Spiritual Inspiration

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    expanding awareness.


    Number of posts : 64
    Age : 32
    Location : Ontario, Canada.
    Job/hobbies : horse lover, philosopher and starving student.
    Registration date : 2013-05-26

    expanding awareness.  Empty expanding awareness.

    Post  pageofwands Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:04 pm

    I have been practicing with clairvoyance and "opening my third eye" and I can't help but notice the nature of the messages I'm sent. They are usually very ominous and foreboding in a negative way. For example people becoming ill, unplanned pregnancies, dogs being attacked, and very recently (last night) violent and sexual crimes :eek: 

    All of these up until the last one have had some kind of relevance to real world situations, I'm just so surprised at how dark all of my "visions" are. Is it possible I am not grounding or cleansing correctly and I am letting these dark things into my life? The odd part of it all is none of these things happen to me, only other people. 

    Honestly it makes me nervous to fully "let go" and trust enough for my abilities to develop and it's frustrating as heck! 


    Number of posts : 734
    Age : 65
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    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  CW Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:24 pm

    Hello pageofwands,

    Please allow me to explain form my personal understanding. This may sound a little strange to you but here goes;
    Right - Wrong, Good - Bad, Negative - Positive, Dark - Light are all attachments that we humans affix to situations. These fixations  helps us  to evaluate our own feelings and how to respond to whats happening. The Spirit world knows none of these labels. Everything just "IS." Every thing is 'BEING" if you want a more what we call positive message you must see it and respect it as something that "is" then try hard not put a label upon it and don't deliver it if you consider it bad, negative, dark etc.

    We are not in control of what is revealed, however, we can control what we deliver, perceive, label, judge and categorize the messages we receive.
    We are only human, many time's we judge a situation or happening automatically as a reflex action.

    Don't give up looks like you are doing a good job.

    Sending love and light to all...

    Number of posts : 64
    Age : 32
    Location : Ontario, Canada.
    Job/hobbies : horse lover, philosopher and starving student.
    Registration date : 2013-05-26

    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  pageofwands Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:12 am

    That makes a lot of sense actually. I mean conceptually it REALLY does (I'm a phil major so that parts easy) but putting it in perspective I'm sure will take practice. 

    I'm curious if you know as well, or anyone else, if it is just as possible to get messages from the past as it is to get them from the future? I'm wondering if any of the things I am getting I am getting from situations in past lives, maybe karmatic events? I feel like a small fish in a big ocean here, can't wait to have a better understanding! 

    Thanks for your encouraging words, I will keep plugging away. 


    Number of posts : 734
    Age : 65
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    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  CW Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:45 pm

    Yes, absolutely! In spirit realm, "which is constant and everywhere" time isn't measured in the way we know it to be. The best way I can describe it is; "the past, present and future are all one and the same. There is not separation everything "IS", "BEING", "NOW".

    This is based on my own personal experience and is as best I can explain it.

    Love to all...

    Number of posts : 261
    Registration date : 2012-10-30

    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  Arbel Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:24 pm

    I would say that for some reason you are being shown the truth of what is truly taking place on this earth it has been happening for quite some time and it is getting worse every day.  Change is happening on this world and maybe the reason you are having these kind of visions is the fact you could be being prepared to play a part in the change as an awakening of the spiritual mind is also on the cards; CW is also correct as we only have the Now




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    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  SpiritVoices Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:03 pm

    CW wrote:Yes, absolutely! In spirit realm, "which is constant and everywhere" time isn't measured in the way we know it to be. The best way I can describe it is; "the past, present and future are all one and the same. There is not separation everything "IS", "BEING", "NOW".

    This is based on my own personal experience and is as best I can explain it.

    Love to all...

    So correct,CW.    They don't have day,night,twilight or dawn.

    Joan x

    Number of posts : 734
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    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  CW Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:16 pm

    CW is also correct as we only have the Now

    This is not to disagree with you Arbel, but we only have the "NOW" in our physical state of being. Moreover we are far more than physical beings we are what I call the "COMBO!"

    We are both spiritual and physical and that's what makes us so darn special.

    Love to all...

    Number of posts : 261
    Registration date : 2012-10-30

    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  Arbel Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:59 pm

    Nothing to disagree about CW




    Number of posts : 64
    Age : 32
    Location : Ontario, Canada.
    Job/hobbies : horse lover, philosopher and starving student.
    Registration date : 2013-05-26

    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  pageofwands Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:09 pm

    Thanks everyone this is definitely helping me out!

    Number of posts : 734
    Age : 65
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    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    expanding awareness.  Empty Re: expanding awareness.

    Post  CW Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:02 pm

    This is really a good thread pageofwands (POW) because there is no right or wrong way for one to expand awareness or spiritual comprehension. The best thing for me to do is to expand my view point. Today I seek to embrace the experience rather than analyze, or judge it. ? The spirit realm is so unbelievably incredible it is easy to doubt it before we appreciate it.

    This lesson has taken me over a half a century to achieve. As a young person I would have spiritual encounters and automatically begin to rationalize them. Telling myself things like "its just the wind, there must be a draft in here, the sweet smell of perfume must be still on my cloths, although I can't find the music in my house it must be coming from my neighbors house or a passing car. The list went on for years until.................one day.

    "There was no more room for doubt!"

    Love to all....

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