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    Emotions? Empty Emotions?

    Post  Violet Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:03 pm

    What develops our emotions and why are some people's emotions stronger than others'?

    Why do some people seem to have very little emotion?

    How emotional are you?

    How easy is it to hide our emotions?

    Were you allowed to really express emotion when you were a little one, or do you feel it was repressed due to the era or even where you lived or is it down to your parent's own emotions, do we reflect our parent's emotions, is that how our emotions develop?

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 189
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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  peaceandkarma Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:27 am

    My emotions are governed by my metal state. If I'm feeling low I can be very emotional, but I'm a very emotional person anyway. I'm also not very good at hiding my emotions. I personally think emotions are all in the mind. Older generations are a lot taughter than the younger generation becuase they lifes were taughter and they just got on and done things. The people of Nepal make good soliders because they are mentally taught because of there enviroment they live in.

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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Lynn Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:45 am

    Violet wrote:What develops our emotions and why are some people's emotions stronger than others'?

    How we come in and what comes with us form past lives and experiences. Our DNA passed on from family even if its not from the curent generation.

    Why do some people seem to have very little emotion?

    FOR me for the longest time it was SELF PROTECTION and really self preservation with all I say as as a child . Feeling the emotions of other's and not knowing what was mine or not. I was so thankful in so many ways for Star Trek (the original ) and Mr Spock, as I so modeled me after him. Keeping the emotions IN ME but a part of me.

    How emotional are you?

    Learing to grow into emotions more and more. Having had a Full Kundalini Awakening last August I am learning that emotions are OK to have and that I be safe opening to them and still able to do the work I do. To feel other's pain full on like I always have and to feel that pain I have at times full on. To know that I am protected and that I can be more open.

    How easy is it to hide our emotions?

    FOR me simple as a smile on the face. For one's around me dont even try if I "need" to know something I know. NOW that is not saying I intrude but if its for their greater good and I KNOW that talking it out will help I will push a bit without saying I KNOW what is up. Telling me is always not a choice I make for someone. I can put up a wall so deep that even one that can read me like a BOOK can not get in. I do not do this.....as one day he so felt me "dead" and all that day worried so on me til he finally was able to call me. WHY I shut down so was I had a "case" that was so dark I wanted NO ONE to be around it or pick up on it. I never thought the connection to another person to me could be so strong. That I would FEEL dead.

    Were you allowed to really express emotion when you were a little one, or do you feel it was repressed due to the era or even where you lived or is it down to your parent's own emotions, do we reflect our parent's emotions, is that how our emotions develop?

    I repressed mine at age 6 when I was TOLD never to talk on hearing the dead or seeing the dead. From there I went inside me....and while I know that was the RIGHT path for me to become me man honestly childhood SUCKED big time.


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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  SpiritVoices Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:16 am

    I am usually pretty placid unless someone really hurts me,then I blow up,I'm afraid.
    But I am always willing to apoligise and mend fences.
    Otherwise I am a pretty happy bunny.
    Emotions? 809779

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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  shayn Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:28 am

    Violet wrote:What develops our emotions and why are some people's emotions stronger than others'?

    Why do some people seem to have very little emotion?

    How emotional are you?

    How easy is it to hide our emotions?

    Were you allowed to really express emotion when you were a little one, or do you feel it was repressed due to the era or even where you lived or is it down to your parent's own emotions, do we reflect our parent's emotions, is that how our emotions develop?

    hi V. to some of your questions there are only theories and not real answers. but as far as i understand: emotions are governed by bio-chemical elements in your brain and body, as well as your physical surrounding especially in childhood.
    and sure you can allways come up with the theory that it is what God gave you at birth or what your spirit/soul chooses while entering the body.

    hide emotions, some people are better then others but if you a good reader of people you'll know that even a person that is good with hiding his or her emotions can't really hide them. so it is really up to you if you read people well or not and not on the hiding-emotions person.


    Number of posts : 13312
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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  SpiritVoices Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:03 pm

    Emotions are definately inherited,my ex husband had the most vile temper and he inherited those from his mother's side of the family.
    Now my son was the same and we sent him for counselling when he was old enough.
    he is now one of the placid persons you ever could meet.
    So whether emotions are inherited,especially if they are bad,they can be helped.

    Number of posts : 541
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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Carolyn Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:19 pm

    Emotions were something that for almost 20 years I had to hide. I'm a very emotional person, whether or not I show my emotions. Anyone who is an empath can't help but feel emotions. Its just how we are wired to be. I don't hide my emotions anymore. I was never any good at doing it, and thankfully I don't have to ever again. Adam can be miles away at work and if I am feeling icky (whether its physically sick or emotional, or I'm battling something within myself, or I'm under attack), he picks up on it, and usually within the first 60 seconds he is calling or texting to ask me whats wrong and/or if I'm ok. And I really appreciate how he is always calm, no matter the situation. He's like me - be worried but also have a sense of "knowing" that everything will be ok in the end - it will turn out alright.

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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  SpiritVoices Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:14 pm

    My husband and I were like that.
    We could pick feelings about each other even from a distance.
    Lovely gift to have with the one you love.
    Emotions? 15910

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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Lynn Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:30 pm


    What I LOVe the most is how the kids LOOK at Mom and try to lie to me LOL to break into a smile. No matter how hard they they TRY it does not work. Yet with me I can pass the Lie Detector Test. NOT out of wanting to lie about something it was in a very controlled testing.

    I so KNOW that some traits are passed along. Too what is passed on in the angerier emotions can be worked on to bring on a change and control that place but ITS never gone. That is IF and ONLY if the person is willing to do the work. Me Mate used to have a bit of a temper and his Brother is OMG nasty with it. Mine got help and learned the "triggers" and how to walk away and take the time to breathe it off.

    Its the same with EGO I feel that at times WE come in with that part of us and if we SEE it for waht it is we can control it but its always there. We I feel can MOLD whom we are but never shed whom we came in as.


    Number of posts : 13312
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    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  SpiritVoices Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:51 pm

    You are so right,Lynn.
    My son was under counselling for about 6 months.
    He walks away now if he becomes annoyed with someone.
    It is a not a malicious temper just hot tempered.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Violet Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:02 pm

    but if you a good reader of people you'll know that even a person that is good with hiding his or her emotions can't really hide them.

    I think they're often easier to pick up on when someone is trying to hide them.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:20 pm

    Emotions... Oh, how contrary they are to me! I hope one day to understand them.

    As Violet says in her initial post, and czardoust also, I've been unfortunate enough to spend many years keeping a lid on them and not giving them the freedom of expression that they've needed, until they build to an insurmountable degree and then rip through me like a freight train, overcoming me in paroxysms of outpouring.

    But now at least I no longer deny them. I may not be able to express them as fully as I should like... One cannot just shrug off years of repression, but when they come... They come... And I let them be as free as I can.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Violet Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:47 pm

    Stifling emotions can lead to a prerssure cooker effect, it'll blow sooner or later.
    One cannot just shrug off years of repression
    You're right, this is extremely difficult, it taskes time and most importantly trust, I think a lot of repressed emotions comes from mistrust and it takes a lot to trust someone enough to let them out.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 24568
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    Emotions? Empty Re: Emotions?

    Post  Violet Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:41 pm

    Are you good at showing emotion? Do you cry easily or not, is it good to be open with your emotions?

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
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