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    The sacral chakra: Emotions


    Number of posts : 1385
    Location : Michigan
    Job/hobbies : Dispatcher
    Registration date : 2012-11-02

    The sacral chakra: Emotions Empty The sacral chakra: Emotions

    Post  millergrls Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:46 pm

    Emotions are like the currents of a river. Constantly shifting and changing in response to what lies beneath. It is natural and normal to feel. We all feel different emotions at different times in our lives. When blanced, we are able to feel and express a full range of emotions and harness that energy in productive ways.

    It's time to take steps to achieve emotional balance by truthfully acknowledging how you feel and allowing yourself the time and space to experience and express your emotions. You may need to write what your're feeling in your journal, scream out loud, punch a pillow, go for a run or talk to a friend. If you have held back your emotions for a long time you may need to watch a movie to allow yourself to cry, get angry, laugh out loud and to basically just feel again.

    Take responsibility for your emotions. Do not blame someone else for making you feel a certain way. The feeling you have is your own, and it is based on whatever your point of fous is in this moment. Acknowldege ths, feel it and work through it. Look at what is behind the emotion. Has your diet affected your mood lately? Are you hormones in balance? Are you stressed out? Are you angry with someone or unhappy with something inside of yourself? Notice your emotional undercurrents and give them a pathway to be shared and released.

    Honest emotional expression can make us feel vulnerable at times, but within this vulnerability is great strength. Moving beyond the mind, we enter the powerful wellspring of the heart, where miraculous transformation, growth and learning are waiting to occur. Feel and express your emotions today.

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 06, 2024 4:23 am