RainbowLight Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:42 pm
None. I have been very busy with The Morrighu at some point, when I was going through my dark phase of discovery. But still not worshipped her. I'm rather allergic to worshipping anything or anyone. I don't feel it's healthy, but that's different for everyone I guess.
When I was reading and learning about her I came upon a forum on The Morrighu and as good as everyone was like a slave to her? Totally devoted, fearing her, worshipping her and so on. They went to such an extent they gave their power away 100% and many were or had been seriously depressed and in trouble with abuse, rape and so on.
The way they talked and behaved, the depth of it, kind of blew me away and scared me. That's what snapped me out of it too.
For me it was a phase, not someone/thing to embrace and give my power away to. Plus, to me The Morrighu/Morgain/Morrigan is not just bad like they thought. She's a Triple Goddess and has many beautiful and healing aspects.
I do like Artemis as an archetype. Very natural, not following fashion fads and crap, in touch with herself and nature. Very feminine, but sticking to her own style and what she wants & likes. So true to herself.
Yup, I like Artemis!