I had an abortion, and now my ex and I regret it more than anything, we have grieved and regretted it the past few months (socially they make it seem like it is not a big deal and everyone said I should have for fin reasons and because I am so young, 19. But I know now that the sole had entered at just 7 weeks, and that we made the biggest mistake because no one tells you how the abortion will haunt you forever. I have dreams of a young man coming up to me when I am older telling me I deserve nothing after what I did to him. We are haunted by a spirit it seems like a lot, but recently I have been talking to my baby a lot and for three months we have regretted it so I have been asking and crying for forgiveness. My ex bf said sometimes he will see a flickering light around him at night if he goes for a walk, and saw an outline/dream as well of a little boy and felt a negative presence (yesterday it was messing with his bike chain out of nowhere or will feel a dissapointed presence sometimes.) He is really freaked out but it happened the same night that I was laying in bed and felt a warm, gentle little presence laying against my chest. I freaked out but just asked, who it was and talked to it in my mind, I knew it was my baby I lost, I felt like it was communicating it was our baby, and that it was saying it understands, and forgives us, but was confused why we are not together anymore, while pleading at me for us to just pay our respects, it knew we regretted the abortion, it seemed like. We are now going to plant a tree or something native that will grow fine where we live, to pay respects and grieve more.
But is this possible? We keep feeling my dead unborn baby's presence and while mine is postive, my ex bf's is negative. What do you think? :/
But is this possible? We keep feeling my dead unborn baby's presence and while mine is postive, my ex bf's is negative. What do you think? :/