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4 posters

    Salt water and negative energy.


    Number of posts : 256
    Age : 54
    Job/hobbies : Artist, writer.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  Amberfields Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:40 am

    A medium told me that if you get a glass cup and put in 1/3rd part himalyan salt and 2/3 part water, it will absorb negative energy in the area. So I did that. I didn't make it to fill the entire glass, just half way up the glass with the proportions recommended. She said if the water gets cloudy that means you have negative energy around the area, residual. She said if the salt rises that it is really bad with an entity around with bad intentions. The salt in my cup rose to the sides and climbed up the side of the glass. My question is: does salt do that naturally on it own? The salt went up pretty far up the glass.  Has any one heard of this method or tried it themselves?

    Number of posts : 379
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  linen Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:12 pm

    No I haven't heard of this, but I remember when himalyan pink salt lamps were popular for absorbing negative energies.  And why himalyan salt?  Why not an organic sea salt?

    I would imagine your method mentioned would show "results."  I'd be interested to hear what others can contribute.

    Number of posts : 256
    Age : 54
    Job/hobbies : Artist, writer.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  Amberfields Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:57 pm

    hey linen!

    She told me that any salt that is larger can be used and to not use salt such table salt. so organic sea salt can be used.

    Number of posts : 24568
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    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  Violet Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:46 pm

    I heard putting normal everyday salt in the corners of the rooms you live in (on a saucer butt not if you’ve got pets) has the same effect

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

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    Number of posts : 256
    Age : 54
    Job/hobbies : Artist, writer.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  Amberfields Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:25 pm

    I have heard that too Violet. We have a curious cat who would play with it and bat it everywhere, so this is why I am trying the salt water to sit up where he can't reach it.

    Number of posts : 379
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  linen Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:51 pm

    Table sallt is not pure.  It's full of chemicals.  I'd suggest organic sea salt or the himalayan salt.  Still, I think the himalayan salt is just a fad. 

    Naturallly, salt absorbs moisture, so it stands to reason it might also absorb other properties.

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  skye Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:36 pm

    It sounds to me like the medium you mention is passing their fear on to you because you do not understand the experience for what it is.  Perhaps this medium has a misguided belief that there is a difference in energy, one that is to be feared. Maybe the medium has been taught by another medium who has a fear within themselves.

    Energy is simply one energy, being neither positive nor negative. Consider that The Law of Attraction is always in operation and like will automatically attract like and this is 100% guaranteed.

    My experience is it is one's sensitivity to the energy that is around us that dictates our reaction.  I've noticed that it's a projection of our thoughts or feelings which affect how we respond to the environment or atmosphere.

    On a personal level, I believe it is preferable to look at ourselves and take personal responsibility and perhaps sit in silence and go within so we can reveal whatever it is that is causing us to feel fearful or anxious about any situation that we find ourselves in.

    Number of posts : 256
    Age : 54
    Job/hobbies : Artist, writer.
    Registration date : 2020-10-15

    Salt water and negative energy.  Empty Re: Salt water and negative energy.

    Post  Amberfields Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:19 am

    skye wrote:It sounds to me like the medium you mention is passing their fear on to you because you do not understand the experience for what it is.  Perhaps this medium has a misguided belief that there is a difference in energy, one that is to be feared. Maybe the medium has been taught by another medium who has a fear within themselves.

    Energy is simply one energy, being neither positive nor negative. Consider that The Law of Attraction is always in operation and like will automatically attract like and this is 100% guaranteed.

    My experience is it is one's sensitivity to the energy that is around us that dictates our reaction.  I've noticed that it's a projection of our thoughts or feelings which affect how we respond to the environment or atmosphere.

    On a personal level, I believe it is preferable to look at ourselves and take personal responsibility and perhaps sit in silence and go within so we can reveal whatever it is that is causing us to feel fearful or anxious about any situation that we find ourselves in.
    Thank you so much. This answer is very wise.

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