kardecian Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:38 pm
Trivial Spirits are what they're called. They'll answer to anything and everything, even if they don't really know the answer. That's where Fortune Telling come in.... spirits are not truly permitted to know the future; or, if they do know the future, they are not permitted to dispel the future; but Trivial Spirit will give you a 'Future Reading' and it's generally b.s.; or, if it comes true, it's simply a coincidence. Trivial Spirits are attracted to Trivial Mediums.
Higher Spirits will not give an answer if they don't know the answer. Or, if they know the answer, but are not permitted to give it, they will say "We are not allowed to answer at this time." Or, if they think they know the answer, but are not 100% sure, they will say "I don't know for sure, but my opinion is....."
SpiritVoices wrote: kardecian wrote:I sense that Camp New Era in Canby, Oregon has a few ghosts lingering about. You can feel it. But then, that camp is from the 1800s.
Joan, you ask about Medium bringing forth spirits that aren't quite what they should be.... I've been taught that 'like attracts like.' A good spirit will be attracted by a good Medium. Lower spirits are attracted by lower Mediums. A Mediums spiritual advancement will determine the type of spirit that he/she communicates with. Does that make sense?
Yes,it does,Mike. I have experienced good mediums and bad mediums in spiritualist churches. Often wondered if....what can I call this?......'bad' spirits? Not necessarily evil spirits but those who would cause mischief in relaying their messages to the medium.