this -bold features - said a far few number of times and I do wonder if there is a possiblilty so, I wouldn't want to dismiss it.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:38 am

    Hi Skye
    some say passed family members are 'spirit guides'
    i've heard this said often too but it doesn't sit right with me, I know family members will assist if they can but as actual guides....... I don't know, I couldn't see it working.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:46 am

    I think i'd agree that they're appointed before we arrive here, by who I don't know, perhaps even by ourselves, years ago I wrote a short piece about a guide meeting their 'charge' in human form from the perspective of the guide Do they choose us or do we choose them? 809779 I'll see if I can fish it out, it's not a serious piece btw, just another of my late night ramblings.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:56 am

    I found it Do they choose us or do we choose them? 809779 but i'll need to edit it first.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 1467
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Lynn Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:54 am

    Violet wrote:I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on how spirit guides actually get 'appointed' do they choose us, do we choose them, is it pure luck, or do higher beings decide or even god? What are your thoughts?


    Good question.
    Well I have two polar oppostite Guides with me. One being a Budha Master very old and very wise. Very quiet in his approach with me. That voice of reason and of making me search for what I need to find. Then I have a Black Witch, she is from the Dark Arts. She is more the one to come forward with messages if one is needed to be heard by me. BOTH however at times will come forward to give messages to other's I am with.
    I so have to feel they were put with me appointed I feel. BEING that they are so opposite and that very much be the path I walked along in life and still really to some extend do. I no longer play in the Dark Arts but I do fix at times what one's get themselves into. I so need that balance with me it serves me well.
    I am not sure on a higer power in that being of one, that would be God, but I do feel there might well be a collective that deices on it. To say its random to me makes little sense as I so feel that our Soul has a mission or path it be on and our Guides are a part of that one.

    When it comes to animal guides I can see the connection I had to mine from childhood but until a few year's ago I had no clue why or that they were in fact Guides to me. Maybe to me more the term I would use is "familiar" . They have ablilities they assist me with, and those traits do fit to me well. Like the thread here on Animal Familiars or Guides has shown one animals we have a connection to do have a meaning or signifigance to us on some level.

    Too we can share in common Guides or Garudian Angels at times. One's that are just there for a time when we need them to come to assist us . Is that random I dont feel so as I feel in life we are never given more than we can handle but too we are give what one needs.
    The View of Guides from a Metaphyscial point of view is .......

    Spiritual Guides

    A Spirit is a being that has crossed over to the Light Plane of existence. This can be a person or animal.
    When one thinks on Spirit one goes to ‘MAN’ but the is not the Metaphysical view, it goes far beyond the Earth Plane, to the very Universe and different Dimensions or Planes of Existence.

    One is blessed in that one does not have to walk our life paths in the body form alone. One does not have to face the physical and emotional lessons without a form of guidance. One comes forth with Spirit Guides too along our path we have Helper Spirits .

    From the view of Metaphysics one has e several types of Guides that come with an individual person.

    A) Relative Guide - This is said to be a person one has known in this lifetime. They are one that helps ye thought the day to day process of life.

    B) The Spirit Guide - This usually be someone ye have shared in a past life with. This be one ye have a Spiritual connection with on common levels of understandings. Guides one on the path of higher understandings . This be the one that gives forth the lessons along the path. Helps one see Karma issues and work past them.

    C) The Angels - It is said we all have Guardian Angels wasting over us and giving us protections when one needs them. They are what steps in at times of harm that might befall us and moves us seeming out of the way. Role to protect and serve. They are a class of being not a human incarnated.

    D) Master Teacher- This is one that the “teachers” in life have with them. It is almost a given that Catholic Popes, or Ministers have one or even Spiritual Healers Too one’s that teach in this life have one, these are people that have lessons or learning’s they pass on to others or healers that pass on an ability. They help on with leadership . They show us what we need to be aware of so we move forward on our evolutional development of the Soul.

    E) Animal Spirit Guide - These Guides are said to come in two forms . One is in the physical messengers. This being animals we have cross our paths that we seem to have a connection too or strong understanding of why they be there. The other is in the Spirit form. These are the one’s that teach us but us about our character and traits in personality. It is said these be the one’s that give us our “Abilities”. They too are protectors of us along our Spiritual Path. We too can learn and embrace the heightened senses they have if we know and embrace them as being there. TOO we do NOT all have the “Power” animals such as the “WOLF” but all have a power to them and a gift to us.


    Last edited by Lynn on Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spacing from paste)

    Number of posts : 13312
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  SpiritVoices Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:25 pm

    Violet wrote:Hi Skye
    some say passed family members are 'spirit guides'
    i've heard this said often too but it doesn't sit right with me, I know family members will assist if they can but as actual guides....... I don't know, I couldn't see it working.

    The only time I was given a guide was when someone sketched the face of a man.
    I noticed a strong resemblance to my father.
    Then sometime later a friend told me that this man was a guide from far back in my family,long before I was born.
    I was fascinated.

    Joanie x

    Number of posts : 2719
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Kaere Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:37 pm

    I think family members can be guides - as long as they aren't connected through physical life. For example, I believe that my dad is a guide for my youngest son - my dad has been passed for almost thirty years now so they've never known each other in the physical this time around. Does this make sense?

    As for the original question, I believe our guides and us pick each other. I believe in reincarnation so I think we have lots of chances to both be incarnated and act as spirit guides - both sides are continually learning imo. Of course, on this side I don't believe anyone can be sure of anything - but this is what I feel.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:22 pm

    Too we can share in common Guides or Garudian Angels at times. One's that are just there for a time when we need them to come to assist us
    I can definately agree with those that pop in, I had an interesting exchange with a guide who called into help with something once Do they choose us or do we choose them? 821538btw Lynn thanks for the info in your post.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Gentrash Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:58 am

    I'll give the meger info that I am aware of.
    If I ask "why they are with me", the responce is "Just is" but putting it into word is somewhat crude.
    Now some of the info I'm aware of is there is a pull that lets them know who they are most compatible with, and like them this pull isn't exactly temporally linear, so who we are now may have (and probably did) effected why they joined us before.
    This compatibilty is required on there part due to they need to carry a part of your "signature" for communication aswell as a sort of g.p.s. short cut. So a confliction due to incompatible signatures would not be a good idea in the least. (and yes we carry apart of them aswell)

    The general tone of the responce to the question is them asking me "Why not?"

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Do they choose us or do we choose them? Empty Re: Do they choose us or do we choose them?

    Post  Violet Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:54 am

    Hi Gentrash
    Now some of the info I'm aware of is there is a pull that lets them know who they are most compatible with
    I can see this making sense.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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