Spiritual Inspiration

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    seeing spirit guides


    Number of posts : 32
    Registration date : 2010-04-22

    seeing spirit guides Empty seeing spirit guides

    Post  sprite Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:24 am

    Hmm... So I had an interesting conversation with my wife night before
    last and I'm finally getting around to asking about it. Before we were
    married my wife claimed to see spirits all the time, and was afraid of
    quite a few of them. She also had two SG's, both wolves from what I've
    been told, named "Freeze" and "Saiga" (pronounced: sI-Gah).

    other evening I asked her if she'd seem them since we'd been married
    and she said no, and told me that she'd closed her 3rd eye when we got
    married because she didn't want to be bothered by the scary ones any
    more. She expressed that she did miss Freeze and Saiga, and I told her
    that I felt she could probably start opening herself up to them again,
    and that I was here to help if she had any troubles.

    Now it gets
    to the real point. 24 hours later my wife was seeing Saiga and Freeze,
    but she also sees an animal following me everywhere now. She has
    descibed him as a adult siberian tiger, and said he (male) acts very
    affectionate towards me. She says that he doesn't seem to want to talk
    to her much, and said that he'd probably talk to me more than her, but
    she did get his name out of him, "Titan."

    Anyways, what makes me
    curious is my wife was horribly abused and neglected in her childhood,
    (like never coming out of her room for up to a month) and I'm wondering
    if this sounds like normal spiritual activity, meaning she might be
    gifted, or if I need to seek counselling for her. If she is healthy and
    gifted, then I'm overjoyed for her. If she is ill, then I'm worried and
    would like to find care for her.

    Would anyone with experience in this area like to venture some opinions or ask questions?

    Number of posts : 24568
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2009-02-15

    seeing spirit guides Empty Re: seeing spirit guides

    Post  Violet Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:40 am

    I'm so sorry your wife experienced such things in her childhood seeing spirit guides 21581

    Personally I don't feel there is anything wrong with her, I feel she may be gifted, many people see spirit animals, the tiger sounds like he could be your power animal.
    Many people close out their gifts when they are afraid I think maybe that's why she did it, but often the gifts will resurface at a later date when the person concerned feels more comfortable.

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

    Number of posts : 1256
    Registration date : 2009-09-06

    seeing spirit guides Empty Re: seeing spirit guides

    Post  skye Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:45 pm

    Hi sprite,

    As a Spiritualist, I do not see animals as being spirit guides, although I do realise and understand the attributes of any animal can help teach us how to overcome difficult and painful periods of our lives.

    I'm not sure if your wife began to be aware of the 2 wolves and spirit as a child, but my reply is assuming she has. If this isn't the case, then I apologise and hope the information will still be understood.

    The abuse and isolation experienced by your wife could have been reason enough for the wolves to be drawn to her. For example, her childhood home environment would have been cold and harsh. A wolf's stamina and determination would help her to cope with these extreme conditions. In doing this, it would also allow for her intuition to be heightened whereby a connection to the spirit world was made accessible.

    A wolf wants us to learn to trust our intuition above everything. It knows it's necessary for our survival. I would say it's more than likely her reaction to the 'scary ones' was due to ignorance rather than anything else. I suspect that from a child's perspective this is easily understandable and the experience will probably remain with her until the association with them is changed.

    Likewise the tiger's appearance symbolises the inner strength and energy that is within you to help focus and deal with these circumstances effectively. Timing is important to the tiger, your willingness to serve will help maintain a balance should issues become somewhat too emotional for your wife.

    Although your wife experienced suffering in her childhood, the said circumstances gave her the opportunity to reach out, find herself, and develop her spiritual nature at a young age. Far from being ill - a doctors advice should always be sought in any case - perhaps a visit to a Spiritual Church and discussing it with a medium may help her move forward as well as gaining more spiritual understanding.

    Number of posts : 276
    Age : 65
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2010-02-06

    seeing spirit guides Empty Re: seeing spirit guides

    Post  L'angel Sat May 01, 2010 8:55 pm

    I think that she is very gifted! I am sure that she opened and used her gifts from the isolation...she noticed more than the typical, busy child. I know of others that have their totem animals with them often or their spirit animals (whatever they are to them) The only time that I personally would be concerned is if she becomes obsessed with them! Love and Light to her, and Peace for what she has gone through in her life!
    Blessings to you both and I find it very touching that you were concerned enough to seek advice!

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